Tick Trader Course by David Marsh

Hey tomtrader + guys who tried out this ticktrader-system : why dont you give us the ENTRY-rules of that suff + we are going to test + improve it !
if you are dissapointed - there is nothing to lose i would say !

the same thing happened to me with a guy called viperspeedtrader. i know what you are saying because viper's system was the same and i was very naive back then. i now know how to test these kind of systems very easily and to no surprise viper's and probably david's system are negitive expectancy, therefore total crap. I paid viper aka bill shepard or speedscalper in the region of $4000 for his indicators, ebook, live training on skype. i feel totally ripped off knowing what i know now.

Systems like this sound so nice but the reality is to try live real time

This is my first post. I paid Bill Shepard from viperspeedtrader $5,000 to learn to trade and I never heard from him again. I called him a hundred times and he never responded. He had me wire the money to his girlfriend's account, and then he disappeared. This happened in the summer of 2004. Every attempt I have made to find him has been fruitless.
Why did you do that? I mean, seriously. This is criminal - not a faulty system, outright fraud.

Why did you:
* Wire the money to a third person account
* Without having legal documentation (like an invoice)?
* And then not follow up legally?
To NetTecture re viperspeedtrader Bill Shepard

My boyfriend and I had known Bill Shepard and his girlfriend, Barbara MacDonald, for a few years in Seattle. I considered Bill one of my best friends, as he did his utmost to console me when that boyfriend of six years suddenly left me and married someone else within a few weeks. Prior to the breakup, my boyfriend had put all of our belongings in storage while he was transitioning from one career to another, and we had moved from Michigan to Seattle, to La Jolla, to Santa Rosa, where we were finally settling, and it was in each of those cities that we had substantial storage. When my boyfriend left, he said I was on my own to pay all of those storage bills and I had no job. The only place I could live was with my folks in Michigan, yet my car and all of my belongings in storage would need to be transported back to Michigan somehow. I couldn't afford to pay the monthly storage, much less shell out thousands to transport it all across country. I was beside myself with grief and fear. Bill Shepard convinced me that I was smart enough to learn to trade, even though I was intimidated by the very thought of it. He said I would be able to make enough money to save my own life, and that I would be okay. He called me many times to console me and talk to me like a true, loving friend.
He convinced me to scrape together $5,000 because I would need it to open a trading account and learn to trade by his instruction. It wasn't until five minutes before my bank wired the money that Bill gave me the wiring instructions and the account read BA MacDonald. I didn't think anything of it. I trusted that my money would go exactly where he said it would. I had always known Bill to be an upstanding, no-nonsense kind of guy. I had been to their home, out to dinner several times, and invited to the bedside of his girlfriend the night after her back surgery. We were very close friends.
At the time I sent the money, I remember him telling me they were in the process of moving. After the money was sent and I called in vain a hundred times to reach him,
I didn't know what to do. He knew I didn't have any money left to chase him. It would have cost far more than $5,000 to hire a private investigator to locate him, and to hire an attorney. I do not have an invoice, but I have documentation of my wire. I tried to find Barbara MacDonald through Nordstrom in Seattle, but they said she had left her job. Bill Shepard broke my heart. I thought he was my friend. I thought he actually cared about me. He kicked me when I was down. As desperate as I was, I could not afford to lose that money. He saw me as an easy mark.
It surprised the hell out of me that Bill Shepard was a con man. I cried for months.
Well, nice story.

May I ask why you did not follow up legally? This is fraud, that simple. There are laws in place for that. No need to hire an investigator. No need to even take him to court privately first. Why the hell did you not get the police involved? You can proove payment, plus the story. Why not put it in theh ands of the attorney general to deliver criminal justice?

I thought the US are a civilized state, you know 😉 In the civilized world, the government prosecutes criminals. I would always open both sides - criminal case, plus private case to recover the money.

Without a police backup for something that obvious, I have problems believing the story.
I have been in civil litigation a few times for things I initially assumed would be remedied criminally. Just call your local police station and ask them, if you don't believe me. There are other avenues, like the fraud unit of the SEC, the correct name of which eludes me at present. When I called them about another matter, I was essentially told that these stories are a dime a dozen. The really big ones get noticed, but Bill Shepard would not. There is a Securities Fraud Unit of the State of Washington I have talked to, and that is all I can say for now. Bill Shepard does not want me to find him. I called his girlfriend's cellphone (Barbara) around the holidays and her daughter answered and handed the phone to her mother. I said something stupid like "Barbara, Bill stole $5,000 from me and I never heard from him again." She said " I'll have him call you." Click.
What did I honestly think would happen? Of course, they are in cahoots. I'm an idiot. Doesn't matter. I think there are other ways to approach this. But I encourage you to call the police and give them a hypothetical situation to respond to. You'll see they cannot do much. - K
I and a couple of friends have purchased the course. It's more about buying a system to trade with a 100-page manual and 100's of training and daily videos.

David focuses on simple enter and exit signals and I have been paper trading for 3 months and they are pretty damn good (using Bollinger & EMA).

He also mostly focuses on helping people recover from chops and the whole emotional/psych level to losing trades.

He has a trading room where he is on every day, he answers questions by phone and email within minutes and he is passionate about passing along what he knows to his students.

Being new to emini's I am paper trading for a few months and will go live mid-JAN-09.

Hope this helps, he's pretty highly rated in the US and has guesties on CNBC and such.

have you tried it live yet? can you give us a feddback? i am interested in giving it a try. thanx
I have been in civil litigation a few times for things I initially assumed would be remedied criminally. Just call your local police station and ask them, if you don't believe me. There are other avenues, like the fraud unit of the SEC, the correct name of which eludes me at present. When I called them about another matter, I was essentially told that these stories are a dime a dozen. The really big ones get noticed, but Bill Shepard would not. There is a Securities Fraud Unit of the State of Washington I have talked to, and that is all I can say for now. Bill Shepard does not want me to find him. I called his girlfriend's cellphone (Barbara) around the holidays and her daughter answered and handed the phone to her mother. I said something stupid like "Barbara, Bill stole $5,000 from me and I never heard from him again." She said " I'll have him call you." Click.
What did I honestly think would happen? Of course, they are in cahoots. I'm an idiot. Doesn't matter. I think there are other ways to approach this. But I encourage you to call the police and give them a hypothetical situation to respond to. You'll see they cannot do much. - K

In a previous thread where Bill S (BS? 😆) showed up here to seek fresh victims, I questioned whether he had the ability to objectively test what he was selling. It would appear that my doubts in his abilities were well founded.

This is what a WHOIS lookup returns on this joker's website - it would appear that all is registered with his gf - does the address help, or is that the old one?

Domain Name.......... viperspeedtrader.com
Creation Date........ 2003-07-13
Registration Date.... 2003-07-13
Expiry Date.......... 2010-07-13
Organisation Name.... BA McDonald
Organisation Address. 5405 Lakemont Blvd SE #427
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Bellevue
Organisation Address. 98006
Organisation Address. WA
Organisation Address. UNITED STATES

Admin Name........... BA McDonald
Admin Address........ 5405 Lakemont Blvd SE #427
Admin Address........
Admin Address........ Bellevue
Admin Address........ 98006
Admin Address........ WA
Admin Address........ UNITED STATES
Admin Email..........
Admin Phone.......... +1.4257460240
Admin Fax............

Tech Name............ YahooDomains TechContact
Tech Address......... 701 First Ave.
Tech Address.........
Tech Address......... Sunnyvale
Tech Address......... 94089
Tech Address......... CA
Tech Address......... UNITED STATES
Tech Email...........
Tech Phone........... +1.6198813096
Tech Fax.............
Name Server.......... yns1.yahoo.com
Name Server.......... yns2.yahoo.com

You might consider "spreading the word" so to speak on a few trading sites. That'll affect reputation which will affect his bottom line and might be the necessary kick up the @rse required in order to extract your refund.
I wish you the very best of luck in recovering your money.

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Referring back to TickTrader and Marsh. Bought this system last year....I do not use it anymore..simmed it for a while....realized what it did....and did not work for me.

It's a simple method, and David offers help and support (or at least he did initially). But I was a newbie (did typically all the things newbies do). Look for something that did not exist.

Make at least a point a day...the method claims. Well, at the cost of what....a 10point draw down for 1point gain.....think about that....how soon before you get caught up in the probability of losing enough that you lose 10times and then are psyched out of taking the next trades...

Matter of time before you blow it up...exactly what I did on 2 sim accounts....I was disgusted...yes it works because eventually you will catch some winning trades....random probability is 50-50 but after a a 3 - 5- 7 - 9 point draw down that happen frequently.

The only real question is how soon before you blow real money with it...Consider it 1500dollars ill spent.

I can't anyone making a living with this....and yes he sounds awfully sincere when claiming this....but it's not rocket science.....

Caveat Emptor...pointless if you are serious in making money🙁🙁
david marsh tick trading

I and a couple of friends have purchased the course. It's more about buying a system to trade with a 100-page manual and 100's of training and daily videos.

David focuses on simple enter and exit signals and I have been paper trading for 3 months and they are pretty damn good (using Bollinger & EMA).

He also mostly focuses on helping people recover from chops and the whole emotional/psych level to losing trades.

He has a trading room where he is on every day, he answers questions by phone and email within minutes and he is passionate about passing along what he knows to his students.

Being new to emini's I am paper trading for a few months and will go live mid-JAN-09.

Hope this helps, he's pretty highly rated in the US and has guesties on CNBC and such.

did you go live with this system?? Is it working as good as it did in simulation
options for prosecution

🙂 I am sorry to hear about your problems with an apparent swindler. It is not the first time, but maybe you can make it your last.

Lesson one, the moment someone brings money into an emotionally charged situation, do not trust them. Particularly if it involves your money going to their bank accounts. Just step back for a moment and think about it and you will see it happening . Tell the person "No thank you, and shame on you for trying to take advantage during a time of distress." Note that people like this are the true vipers and snakes of the world.

Lesson two: You can contact the state where the crime was committed and file charges. I know, I did it myself many years ago. They are slow, probably even slower in these economic times, but if enough people file (and trust me there will be others) the state will prosecute and incarcerate. The bad news is that they will want you to come to the location of the final crime (in my case it was from North Texas to Houston) to file charges and provide witness. This will be on your nickel with little to no chance of money recovery, but you will get revenge and maybe closeure. However as a tax payer you will be providing housing for the person that you are witnessing against (really a strange system, eh?).

Lesson three: If it seems too good to be true (once again step back from the situation and review lesson one) it is too good to be true!!! There are rags to riches stories in this world, but you are going to have to do that by your self (or with a group of small trusted friends). It is better by your self and keep your friends as friends.

I have seen and been witness to three different money filtching criminals being incarcerated. It really does not provide closure, and will not bring your money back, but it is good for the system, because you may help someone else not become their next victim, and typically that will get 'payed forward'. Do not worry about the people that took your money (except maybe for their soul) they know how to survive, and if they come back to you asking you to remove your witness do not.

I have been in civil litigation a few times for things I initially assumed would be remedied criminally. Just call your local police station and ask them, if you don't believe me. There are other avenues, like the fraud unit of the SEC, the correct name of which eludes me at present. When I called them about another matter, I was essentially told that these stories are a dime a dozen. The really big ones get noticed, but Bill Shepard would not. There is a Securities Fraud Unit of the State of Washington I have talked to, and that is all I can say for now. Bill Shepard does not want me to find him. I called his girlfriend's cellphone (Barbara) around the holidays and her daughter answered and handed the phone to her mother. I said something stupid like "Barbara, Bill stole $5,000 from me and I never heard from him again." She said " I'll have him call you." Click.
What did I honestly think would happen? Of course, they are in cahoots. I'm an idiot. Doesn't matter. I think there are other ways to approach this. But I encourage you to call the police and give them a hypothetical situation to respond to. You'll see they cannot do much. - K
Back to tick trader...
Has anyone traded his system successfully, if so what drawdowns have u encountered?
Has anyone successfully returned his course after it not working as advertised?
Hi JimmyO

I am 1 week into David's Course. I have been looking at it for some time. I was hesitant because of all the forum posts I've read. I ended up calling David and I also spoke to 3 of his students via Skype and have emailed back and forth with at least 5 or 6 more.

I ended up buying because I didn't want to miss his free dow webinar strategy.

I can only tell you what I know so far as I have only been a member over a week now.

I do not think he is a swindler first off. I hear him call his trades out before he places them, so he is very transparent. I've been in other rooms where the "trader" calls them out after they win. David does not do this.

His Dow system is awesome! It's much easier than the s&P system as it only trades 1 chart, 1 entry. So for me it's a good market to trade while I learn the S&P system. I made money (on simulator) everyday this week on the dow strategy.

I have so far watched 20 + videos the last 3 nights on top of the training videos i viewed when I signed up. This guy likes to do training videos! They are very good and i've learned a lot.

David's system has alot of rules when not to take certain trades. The first few days my head was spinning in the room. Since I've watched more videos I think i understand it more.

He does have one trade that he calls a high percentage winner trade. I've been back-testing on NinjaTrader for 2 days and this little trade is a very awesome little trade. At first I didnt get it because I couldn't figure out all the rules.

I am not a cheerleader for David Marsh at this point. However if things go the way they keep going I will be. I will post my results, and experiences. I will not share his system so please don't ask. I just want people to hear what I have to say. If it turns out he is a scam, TRUST ME I will tell you.

So far, David is a honest guy. We've spoken 2 times. He answers all my emails and as I said I am only trading on sim. If I did trade "real money" 5 contracts I would have already made back the money I spent on his course - on the dow emini strategy.

I'll update later this week as we trade. I know you US Folks have a Holiday coming up and the markets closed - so happy holidays!

Lynn W.

One more quick thing. I've saved alot of forum posts on David Marsh. Some of these threads say David trades for 2 ticks profit.

This simply is not true. HE/WE trade for 4 - 6 ticks on most trades. We have one trade that we go for 8 + ticks. In fact David did it live this week. I actually missed it because I wasnt sure what was going on.

Just be careful of all that you read. I posted on another forum yesterday and I received alot of email responses from other people. Some bad, some good. I am learning very quickly that the message forums are filled with a lot of negative, frustrated traders.

I at one point was a frustrated trader. I keep going though. I have faith in David's system as I have the rules and the videos. I don't see how going for 2 ticks would be profitable and I am not sure where these posters say that. Maybe he did trade for 2 ticks at some point but I can't find that anywhere in my manual or any of his training videos.

Lynn W.
great to hear from someone trading the course. I will look forward to future updates.