What we have now is a bunch of puppets carrying out a global agenda that is decided in secret with no accountability.
David, I was reading with interest until you mentioned this global agenda decided in secrecy BS.
What we have now is a bunch of puppets carrying out a global agenda that is decided in secret with no accountability.
The idea that politicians are there to serve the interests of the people is frankly ludicrous.. I've never seen a shred of evidence to support it. Isn't that confusing theory with practice?
Apart from a few backbenchers, who get into politics for the right reasons, and rarely achieve anything beyond reigning in the worst of ideas and plans, all we see are a group of talentless, unimaginative, massively under performing and underwhelming mediocrities. Churchill/Atlee/Bevin/Macmillan/Blair/Thatcher ??
The best thing that could happen is if they mostly did nothing because everything they touch fails, costs a lot of money and makes the problems worse. And let Sir Humphrey run everything?
The whole establishment is riddled with peadophiles, liars and chiseling litlle self entitled hippocrites who rightly, believe they are above the law. No doubt there are pockets of this but "riddled"? – Where's the evidence?
They are nothing more than a bunch of traitors who make empty speeches aboout freedom, justice and democracy while cheering after having voted to drop yet more bombs on people in the Middle East based on yet more lies and at the beck and call of Israel and the US. Do you mean Tony Blair? – He never represented everybody.
Against this backdrop, Farage pulled off a modern day miracle and looks like a giant compared to the majority of the political pygmies who are doing their best to reverse the result of the referendum. Absolutely!
If we had real democracy we would have real leadership. That is the real reason you don't see it So what is real democracy? Isn't what we've got "the least worst option" to quote Churchill? What's your definition of real democracy?
When we had kings and queens ruling the country, you had real leadership because there was real power there. Yes – and not a lot of democracy!
What we have now is a bunch of puppets carrying out a global agenda that is decided in secret with no accountability. Evidence? Examples?
That is the truth of the matter.
It kind of makes a nonsense of political discussion. Not if you argue from evidence and logical reasoning.
What we should have done is invoked article 50 on day 1. They had a clear mandate and the momentum to do that. Absolutely!
That didn't happen- not because we needed time to formulate a strategy (with the smokescreen claim that the civil service hadn't even prepared a plan B) but because the political class are traitors who, apart from a few exceptions in the Tory party have no intention of letting this country govern itself The metropolitan elite always know what's best for the rest of us don't they
Next- We should have immediately announced that we were going to world trade arrrangements.
Absolutely no need for negotiating with a bunch of facists who don't ever negotiate.
That would have completely out manoevered the EU and left them looking like the feeble bureacrats that they really are. Absolutely!
Business would know from day 1 exactly where they stood.
The Tories would look immensley strong. it would have played well to the leavers in the Tory party.
Corbyn would have been neutered. The remainers would have no legal or moral basis to stand in the way of democracy. And, in fact they don't anyway.
And the EU could go whistle for the ransom they are demanding.
Other countries thinking about leaving,? Just think how much more emboldened they would feel if they saw such swift decisive action.
And at this point it would be in the EU's interest to reform itself (which it never will ) or die (which I hope to see in my life time).
Instead the Tories look weak- but then look who we're dealing with. Agree all above.
I bet many tories actually believe that Boris is just pretending to be a clown as some kind of brilliant disguise.
The truth is he is exactly what he looks like.
He even proved to be completely useless at stabbing his own leader in the back. A feat most Tories manage in their stride. IMHO Boris is greatly underestimated and not the cad he sometimes allows himself to be portrayed as. An intellectual and successful two-term London Mayor.
Farage might regret leaving. UKIP look weak ever since he left. The job is only half done. And if the traitors and the EU have their way it will never be done.
The Conservatives rejected Farage as a member – they will live to regret it.
Hi c_v,. . .Mogg will already have a Brexit plan that will be fully thought through and implementable, even if it means walking away. He's not the sort of chap the Europeans would want to mess with. . .
Hi c_v,
Jacob Rees-Mogg as PM is unlikely to happen. Unfortunately, he wrote his own political obituary with his completely outdated views on gay marriage and abortion. He's a very smart chap, but not smart enough to realize that religion and politics don't mix. He should have kept his Catholic views to himself or, at the very least, been less willing to wear them on his sleeve. It was a huge mistake: one which at the very least will stifle - and possibly halt - his political ambitions. A real shame.
Hi Pat,Perhaps politicians should not just pander to current views in order to get elected but hold out a bit on principles.
Hi c_v,
Jacob Rees-Mogg as PM is unlikely to happen. Unfortunately, he wrote his own political obituary with his completely outdated views on gay marriage and abortion. He's a very smart chap, but not smart enough to realize that religion and politics don't mix. He should have kept his Catholic views to himself or, at the very least, been less willing to wear them on his sleeve. It was a huge mistake: one which at the very least will stifle - and possibly halt - his political ambitions. A real shame.
I'd better leave the points addressed to me unanswered.I don't want to hijack the thread.