TheBramble's Short-Term Spot FX Biases

EURCAD stopped for -5/23. P&L nominal -21.7% of full risk which equates to a real -0.43% loss.
EURCAD adjust stop on default position size to 2823 and increase size by 35%

edit: Glad nobody is following this thread and placed their stop at the current price as I suggested.... I was reading the current price when I was typing the stop level which was the original one of 2860.
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EURCAD out at 2803 for +18/39

EURTJPY out at 99.16 for +56/38

EURUSD out at 2482 for +56/44

P&Ls in a bit
EURCAD entry avg. at 2821. Stop 2860. Risk 39 pips. Exit at 2803 for +18/39. Nominal +46%. Real +0.9%.

EURJPY entry at 99.72. Stop 100.10. Risk 38 pips. Exit at 99.16 for +56/38. Nominal +147%. Real +2.9%.

EURUSD entry at 2538. Stop 2582. Risk 44 pips. Exit at 2482 for +56/44. Nominal +127%. Real +2.5%.
Three winning trades providing a +6.3% real gain on total trading capital.

Two losing trades taking 2.4% out of my stash.

Net gain for the day +3.9%
It worries me that nobody asks about my entries, or my exits. While I'm keen to detail my thought processes, which I figure is the main bit, I'd be thinking, what else?

Some other time perhaps?

I'll maybe post a short term bias in the morning, but I'm unlikely to have capacity to live trade tomorrow. Catch you in the squawk, which is my daily pulse.

Will do a quick review of the day in a bit.
AUD Long – we never did get the entry setups. And given that it closed the day 2 pips(JPY) and 5 pips (USD) away from the open and whipsawed like a thing possessed in the interim, that was probably a good thing. Hats off to all those who made a profit short term today on those two pairs.

EUR Short – Certainly had some profits out of short EUR today, but also had an instance of bad stop placement and one of a timing issue.

GBPCHF Long – pleased we didn’t get an entry setup for what was in essence a total pancake.
GBPJPY & GBPUSD Short – eye off the ball on these two, but you’d have made decent money to the downside after the NY open.

USDCAD Short – 16 pips open to close and snake in between. Nothing doing for me.
USDCHF Long – it was, but only after a big pump up on the 16:30 (London) bar.
USDJPY Short – or how about flat?

Well done to anyone who made a stick of profit out of anything today as it was, as have the last few weeks, a tough one.
Short term (m15) FX Bias

AUD Short
EUR Short
USDCAD no idea

Independent Single Currency Rankings (STRONGEST TO WEAKEST)


As at 07:24 London
Changes to Yesterday's bias:-

AUDs now reverted to longer term Bear phase.

USDCAD too close to call. Longer term Bullish, so probabilities favour a move up at some point.
It worries me that nobody asks about my entries, or my exits. While I'm keen to detail my thought processes, which I figure is the main bit, I'd be thinking, what else?

I would guess you use Stop entries when significant level/marker is pierced in the direction of your bias?

Personally I always seem to get 'whip-sawed' when I try that sort of approach, probably because I'm not comfortable using a wide SL.

I got the impression from your old 201 thread that you preferred a tighter SL than you seem to be using now, have you had a major change of strategy?

As for exits I would guess you target S/R levels assuming the trade pans out as you expect, which is probably as logical a place to exit as any.
Hope everybody else is having a good run today. I did say last night I thought I'd not have the capacity to call them live today and it's certainly turned out that way.
Every flavour of USD, EUR & JPY combination has turned good profits so far today. These are fairly obviously the ones at the extreme ends on my Strongest-to-Weakest Currency Ratings posted at 07:24.

Back later.

Vorbis - will respond fully to your post after I'm done trading.
hey B

many thanks again for that PM advice ......

to keep my hand in do you mind if I tag along here a little and post some currency bias signals when i see them

I rate this thread highly and cannot see the point in creating an inferior copy

is the 4hr TF ok ? means i'm not posting every 10 mins :smart:

It worries me that nobody asks about my entries, or my exits. While I'm keen to detail my thought processes, which I figure is the main bit, I'd be thinking, what else?

Some other time perhaps?

I would love an insight into your Exit strategy B....but most Traders still think the holy Grail is in the entry dont upset them ! ;)

It will be highly mechanical or highly Subjective....i'm guessing you lean towards subjective its much more fun that way !
