Fixed Odds Trader!!


Junior member
Fleet Street Publications are promoting someone who calls himself Matthew Shaw Fixed Odds Trader.

Here is the link to their 11 page sales letter:-

I am not promoting this, but want to know if anyone has also seen this before. They offer a 90 full money return guarantee. Cost of this is £495.00

What draws me to this is that Fleet St Letter have been going for many years and are a credible company and therewould be no hassle in getting a refund if it proves to be a 'pup'
This is aimed at the complete novice who wants to make tax free £200/500/1000 a week.

Would appreciate any feedback if anyone has heard of this before.


FSP make money by getting people to subscribe to their services...

If the individuals who comprise FSP could make "£200/500/1000 a week" [do you get to choose or is it drawn out of a hat?] that easily themselves, do you think they'd sweat their stuff 40+ hours/week trying to entice wallies into subscribing???
All this does is make me question the credibility of Fleet St Letter
How to save £450-odd in a flash ...


Save yourself some money. If you are keen to try this service out but would prefer more of a DIY-style approach then FSP also offer 'The Idiot Guide to Financial Fixed Odds Betting' for less than £50= (sorry, can't remember the specific price).

This guide is also a Matt Shaw vehicle and uses exactly the same techniques (I use that term loosely!) as per the subscription service. For £495= you get an e-mail alert with a specific trade every 7-10 days. For sub-£50 you get the guide and e-mail/phone support should you have any questions.

Now for the disclaimer. This isn't a miracle cure and it is not possible to generate the advertised sums of £100/£200/£500 etc without a substantial level of risk in return. And when I say substantial I mean SUBSTANTIAL! 😱

For what its worth, FSP are very prompt with their refunds.

Hope this helps - feel free to PM me if you need more specifics.
