Tick Trader Course by David Marsh

Hi Shodson

You are very welcome.

Today was my first day trading on simulator. I really only made 2 trades. 1 SP Trade for 1 point and a dow strategy trade for 44 points!

Some in the room (including David) missed the trade that I had, they ended up being down about 4 points. I just read his blog and and confirmed the trades - he is accurate and he did recover.

So my first day was good.

Pretty late out here so I am off to bed!

Lynn W.
Today was my 2nd day of trading simulator. I broke the rules a bit but I really did good. I made the first trade that Dave made in the room and I had 4 ticks. The trade that followed was a strong winner so I really wanted it. It lost 6 ticks. I made the reversal trade and recovered 9 ticks and decided I'd better not press my luck!

I made the first 2 dow strategy trades. 25 ticks on the first trade, 20 ticks on the 2nd trade!! So day #2 was a good day. I am very excited as I am very analytical and I like to back-test. I've been back 6 weeks and so far it looks pretty good.

I'll try to post more results tomorrow.

Lynn W.
3rd day today. i did a pullback trade winner. I did the eet (for practice) i broke even on sim. i took the next eet for a winner.

My dow strategy was 25 points. I am up 100 points on sim on the dow strategy and about 3 points or so on the es.

I hope this continues for several weeks.

Looks like we are finished for the week. See you all next week.

Lynn W.
My results today.

First the dow strategy - it is awesome. I made 47 ticks today. 147 ticks so far in the past week. Very excited about this market. Although I plan on learning all the rules on the ES methods, I am focusing a bit more on the dow. It's simply easier for me.

Now on to the ES. We have a "NO ZONE RULE". We do not take certain trades during NO ZONE. I will not disclose it, but I think Dave does on his blog. After NO ZONE there is a certain trade that is normally a winner. I actually forgotten one of the rules and I did this trade because it was a NO ZONE trade. I messed up, Dave called it as invalid and I lost. Dave actually lost on another trade. I took the next normal entry and I recovered and made 1 extra tick.

I waited until NO ZONE happened again (I back-tested this the whole contract and it's a big winner from what I've seen). I took 10 more ticks off the NO ZONE trade.

David did about 7 trades and ended up I think about7 ticks to the good. He was done within 1 hour. I really wasnt done that quick because I traded the Dow Strategy most of the day.

So far, I am very happy. When I traded TI's system, I did not get the support David gives. He really believes in this and I can tell by listening to him talk.

If I were trading live, I would already have made my money back. I am trading simulator and we all know simulator is fake. My trades all went through the prices so I know even though I was on sim, I would have been filled live.

I posted an email that I sent to Dave today. (now removed by request - barjon)
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Lynn, thank you for your updates. Ive been considering Marsh's program for several months and have been watching his trades on the blog. My gut feeling is that he is honest and sincere. He does not guarantee all trades to be winners but shows how to recover if you can keep your head on straight. Please continue with your experience as I am getting ready to pull the trigger. Also, how much capital do you need to initially place in your brokerage account and what brokerage company do you use? Thanks
Hi Firemedic.

No offense to you at all. On other forums I have been ridiculed and kicked off for discussing a system, I have also been called a shill. So I am only going to post my personal results as I feel alot of people really want to know. Please do not take that the wrong way, but ET kicked me off and MYP is being very nasty to me.

Today I had 2 S&P trades. My charts we're a bit different so I missed a loser (lucky for me) I took a 4 tick winner, a 7 tick winner!! The dow system (I like alot) I made 1 trade for 20 ticks! So quite a happy chic today.

I hope this does help some people.

Lynn W.
whitmore, thanks for your reply and Im sorry that youve had some bad feedback. Im very interested in your progress because I am seriously considering to purchase his program. I emailed him today and he called as well as sent me an email. When do you think you will start trading live? I think you have been smart to practice on sim before going live. Thanks
Hi Firemedic.

No offense to you at all. On other forums I have been ridiculed and kicked off for discussing a system, I have also been called a shill. So I am only going to post my personal results as I feel alot of people really want to know. Please do not take that the wrong way, but ET kicked me off and MYP is being very nasty to me.

Today I had 2 S&P trades. My charts we're a bit different so I missed a loser (lucky for me) I took a 4 tick winner, a 7 tick winner!! The dow system (I like alot) I made 1 trade for 20 ticks! So quite a happy chic today.

I hope this does help some people.

Lynn W.


Hi Lynn,

first let me say that i am sorry to hear about your 'bad' experiences on the stated forums. I have been considering David's system for a little while now and am close to purchasing it (been busy studying his blog and comparing with other systems to match my 'style'). I really appreciate you taking the time to post your sim results and other factual information. Are you considering posting your live trading results as well? If so, when do you expect to start?

Once again, thanks a lot and hope you are very successful in this endeavor.

Hi Firemedic.

No offense to you at all. On other forums I have been ridiculed and kicked off for discussing a system, I have also been called a shill. So I am only going to post my personal results as I feel alot of people really want to know.


Can you upload some charts, with buy and sell entries clearly marked? This helps remove suspicion that you're just a shill. I do something like that on my trading journal. It also helps others to learn from your success and mistakes, and it evokes commentary from others that I find helpful.
I have been away from the forums for awhile as people tend to call me a shill or pm me asking me for Dave's system for free.

I set out to share my experience as I have been though the hoops with other system sellers as I have mentioned in earlier posts, and forums.

I have decided to post my results as my email keeps sending me pm's from everyone asking for results.

Before I do, please stop asking me to share Dave's program. I paid good money for it and it's just not fair and I will no longer respond to pm's that ask for this.

If you think I am a shill - please stop right now and do not read the rest of this post, and have a good day.

As of last week, i started trading live on Dave's Dow system. I am up over 205 ticks on the dow. I have made back every dime I spent with David Marsh so I can't really complain.

I have had losing trades, I have made mistakes. I believe the Dow system is very good and I am going to continue trading live on it. David told me last week that I was not ready, and I really was not happy with that. I sense Dave is a bit over conservative but I know enough of him know to realize he cares about his students.

So I am up 205 points!! Very happy! First time I have made money trading. I know it has only been about a week and I should not become overly zealous, but I am off to a pretty good start.

I have not traded the sp system live yet. The volume is very low and we do not get alot of trades. Although today was a very good day.

I purchased Dave's advanced/dow videos and they are the best. He trades on a real trading account and manages alot of charts and 2 different markets, he truly is a wizard and I hope i can trade 2 markets one day.

Really though, I will trade the sp after it picks back up. I know most of the rules but to be completely honest I have kind of "dropped the ball" because I really like the dow system so much.

So other than a few small complaints, I think Dave is a pretty swell guy and I am up $$$$$.

My complaints are that students ask questions in the room during trades and david answers them. I think the students that do this are dis-respectful to Dave and to fellow students. Dave seems to answer everyones questions all the time. It's a good thing but I think he should tell everyone to hold questions until the end!!!

Dave does not call out the dow trades in the room, I think he should but he said it's too much answering questions and trading at the same time. Perhaps he should read the paragraph above!

I rank Dave and his system overall 8.5 out of 10. When and If I trade the es system live, I promise to report back.

Please pm me if you want, but please do not ask for my email address as too many guys ask me if I am single. I am married!!

Lynn W.
I have been away from the forums for awhile as people tend to call me a shill or pm me asking me for Dave's system for free.

I set out to share my experience as I have been though the hoops with other system sellers as I have mentioned in earlier posts, and forums.

I have decided to post my results as my email keeps sending me pm's from everyone asking for results.

Before I do, please stop asking me to share Dave's program. I paid good money for it and it's just not fair and I will no longer respond to pm's that ask for this.

If you think I am a shill - please stop right now and do not read the rest of this post, and have a good day.

As of last week, i started trading live on Dave's Dow system. I am up over 205 ticks on the dow. I have made back every dime I spent with David Marsh so I can't really complain.

I have had losing trades, I have made mistakes. I believe the Dow system is very good and I am going to continue trading live on it. David told me last week that I was not ready, and I really was not happy with that. I sense Dave is a bit over conservative but I know enough of him know to realize he cares about his students.

So I am up 205 points!! Very happy! First time I have made money trading. I know it has only been about a week and I should not become overly zealous, but I am off to a pretty good start.

I have not traded the sp system live yet. The volume is very low and we do not get alot of trades. Although today was a very good day.

I purchased Dave's advanced/dow videos and they are the best. He trades on a real trading account and manages alot of charts and 2 different markets, he truly is a wizard and I hope i can trade 2 markets one day.

Really though, I will trade the sp after it picks back up. I know most of the rules but to be completely honest I have kind of "dropped the ball" because I really like the dow system so much.

So other than a few small complaints, I think Dave is a pretty swell guy and I am up $$$$$.

My complaints are that students ask questions in the room during trades and david answers them. I think the students that do this are dis-respectful to Dave and to fellow students. Dave seems to answer everyones questions all the time. It's a good thing but I think he should tell everyone to hold questions until the end!!!

Dave does not call out the dow trades in the room, I think he should but he said it's too much answering questions and trading at the same time. Perhaps he should read the paragraph above!

I rank Dave and his system overall 8.5 out of 10. When and If I trade the es system live, I promise to report back.

Please pm me if you want, but please do not ask for my email address as too many guys ask me if I am single. I am married!!

Lynn W.

Good information Lynn. Thanks. Please do post when you start trading the mini E.
I made the first 2 dow strategy trades. 25 ticks on the first trade, 20 ticks on the 2nd trade!! So day #2 was a good day. I am very excited as I am very analytical and I like to back-test. I've been back 6 weeks and so far it looks pretty good.

I'll try to post more results tomorrow.

Lynn W.


I think it's good that you're posting here, but I want to point out a couple of things that I hope will give you a more critical view.

You say you are analytical and like to back test. You should be aware that six weeks is not a long back test, and the results will show quite a high error potential.

If I were trading live, I would already have made my money back. I am trading simulator and we all know simulator is fake. My trades all went through the prices so I know even though I was on sim, I would have been filled live.

Please never make the mistake of thinking live would have been the same. It really isn't, and there are plenty of reasons why - dealer referral, slippage, fake liquidity etc.

Lastly, I'm sure you're happy if you have a good day, and are up for the week, but you'll only know a system is good if you know what you're looking for. What is the system supposed to do on a weekly/monthly basis. Does it do that? Of course when you know what you're looking for, you will have to wait weeks or months to know for sure.

There are plenty of losing systems that lose 30 weeks out of 50 every year, and they can easily have three winning weeks in a row.

I think it's good that you're posting here, but I want to point out a couple of things that I hope will give you a more critical view.

You say you are analytical and like to back test. You should be aware that six weeks is not a long back test, and the results will show quite a high error potential.

Please never make the mistake of thinking live would have been the same. It really isn't, and there are plenty of reasons why - dealer referral, slippage, fake liquidity etc.

Lastly, I'm sure you're happy if you have a good day, and are up for the week, but you'll only know a system is good if you know what you're looking for. What is the system supposed to do on a weekly/monthly basis. Does it do that? Of course when you know what you're looking for, you will have to wait weeks or months to know for sure.

There are plenty of losing systems that lose 30 weeks out of 50 every year, and they can easily have three winning weeks in a row.

I'd echo your comments and add that any 'system', whether your own developed intuitively, or bought into, has to be used over a period of approx. 12 months in order to come across all the usual market trends;
multi week/month ranging period
multi week/month trending period - with larger multi year trend
multi week/month trending period - versus larger multi year trend
smooth, choppy, dolrums, volatile markets....
If you think I am a shill - please stop right now and do not read the rest of this post, and have a good day.

I rank Dave and his system overall 8.5 out of 10. When and If I trade the es system live, I promise to report back.

Lynn W.

Thanks Lynn for your testimonial. I'm sorry if I or others pointed the "shill" finger at you. Congratulations on your success and I hope this is a good learning experience for you.

As for her 6 weeks of back testing, she is probably using NinjaTrader (which is what Dave uses and sells his indicators for) and there is no easy "continuous contract" capabilities built in like some other systems have, so she's probably only back-tested the current YM contract. She could back-test the previous contract but her data provider might not provide data that far back (probably ZenFire) especially if it's tick data, which I think David uses/recommends. I'm a Ninja/ZenFire user and they don't provide tick/range/volume bar data very far back. Minute bars are easier to get and back-test with.

With that said, just be careful. I've heard don't give up on a trading system until you've traded at least 20 trades on it, or blown out your account, which ever comes first. 😛 Then, after 20 trades re-assess and adjust if necessary.
I purchased Daves system 12/4/09 and started live trading live trading last week. I have listened to him in the chat room and he clearly calls the trades before they happen and generally makes 1 point before 10 am. I like Lynn have found the S+P strategy to be easier at the current time to make money with. I have had mixed results but can trace my bad outcomes to not being disciplined enough to follow his strict rules. I would have made more good trades and missed some bad ones if I would have followed the rules. Dave is very concerned about his students. He goes out of his way to push them to start so slow in sim and then only 1 live contract until they prove successful. Hope this helps.
I purchased Daves system 12/4/09 and started live trading live trading last week. I have listened to him in the chat room and he clearly calls the trades before they happen and generally makes 1 point before 10 am. I like Lynn have found the S+P strategy to be easier at the current time to make money with. I have had mixed results but can trace my bad outcomes to not being disciplined enough to follow his strict rules. I would have made more good trades and missed some bad ones if I would have followed the rules. Dave is very concerned about his students. He goes out of his way to push them to start so slow in sim and then only 1 live contract until they prove successful. Hope this helps.

newbie here..been look at TI and feel its way to expensive..im looking at going this route with dave..my question is the dow..what is each point on the dow worth and is there a program on daves software to trade the dow like the s&p?

Mini dow is 5 USD per point. Note that the movements are larger than ES - basically they move pretty much in sync financially.

ES tick is 0.25 points, YM (mini dow) tick is - one point, too.
Mini dow is 5 USD per point. Note that the movements are larger than ES - basically they move pretty much in sync financially.

ES tick is 0.25 points, YM (mini dow) tick is - one point, too.

ok great appreciate it bud..

now with the dow is there a contract system like the s&p??

ty for the help