THT's Methods that WIN

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Last post of the year - Its highly likely that I won't be posting much next year

The purpose of this thread was to open your eyes to what is happening in the markets, of which I'm confident I've done within the thread - The geometry of a market starts on the very first day of trading it has, these all fall more or less into a generic sequence which we can pick up by observing the main Index i.e. FTSE100/250, SP500 etc

I've not been able to post the Gann Box method that much - there's a lot of work needed to build the chart and to be frank, its just easier trading the other methods I've talked about because if the Gann Box method is in play - EVERYTHING about the simple other methods I have mentioned will HAPPEN, so you'd be trading them inadvertently! Remember you will NOT find this Gan Box method on every market at the same time - the market/price action HAS to be working to the gann box mathematics, they don't always do that, If you're forcing things, then I doubt the maths/geometry are present, if it fits nicely like below then price action is obviously working through maths and geometry that is visible to us/you

PS - I have NOT traded this - I let this one go as I was too busy travelling and trading forex and gold

LSE:ABF = WEEKLY Gann Box - levels should be self-explanatory (52.6% is the INVERSE of 1.902 = diagonal of a golden rectangle, so this is FIB growth/decay related - 70.7% is the INVERSE of 1.4142 = square root of 2 & the diagonal of a square)- Once complete reversal happen, this may also be exactly on a retracement level, but often just past or short, which explains why traders get frustrated at trading

Indicators perfect for the bounces - you can trade either the weekly chart of drop down a time-frame to the daily or hourly



This one allowed us to draw another Gann Box but using a different move than the weekly chart above

Study the daily chart - it has different % levels than the weekly chart, but they BOTH matched up at the same price point which is/was complimenting geometric levels/extensions

You could have traded the daily chart or dropped down etc

NOTE: Lots of "FIB" traders would have bought at the 38.2% retracement level, which when it happened was probably a pretty could trade call, but the market wasn't playing to that tune, it had to play to the tune showing on both charts

Now this might be the completion of that geometric move or it might not be, the market might just of needed to touch the levels on the daily chart in its journey - The bounce off the level has not been that convincing on a daily TF, but you just never know

Also note the % level this market might have turned from - its not a % level you know of, but you can see its the reverse of the 57.7% level (CUBE) and its an extending angle from the 57.7% main retracement level (CUBE)

If markets were truly random, we'd never have this structure forming - the facts are EVERYTHING in this world adheres to the laws of nature, growth and decay - absolutely EVERYTHING and that includes ourselves and the markets


Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and Great 2025
In this Unger Academy video, so-called Christmas Rallies since 1940 were analyzed, with a success rate of about 76 percent:

Santa Claus Rally in Trading: What It Is, Why It Happens, and How to Profit from It:

Here's 2 time cycle dates for the year 2025

Be Interesting to see if anything happens


The last time I updated this particular cycle chart for price was back in 2020 - these dates were on the chart back in 2012! - Price has now moved up through the top of the date levels - If I were to update the chart with price (which I will do nearer to 2030's) I'd need to redraw all the cycle dates which is a hassle and I can't be bothered at this point - the Important part are ALL the dates

PS - These cycles are what I term "Internal" Time Cycles - they will be some that work perfectly and some that don't work at all - we're just watching to see if anything happens, I'm not predicting anything much with these time cycles - so don't trade them blindly! Unless you'll not come off that great

PPS - the 2026 date links up with the beast cycle I've previously published and right at that time the expected WAR cycle is also due, so I would be watching very closely in 2026 as well
Not sure that I've shared this here before - This shows a perfect balancing of price and time - whether it materialises is another thing, but "IF" price is hovering close to the assumed level around the time, then a top could be formed

Ignore the lines apart from the PINK rising angle AND the RED horizontal line - Notice the Intersection of P&T on that DATE

That is a perfect balance of the 44.7% fall from 2011 (44.7 is the INVERSE of 2.236 and 2.236 is the Sq root of 5)

This is GOLD

View attachment 338545

PS this chart is a screen shot from the SUMMER - its NOT up to date

Here's an update of the chart above! (GOLD Market) 1st hit of the main Gann angle since 2020

Notice the "copied" Gann angles added to the chart too! (Not shown in the original chart posted)

On page 2 of this thread, I showed how to use the COT Indicator and to watch the COMMERCIALS

The commercials are the SMART money (RED Indicator LINE) - the large speculators aren't but they follow the trend, so you can track them if you prefer (GREEN Indicator LINE)

Anyway, we learnt that when the commercials are NET LONG commodities, its not the normal/typical position for them (They are accruing inventory to offload to the large specs) and that when they then go NET SHORT on positions, it "usually" aligns with rallies in the price

You could have doubled your money on this one:


Now this is happening right now in Cotton

You need some form of trading rules/method to employ, but what do you think "should" happen when this goes NET SHORT on the commercials (RED LINE)


Comms should PEAK in 2027 based on TIME CYCLES, so we should be expect a rally of........................2 years!

Anyway, this is why we have rules in place, so we don't blindly buy if our thinking is wrong, we WAIT for the market to confirm and then take positions
Probably the last time I'll write about this - Its happened again

All you have to do is be prepared

  • 2RSI <25% - Is there anything else?
  • Trend?
  • Gann Box extended angle?
This is virtually as close to being guaranteed as you're going to get

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How did it all pan out?

Well notice on chart 1 the TT [TRIPLE TOP] note on a monthly time-frame............................................................................



Remember we called this MONTHS in advance

This is just plain common sense, but the options now are for a complete crash, a partial crash to a retracement level, a retracement then 4th attempt at the level which goes through, a 4th attempt at the level which is held or 4th attempt followed by resistance followed by going through the level etc

The only thing you need to consider is that this top was made by a 4 yr CYCLE TOP - I'm pretty sure I mentioned it somewhere to document the cycle, anyway, when a cycle is made, the expectation is a DECENT reaction from it, like the PREVIOUS tops in the 4yr cycle
If you take a gander upwards at post #123 you will see a DATE posted INADVANCE

This is what it looks like when it all comes together - note the DATE of the screenshot 5 YEARS AGO (I've got these dates on my chart from 2017 when I projected them

These are just INTERNAL Time Cycles to watch - they may or may not affect the markets - I'm just showing all the Internal cycles to show you, that some of them predicted YEARS BEFORE do affect the markets - 1 or 2 can be classed as a "lucky hit", many more can't be

PS we are approx 50% the way through the overall cycle, so there's many more dates to come over the years

Next date is OCT 2025 and this one is from a very big cycle - Lets see if anything happens around that date

When we get to 2034 I will show you HOW to PRECISELY TIME the next big crashes and disprove all those "experts" who tell you that you can't time the market - obviously the crash starts sometime in 2034, I will tell you when the crash ENDS, then when the next crash is STARTS AND ENDS - I know this sounds stupidly ridiculous and arrogant, but when you know the markets are not random, you disbelieve everything all those experts tell you and spout out


Catch later on in the year

Safe & profitable trading/Investing
So to date, we've looked at Gann Angles, Geometry, trend and how to identify it and more Importantly trade it, along with using Indicators to trade with and also to identify those times in a market that can help you to Identify potential LOW points, that you can then trade in the months that follow or Invest etc - If used correctly all these methods work

Anyone who has traded the markets KNOWS that something else is happening, because they get caught out, their logical sound rational analysis when applied, gets chewed up and spat out by the market they trade - this can happen severely or mildly - the markets out to get you!

However, SOME people (not me) are simply naturally attuned & in sync with/to the markets, their trades are above average, their wins are above average etc etc, but even if you're like me and out of sync with the markets you can still win

In the post above I alluded to the planets - this is the crux of Gann's Soybean chart and Coffee Santos letter, we can't argue with it, its there in black and white - the only way of knowing if Gann was correct or not is to test these things

The planets all give off a sound frequency as they cycle around the sun, lots of them draw perfectly exact GEOMETRICAL shapes as they cycle round and round the sun and the Earth - google Venus's pentagram dance it has with the Earth - with the planets cycles you can pinpoint exactly TIMES where they are in certain positions of a circle, when you look back in history and see the same patterns - This is NOT as exact or precise or as regular as you will be thinking

You can definitely time the really big turns, but the day to day, week to week stuff is tricky - In my experience - you will have your own belief system of what moves the markets

You might be thinking that this is just Hocus Pocus and I can understand - Back in 2012 I approached this area with the same trepidation and caution, but I kept on seeing too many coincidences to ignore

This post is not to try to "turn" you, its to show you that other things in the markets are operating and if you are not in sync to them, is a valid reason why you're being chopped up left right and centre! I don't even understand most of the swings!

Again this is pure planetary Astronomy - NOT Astrology - we are not placing any meaning on a planetary position just the position or coincidence to see if there's anything in it, but saying that Nostradamus nailed the Queens death to the month and year from 400 years ago!

This is only scratching the surface, its not a comprehensive run down of ASTRO in the markets and what I show is only on the SP500/DJIA - other markets will have differing ASTRO inputs

This is WD Gann's business emblem - It divides the circle (GEOMETRY) with a Triangle and a Square

View attachment 333103

When you split things harmonically, you start dividing, this applies to music, maths, planetary cycles etc - this is what Gann meant when he said "The Law of Vibration controls the markets"

View attachment 333104

Note that lots of times you don't have unity in the cycle start or end (nodal points) until certain points of the cycle and then right at the end of the cycle - the cycle is 1 or 360 degrees, you then break down the cycle (360 degrees) harmonically as shown in the 2 pics above

If this is new to new, just note those number degrees on the Gann Emblem

This next chart shows you the planet pairing of Saturn and Uranus and their combined movements of 15 degrees from the 1987 crash LOW

View attachment 333105
255 Degrees was Jan 2019 - go look what the SP500 did then

Some hits are good and other not so - this is the trouble with Astro work - but look at the 120 degree (Triangle point) and 50% , opposition 180 degree (Square point)

The markets definitely vibrate to this planetary pairing

The KEY to planets is the STARTING point - this is the hardest part of using them, if you get it wrong, it won't work, if you get it right, you'll find hit after hit - Traditional Astrologers start at a conjunction point between the planets or 0 degrees for single planets and then move things around 15 degrees etc - this does not always work and you will get hit and miss results, to the point you'll declare "It don't work"

In the chart ABOVE we started from the 1987 plunge low and we picked out KEY 120 and 180 degree points of the circle which were also mega major points for the market

I remember the hysteria in the PRESS/MEDIA at the 2002 and 2009 lows - EVERYTHING was going to ZERO!!!!!! Imagine if you sold everything then! If you remember back to the beginning of this thread, I said, we can TIME the big turns, knowledge of the 16-19 yr cycle would have told you that from 2000-2016 we were in BEAR market territory, although this cycle failed to END as it ought to have, 2003 and 2009 lows were known about (other cycles define those points), the cycle above just helped to confirm the timings

Here's the 16-19 year cycle in action from 19000 on the DJIA - as you can see there's a SEQUENCE and I can tell you that there's repeating planetary action that repeats and repeats and repeats causing those up and down sections

View attachment 333106

Here's Gann's Soybean chart I referred to - here he was tracking Jupiter and Mars as planetary LINES up to the point that they conjunct at 360 degrees

View attachment 333107

Now if you think this is fanciful thinking and luck, then the chart below should dispel any doubt whatsoever - Lots of hours and hard work and you can teach yourself all this - it's ALL out there in trader-land - the "copy" lines were simply copied from the original and moved around the chart to various highs/lows etc

View attachment 333109

The observant will notice in a previous post the Feb 2020 time cycle prediction - That prediction was NOT based on the above angle, it was another planet arriving at the same point in time

Makes you think, just how free we really are - Now you know what stops the market dead and then reverses, its hit an active planetary line - other planetary lines exist and are active in the market - remember the news reports what they tell you caused this and that, take Feb 2020 I have 3 differing projections (2 based on TIME and 1 based on PRICE) to call that top - the plunge was happening regardless of events spewed out by news cycles

Its not my Intention to show you how to predict the markets, just know that it can be done and remember WD Gann first talked about this over 100 YEARS ago, as well as others in the early 1900's, so it isn't anything new, its just people can't bring themselves to think or believe that the planets that form our universe, influence humans to the point that they create geometrical points of reversals in time and price which can be visually seen on charts of the financial markets

You do not need to know or understand planets to trade successfully - If you want to time the markets though, you do, you will study and test Hurst cycles, use fib on time and whatnot and you will not be able to nail it consistently, because "something else" is at play

I will over the years show you more of this planetary work, but as this is the holy grail of trading and Investing, I'm not prepared to divulge too much

A year ago I posted this post, I've included it in full, but just focus on the Mars/Jupiter charts

All I have done here is turn the Mar/Jupiter cycle into a trendline which is the PINK line

In this chart I've updated things - So all I have done is COPIED the PINK line and used it as the 1 x 1 45 degree Gann Angle and then I've run all the other gann angles from the 1 x 1 and projected UP from the Oct 2022 LOW

To avoid cluttering the chart with lines, I've just kept the most relevant ones on!

I don't need to say anything really - Not EVERY swing point will react to this planetary pairing - other planets are in play, so you cannot just track this pairing and expect hit after hit after hit - I'm only showing you this pairing as it relates to what WD Gann's chart showed decades back in the 1940's

Anyone who has read Gann, will know he used something called the square of 12 (12 x 12 = 144) - this pairing work off that square and its multiples


There's deeper questions people should be asking, but I'll leave that for you to work out

It is IMPOSSIBLE for a market to maintain angles of ascent like this forever
Here's 2 time cycle dates for the year 2025

Be Interesting to see if anything happens

View attachment 339563
The last time I updated this particular cycle chart for price was back in 2020 - these dates were on the chart back in 2012! - Price has now moved up through the top of the date levels - If I were to update the chart with price (which I will do nearer to 2030's) I'd need to redraw all the cycle dates which is a hassle and I can't be bothered at this point - the Important part are ALL the dates

PS - These cycles are what I term "Internal" Time Cycles - they will be some that work perfectly and some that don't work at all - we're just watching to see if anything happens, I'm not predicting anything much with these time cycles - so don't trade them blindly! Unless you'll not come off that great

PPS - the 2026 date links up with the beast cycle I've previously published and right at that time the expected WAR cycle is also due, so I would be watching very closely in 2026 as well

The ABOVE chart is a MONTHLY Time-Frame, which sort of devalues the significance of the time-cycles (planets!)

The chart BELOW is a WEEKLY Time-Frame, which shows you things in a better light - there's always a couple of weeks lee-way either side of the exact cycle date, which is the price we pay, but then again very few people are timing the markets properly, with signals years in advance and with consistency

These are just specific set cycles that are found in the LARGER cycle from when the DJIA was created in 1792 - Which funnily enough still happen to be working 233 years later!

Anyway, the aim is to prove that the markets aren't random - we've probably got enough proof already, but I'll continue until 2034 so we are under no Illusions

(This is NOT the complete set of cycles)

Sometimes with cycles you have all of those Gann named cycles playing a part - Take the 2022 high and low for Instance - Gann loved the 60 year cycle, if you project the 60 year cycle or 720 months from the 1962 top and the 1962 low you get 2022! This was one of those times when Gann was right in looking back x years, they don't always work, but this one certainly did


The OCT 2025 date is projected from DECADES ago (The 1982 LOW)

Remember, I've got nothing to sell you, so you get part of the picture, but not the exact picture - that's for you to work out should you wish, as I had to - I make no apologies for my bluntness, there's too many sharks in this unregulated world