Took out a loan to transition to full-time trading. 24 years old.

Get over yourself and the pity. You didn't take much advice here from many people who offered it along the way but you will now!

Man up take the consequences go bankrupt and move on. You had no self control, didn't want a few hundred a day and hoped daddy would help. Yea well I hope he doesn't and perhaps if he wanted to be responsible for someone blowing $25k without regard he may have wanted the fun of blowing it himself.

Plus I moved in to the camp that you are not genuine and maybe missing some attentions. Also it seemed you only had a buy button and the last month should have been ok for that.

Grow up.
i thought P2P loans would be discharged if i declare bankruptcy but after searching the internet, i don't think it will be. what the hell did i get myself into.. no words can describe the stupidity i have shown then past 2 months. but please if you can give any advice about my current situation that is credible, please i am listening.
i thought P2P loans would be discharged if i declare bankruptcy but after searching the internet, i don't think it will be. what the hell did i get myself into.. no words can describe the stupidity i have shown then past 2 months. but please if you can give any advice about my current situation that is credible, please i am listening.

Do a runner to as far away as you can safely get from your creditors.

Poor dad! If he helps you the creditors will not let him alone, either. Do him a favour and stay away from him as a source of help. You are one big pocket, with a hole in it and he knows it. The trouble is that he, probably, loves you.
so after having my account drop below $25k i traded futures. my last day on my finance job was may 4th, and a month into my trading career my total cash available to use is less than $300. Need some serious advice right now.. im 24 and I have no idea what I've gotten myself into... next loan payment is coming up next week and i cant pay because I have to pay food. I cant pay other loan payments and i cant pay next month rent. Really screwed... I think I did all this because if things go down hard I thought my dad would bail me out even though he was pretty solid at telling me he will not support me anymore. Spoke with my dad today saying if he doesnt help me out i really seriously need to file bankruptcy and probably be homeless and he said thats the price to pay... and he hung up. messages are welcome.

This is one big BORING wind up...........get lost.
The account is now just under 25k?

Would imagine good ideas to include:-
Speak to FA
Give creditors the finger
Speak to Fa
Beg for job back
But dad a beer
Deal with it yourself
Go somewhere sunny with plenty pretty girls, like Malta 👍
You could start a Gofundme page, I'm sure this lot will chip in.....

PS If you are serious then just remember that you have the rest of your life to dig yourself out of this hole you've buried yourself up to your nuts in and it is just a short term problem.

PPS Don't be a stupid little aunt again!

Love and kisses

A geyser who's been there and done it* xxx

*Although I wasn't quite as daft as you😍😍
so after having my account drop below $25k i traded futures. my last day on my finance job was may 4th, and a month into my trading career my total cash available to use is less than $300. Need some serious advice right now.. im 24 and I have no idea what I've gotten myself into... next loan payment is coming up next week and i cant pay because I have to pay food. I cant pay other loan payments and i cant pay next month rent. Really screwed... I think I did all this because if things go down hard I thought my dad would bail me out even though he was pretty solid at telling me he will not support me anymore. Spoke with my dad today saying if he doesnt help me out i really seriously need to file bankruptcy and probably be homeless and he said thats the price to pay... and he hung up. messages are welcome.
nice try at your scam mate-i caught you out on your first post as i do with every scammer-GOODBYE
so after having my account drop below $25k i traded futures. my last day on my finance job was may 4th, and a month into my trading career my total cash available to use is less than $300. Need some serious advice right now.. im 24 and I have no idea what I've gotten myself into... next loan payment is coming up next week and i cant pay because I have to pay food. I cant pay other loan payments and i cant pay next month rent. Really screwed... I think I did all this because if things go down hard I thought my dad would bail me out even though he was pretty solid at telling me he will not support me anymore. Spoke with my dad today saying if he doesnt help me out i really seriously need to file bankruptcy and probably be homeless and he said thats the price to pay... and he hung up. messages are welcome.

Ok....ferrk orf and don't come back.....😴
It's a great life, but you have to start somewhere....


  • Foreign Legion.jpg
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1-prepares sob story that sets himself up for a loss-packing in job borrowing money-etc
2-loses money and may become homeless.father disowns
3-gets sympathy from gullable 2tw punters
4-wants them to now PM him
5-more sob story and then wants u to send him money.
the majority of scams are sob killed in falklands war was a classic on here-all profits to help the heroes-look at the modus operandi