Theresa May

Not a nice moderate man imho. His political opponents have an unfortunate habit of getting murdered.

Well, who said life was fair? No worse than anyone else. And very clever. Strange things happened on 911.
I'm Sorry!

So, Theresa May says she's sorry!

Fat lot of good that is – we need someone who can get a grip and sort things out, and she's not it.

In any non-government organisation where a person holds a very responsible position, the normal procedure when somebody shows that they are inadequate or not up to the job is to get rid of them. The politicians will never learn from those who know how to do it. Starting to look like an open goal for Corbyn. Heaven help us!
So, Theresa May says she's sorry!

Fat lot of good that is – we need someone who can get a grip and sort things out, and she's not it.

In any non-government organisation where a person holds a very responsible position, the normal procedure when somebody shows that they are inadequate or not up to the job is to get rid of them. The politicians will never learn from those who know how to do it. Starting to look like an open goal for Corbyn. Heaven help us!

Agree. So what do we do?
Believe me, 911 did not happen as Fox told it. I was in the street and heard noises that were not just buildings collapsing.
Agree. So what do we do?

Wish I knew!

My Conservative MP is a May yes-man – so a complete waste of time in talking to him.

The Conservative party Elders don't seem to understand what's happening now even though they can recognise Corbyn as the bogeyman. They don't get it that the under 40s didn't live through the three-day week of the 70s (and all the socialist rest of it) and don't understand what a dose of Corbynism will do to them. They need to talk to the under 40s but until they are seen to have any credibility they will be wasting their time.

The Conservatives missed being kicked out of government by a hair's breadth: a few weeks more campaigning from Corbyn during the general election would have given him the keys to number 10. I cannot for the life of me understand why the Conservatives do not understand the precariousness of their position.

For anything to happen any of the following would help:

1. UKIP gets its act together and once more frightens the $hit out of the Conservatives and prompts them into action.

2. Boris/Davies/Fox/Mogg put the boot in.

3. May comes to her senses and realises that she is not up to it – it's about time Philip took her on one side and gave her a talking-to. (She hasn't even got the sense to realise that she needs to sack Boris just to show who's in charge.)

4. The EU Politbureau finally implodes and solves the Brexit problem for us – though I don't suppose it will happen in time to save us from Corbyn and anyway, the EU won't go down without a fight.

I live in hope that as has so often happened in British politics, that someone or some event steps in and changes things. Churchill had to do it in 1939 and Thatcher in 1979.
Am I Impressed?

Seems like I'm not the only one unimpressed:

Adam Smith Institute
Executive Director Sam Bowman said:

“It’s tempting to laugh at today’s speech but really it was quite sad. The Tories seem to have no idea what to do about housing, because they’re so afraid of alienating their base that they won’t do any substantive policy that could properly boost the supply of new homes. Again and again this week people asked how to connect with younger voters – the simple answer is to give them somewhere to live… Planning is the huge bottleneck here that is stopping millions of new houses from being built privately and affordably, and if the Conservatives are going to bury their heads in the sand about that then eventually voters will punish them for it.”

Institute of Directors:
Stephen Martin, Director General, said:

“You have a Conservative Party which talks about the importance of markets, but then tinkers around with help to buy and energy price caps. What are business leaders meant to make of it all? At this pivotal moment in this country’s history, far too little time has been spent explaining the plan for how we leave the European Union, or debating how we tackle the long-term challenges that face our economy. We have had positive messages on the importance of skills, and more funding for transport in the North, but we need to see serious proposals at the Budget to boost what is now wavering confidence in the wider economy.”

TaxPayers’ Alliance
John O’Connell, Chief Executive said:

“Despite claiming to be the ‘party of low taxes’, the current government plans to increase the tax burden to levels unseen since the 1960s. If the government is serious about solving the housing crisis then it needs to take on vested interests and NIMBYs, but sadly there’s little sign that that they have the courage to do so. The Prime Minister is right that families are struggling to cope with the rise in energy bills, and this is due to green taxes and subsidies. Instead of intervening in the market, the Government should stand up to the green lobby and slash unnecessary taxes and subsidies that artificially inflate the cost of energy for families.”

Institute of Economic Affairs:
Mark Littlewood, Director General, said:

“The Prime Minister’s encouraging rhetoric was followed up with the wrong policies… we have heard from leading Conservatives this week how free market capitalism is so beneficial. But we haven’t heard a single coherent policy that would make the UK a more free market economy. Rather we’ve had a string of announcements about how the Tories wish to place greater power in the hands of the state. May’s comments about being a supporter of free markets should at best be taken with a pinch of salt, but at worse look to be untrue.”
Nice summary sminicooper.

I think I posted months ago that Theresa May appears to be potentially a competent office manager. But that's all.
The UK is only a small country when it comes to land area. While the really big countries with wide open spaces refuse to have their quota of refugees.
A leader of strength would cut the immigrants down to zero. Only tourists, paying students, essential workers should be allowed in and that on a strictly temporary basis.
Tough decisions need to be taken. There are 100s of millions of disadvantaged people around the world. They can't all come here.
The do gooders and Blairites say they should but it is clearly impractical.
The UK is only a small country when it comes to land area. While the really big countries with wide open spaces refuse to have their quota of refugees.
A leader of strength would cut the immigrants down to zero. Only tourists, paying students, essential workers should be allowed in and that on a strictly temporary basis.
Tough decisions need to be taken. There are 100s of millions of disadvantaged people around the world. They can't all come here.
The do gooders and Blairites say they should but it is clearly impractical.

Refugees are just symptoms of a problem. When the problem is tackled/solved so will be the refugee problem – but that's just wishful thinking isn't it? And of course it's easy to blame the politicians for not tackling it – but if these problems were that simple they would have been solved years ago. You're dealing with people and therefore there will always be problems.

As far as space in the UK goes: there's actually plenty of space but it's all in the wrong places where nobody wants to be. And I don't know of a good way of dealing with NIMBYism. I suspect if we did what they did after World War II with the housing shortage – prefabs – which were actually a darn sight better than some of the existing housing, we might get somewhere. I see the politicians are now referring to "modular" housing; is that a gentle introduction to flatpack kits for living in? There is a desperate shortage of housing in UK and it needs a really radical solution – pouring more money into the market via "help to buy" without increasing supply of houses will only push up prices – how does that help anybody apart from housebuilders?
Refugees are just symptoms of a problem. When the problem is tackled/solved so will be the refugee problem – but that's just wishful thinking isn't it?

Depends on how one views what's necessary and what's likely.

If we are to survive, some sort of control must be exerted so that no country is so miserable that large numbers of inhabitants will go to any lengths to get out of it.

Is it likely that the conditions under which that sort of control will be possible will be implemented? No. At least not until things get far worse.
The UK is only a small country when it comes to land area. While the really big countries with wide open spaces refuse to have their quota of refugees.
A leader of strength would cut the immigrants down to zero. Only tourists, paying students, essential workers should be allowed in and that on a strictly temporary basis.
Tough decisions need to be taken. There are 100s of millions of disadvantaged people around the world. They can't all come here.
The do gooders and Blairites say they should but it is clearly impractical.

This is to the point. Why should refugees from someone else's war be encouraged to settle in the UK when refugees from floods and earthquakes and hurricanes (and poverty for that matter) are not? What's the difference?

The difference is political point-scoring by the left, not humane treatment of their fellow men.
This is to the point. Why should refugees from someone else's war be encouraged to settle in the UK when refugees from floods and earthquakes and hurricanes (and poverty for that matter) are not? What's the difference?

Refugees from floods and earthquakes and hurricanes aren't in danger of being raped, tortured, gassed, starved, and otherwise subjected to all the little pleasantries we have invented to toy with each other.

You've forgotten about the SS St Louis. But so, it seems, has everyone else.
Refugees from floods and earthquakes and hurricanes aren't in danger of being raped, tortured, gassed, starved, and otherwise subjected to all the little pleasantries we have invented to toy with each other.

You've forgotten about the SS St Louis. But so, it seems, has everyone else.

Why does one victim qualify for residence in Europe and the other not?
The idea that politicians are there to serve the interests of the people is frankly ludicrous.. I've never seen a shred of evidence to support it.

Apart from a few backbenchers, who get into politics for the right reasons, and rarely achieve anything beyond reigning in the worst of ideas and plans, all we see are a group of talentless, unimaginative, massively under performing and underwhelming mediocrities.

The best thing that could happen is if they mostly did nothing because everything they touch fails, costs a lot of money and makes the problems worse.

The whole establishment is riddled with peadophiles, liars and chiseling litlle self entitled hippocrites who rightly, believe they are above the law.

They are nothing more than a bunch of traitors who make empty speeches aboout freedom, justice and democracy while cheering after having voted to drop yet more bombs on people in the Middle East based on yet more lies and at the beck and call of Israel and the US.

Against this backdrop, Farage pulled off a modern day miracle and looks like a giant compared to the majority of the political pygmies who are doing their best to reverse the result of the referendum.

If we had real democracy we would have real leadership. That is the real reason you don't see it

When we had kings and queens ruling the country, you had real leadership because there was real power there.

What we have now is a bunch of puppets carrying out a global agenda that is decided in secret with no accountability.

That is the truth of the matter.

It kind of makes a nonsense of political discussion.

What we should have done is invoked article 50 on day 1. They had a clear mandate and the momentum to do that.

That didn't happen- not because we needed time to formulate a strategy (with the smokescreen claim that the civil service hadn't even prepared a plan B) but because the political class are traitors who, apart from a few exceptions in the Tory party have no intention of letting this country govern itself

Next- We should have immediately announced that we were going to world trade arrrangements.

Absolutely no need for negotiating with a bunch of facists who don't ever negotiate.

That would have completely out manoevered the EU and left them looking like the feeble bureacrats that they really are.

Business would know from day 1 exactly where they stood.

The Tories would look immensley strong. it would have played well to the leavers in the Tory party.

Corbyn would have been neutered. The remainers would have no legal or moral basis to stand in the way of democracy. And, in fact they don't anyway.

And the EU could go whistle for the ransom they are demanding.

Other countries thinking about leaving,? Just think how much more emboldened they would feel if they saw such swift decisive action.

And at this point it would be in the EU's interest to reform itself (which it never will ) or die (which I hope to see in my life time).

Instead the Tories look weak- but then look who we're dealing with.

I bet many tories actually believe that Boris is just pretending to be a clown as some kind of brilliant disguise.

The truth is he is exactly what he looks like.

He even proved to be completely useless at stabbing his own leader in the back. A feat most Tories manage in their stride.

Farage might regret leaving. UKIP look weak ever since he left. The job is only half done. And if the traitors and the EU have their way it will never be done.

Farage aside. He may have pulled off the greatest political achievement this century, but the establishment were never going to invite him to the top table to see the job through.

So we are where we are, which is not a very good place at all.
We have an accidental PM who's conviction is misaligned with the job that needs to be done. The negotiation so far is nothing short of a complete joke. Teresa the appeaser has been trying to accommodate too many people and groups in her hotch potch Brexit plan. Consequently, the initiative has been taken up by the other side and we now find ourselves on the back foot. The only way now to recover the situation, is for the Tories to oust May and if they have any sense, they will put Mogg in charge.

Mogg will already have a Brexit plan that will be fully thought through and implementable, even if it means walking away. He's not the sort of chap the Europeans would want to mess with.

Remainers, subverters and de-railers have a lot to answer for in this process. Which is why i'm giving them a hard time. They deserve it!