Tick Trader Course by David Marsh


Junior member
Has anybody tried David Marsh's Tick Trader course on emini trading?

Would appreciate any feedback or assessment thereof.
I'd like to know what people made of this as well. He's stopped selling it now. Says he makes about $1,500+ every day...hardly any losing days. Seems a bit "too good to be true". ?
Have you guys tried it out? Sounds like lifestyle is a key attraction - more than the points or the money - double money back guarantee - did you need to take it up?
well for a guy how makes money every day as he claims, and had no need to sell it anymore so he stopped selling it, he has now restarted selling again so must mean he needs the money!!!! go figure......., oh and i have it and lets just say i do not trade it!!!!! enough said!!
further info?

well for a guy how makes money every day as he claims, and had no need to sell it anymore so he stopped selling it, he has now restarted selling again so must mean he needs the money!!!! go figure......., oh and i have it and lets just say i do not trade it!!!!! enough said!!

Daza, could you say a bit more please, like why you don't use it? Did he not live up to the guarantee or did you just not understand/like the method. Is the claim of getting at least 1 pt a day untrue or what? More details much appreciated.
David Marsh & Tick Trader

I and a couple of friends have purchased the course. It's more about buying a system to trade with a 100-page manual and 100's of training and daily videos.

David focuses on simple enter and exit signals and I have been paper trading for 3 months and they are pretty damn good (using Bollinger & EMA).

He also mostly focuses on helping people recover from chops and the whole emotional/psych level to losing trades.

He has a trading room where he is on every day, he answers questions by phone and email within minutes and he is passionate about passing along what he knows to his students.

Being new to emini's I am paper trading for a few months and will go live mid-JAN-09.

Hope this helps, he's pretty highly rated in the US and has guesties on CNBC and such.
the same thing happened to me with a guy called viperspeedtrader. i know what you are saying because viper's system was the same and i was very naive back then. i now know how to test these kind of systems very easily and to no surprise viper's and probably david's system are negitive expectancy, therefore total crap. I paid viper aka bill shepard or speedscalper in the region of $4000 for his indicators, ebook, live training on skype. i feel totally ripped off knowing what i know now.

Systems like this sound so nice but the reality is to try live real time
OK, that's the sort of email replies I was looking for!!!!!!!

It all just looked too smooth & easy to me to be genuine,,,,,,,,,,,,

Thanks guys and commiserations to those who lost real cash
We live and learn Eh ?
He is a naughty boy if he says he will be trading real time when in reality he is not.
What is required is for a good trader with a track record to do solid courses with real live trading experiences.

Why many dont do this is not because they are not capable, but the time v effort is not allways worth it.

Out of curiosity what dose one of these courses cost ?

I need some good education to further the business.
thanks tomtrader.

That is very dissappointing to hear. I'm surprised that he didn't give you support or even answer your emails.

I have been corresponding with him via email for the last 2 or 3 weeks, and he has been very prompt and helpful in answering all of my questions.....

Before you signed up for the course, did you email him with questions, and was he prompt and helpful in answering those?

Again, thanks for the info. I really appreciate it!
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yes before i signed up he promptly answered. But after i paid and 2 months of bad trading results he ignored me completely. i asked for a refund and so did others and he refused.
ive been trying to make it work for the past year and i cant. Ask others in the room if anyone can do it LIVE (not sim) longterm with profits more than a month, no one replies. Dave banned members that question or cast doubt on his system. He banks on you leaving after a few months. He repeats himself every 4 months almost word for word. He trades sim and he says i traded that move after its already moved. If you are a member watch closely. Sounds like you joined up? just ask for your money back or proof of his trades and you will see want i mean. I cant find anyone that has had long term success with it.
thanks again. tomtrader.

I'm sorry to hear of your experience. No, I'm not a member yet. I was seriously considering his course recently, but now I'm not so sure.

What you described is what I was worried about. Especially that after you join, he ignores you regarding support. And, the fact that he only trades Sim and not live.

anyways, thanks again, tomtrader.

I really appreciate your sharing your thoughts and experience with this course.
hey tomtrader.

I found this blog site that gave a positive review of the Tick Trader Course. And, for the past few months, he has been posting daily trade results based on using the system. Perhaps you could compare your results with his....to see if you would have made the same trades he did?

Here's the site:

General Investing in the eMini S&P 500 and Forex Currency Markets - General investment strategies into the eMini S&P 500 Market and Forex Currency Markets. Reviews of various trading systems will also be conducted.
hey tomtrader.

I found this blog site that gave a positive review of the Tick Trader Course. And, for the past few months, he has been posting daily trade results based on using the system. Perhaps you could compare your results with his....to see if you would have made the same trades he did?

Here's the site:

General Investing in the eMini S&P 500 and Forex Currency Markets - General investment strategies into the eMini S&P 500 Market and Forex Currency Markets. Reviews of various trading systems will also be conducted.

Seems like the guy posting the trades on this site is working for Tick Trader, i was interested in the Tick Trader course as well but after reading the comments made in here I think my money could be better spent elsewhere.....👎