Elliot and Gann analysis exposed

You want to see substance. Well, look at the old share comp and you'll see The Lord is in the top 10 (out of 100) and is currently up 5K in 2 and a half weeks. All before your very own eyes. One just needed to copy the trades identically and one could have also pocketed the cash. I also told you I had a long Ftse position ( at 3297) when FTSE was near 3580, could've had 140 odd points there if you'd followed me. How 'bout you Neil fancy the old share comp do you, but I warn you they don't allow hindsight trades so you might have to try and predict tings BEFORE THE EVENT.

So wut will it be , tea or coffee?????
Roger, here's a little trick for you, when you is awaiting a level. 3,300 was the key. When it hit I phoned me broker and FTSE, being the kind old sole it is, kindly plummetted further, hence giving me a buy price of 3297 - with a stop at 3200. When me FTSE rose above I moved me stop up to 3,300. This is how you make 450 odd points in days. Pretty basic stuff. I do not dislike everyone here who are defacing me because::

LJ there is no need to post twice.
I am asking you also to moderate your comments about other traders. Not all people are born equal on this planet. Those that try hard and achieve are more worthy than those that are gifted and achive through idleness....
We do not tolerate abuse against other members, whoever thaey are. Contructive criticism is a different matter.
I think it's Paul to be honest,
and 10th in the comp's not bad - better than I'd manage over the short term I'd think, so nice to see he's at least good at throwing darts. On a serious note I've found this entertaining, but I would endorse Chartman's request here - if you are doing okay then please stop attacking those who are still trying, the market is not a case of 'for me to win then you must lose' and to rubbish fellow investors gains nothing for yourself, it only makes them less confident when confidence is a major requirement.
Please adopt a more mature tone, and join in rather than attacking. If (as you insist) your brain is copyright then fine, with 3000 members I don't think the T2W membership could move the Baghdad market, never mind the LSE... please stop being so hostile.
:b :cheesy:
I couldn't disagree more with the initial statement (actually found it by searching for some particular Gann research in google).

For anyone who reads this thread in the future, and isn't already confident with his/her ability to consistently profit, it would really help you to note that EW and Gann principles remain very sound, and contrary to what the opening poster presumes are in fact used by almost all professional traders - especially EW (not that it should matter what these people trade by).

The problem that I can forsee the opening poster is running into, is that EW and Gann really do appear to the naked eye to be as close to a Trading Holy Grail, as may be available publicly. Truly, with a few modifications and conversions, they are - when incorporated with various other methods. There is too much developed Chaos in the markets these days for any publicly available tool/s to work according to their underlying theory. Moreover, EW and Gann are significantly more complex and intricate to apply in practise, and proper use of these methods requires a lot of practise.