Thierry Laduguie


Junior member
Evenin' all

Those nice people at Fleet Street Publications have recommended a system by Thierry Laduguie called the Wave Matrix, based on the Elliot Wave Principal. The system claims to have a 69% success rate, which seems pretty amazing to a novice like me. Does anyone out there know about this man and his system, or have a link to an (easy) explanation of the EWP? The system costs £370 to join, with the chance to get your subscription back in three months if you're not happy.

Hope you're having a good weekend - I'm clearing up cat vom.

Hi Barbie

Don't know the system but the I tracked the guy's recommendations via for a while. Gave up when they seemed to fail more often than not.


Hm. I suppose I'm looking for a failsafe system that's going to make me millions, or at least make me enough so I can give up my suck-the-soul-dry day job and watch This Morning every day (and yes I know this system doesn't exist!) I've got a theory that I'm going to try out next month, but until then I'm taking a breather from SB. But will look at onewaybet though when I've finished my homework.

Show no fear.


Your best bet for a a "failsafe way of becoming a millionaire" (assuming you are not already married), is to find a man who already is a millionaire and marry him.

How to make 1 million from the stock market.

Start with 2 million, and keep trading until ...... 🙂
Good advice - my other half has said that he won't mind if I marry Michael Schumacher or Wayne Rooney, then divorce them a few months later and take them for half their fortune.

Diverting slightly, are there any female traders out there who are being successful, either intra-day or on longer timescales? Maybe this could be another thread ...

Beer calls, stuff the homework.


Just in case I confused you, I wasn't recommending either.

Hope you find your system (and share it with me).


Skimbleshanks is a lady trader who is highly successful trading intra-day on the Emini S&P


I looked at onewaybet. Hm. I also got recommended ANOTHER system by a trader , and it ONLY costs £450 per year! And you can pay quarterly! If you don't make your subscription within the first three months, you get your money back!!


And if I find my wonderful system, I will market it as The Barbie Phenomenon, £500 a pop, and retire to my own island. But you can have it for free ... ! I've got an unexpectedly free weekend, so I'll be working on the BP then. Let you know how it goes.


I'll be looking at her posts once I've done typing this reply. I read somewhere that one of the spreadbetting firms took their most successful lady traders on the Orient Express for a jolly ... v nice.

Evenin' all

Those nice people at Fleet Street Publications have recommended a system by Thierry Laduguie called the Wave Matrix, based on the Elliot Wave Principal. The system claims to have a 69% success rate, which seems pretty amazing to a novice like me. Does anyone out there know about this man and his system, or have a link to an (easy) explanation of the EWP? The system costs £370 to join, with the chance to get your subscription back in three months if you're not happy.

Hope you're having a good weekend - I'm clearing up cat vom.


He calls the shots at twowayspreads managed funds. \they are claiming they have achieved average growth rates in excess of 60% for the last three years, using CFDs. Dont know how true this is of course.

I did accept his calls for free for a month once, but hos notes were so vague and confusing I didn't action it. He uses elliot wave and some of his own proprietary sentiment indicators.
I saw this guys system on Twowayspreads? is it worth having a little punt on his recommendations?