TheBramble's Random Squawk

While the recently proposed quasi-FDIC for Europe looks like another ‘good idea’ its funding is derived from the banks themselves. Well, obviously not the ones that are in trouble. So, which banks will pay for the ones that can’t? Ah, OK…got it now. LOL
Spanish banks likely to be recapitalised by swapping shares (which are currently regressing to their FA levels) for government debt. If this goes ahead, Spain’s already sagging Debt:GDP will be under even more pressure, pushing up the yield and lowering the demand even further for government debt, which they will be exchanging with themselves for near worthless shares in failing banks.
Isn’t exchanging Spanish sovereign debt for failing bank shares a bail out? I guess not.
SNB’s Jordan is still wibbling on about the 1.2 floor on the Swissy v Euro and steps being considered to protect competitiveness. What does Switzerland export anyhow? Most imagine it’s all financial services, but it’s actually pretty much the same as UK, around 70% fin.serv and 20% manufacturing, so it does hurt when they get beefed up by flight-to-safety fund inflows. (I assume the other 10% is chocolate, tourism, prostitution and clocks).
What is more interesting is that Swiss fin.min. Widmer-Schlumpf is considering capital controls. I did wonder how long it would be before these words were spoken out loud. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see that gather pace. Not just in Switzerland either. I do think a Euro breakup is less likely than likely in the short term. Greece’s exit more likely than not in the short term. But if the fit did hit the shand, the good old UK wouldn’t be too slow on the capital controls side. Worked in the 60s & 70s a treat. Constrict outward fund movement – constrict inward immigration.
Dutch 10-yr yield at record low. Even with a recessive economy the real clout is in the expectations of solid fiscal and monetary management even within the constraints of the EU strait-jacket. Gawd bless the cloggies.
Qatada deportation case to be delayed until October. If they make it after Christmas, he can do a panto stint as Captain Hook and earn some money for a change.
SNB’s Jordan is still wibbling on about the 1.2 floor on the Swissy v Euro and steps being considered to protect competitiveness. What does Switzerland export anyhow? Most imagine it’s all financial services, but it’s actually pretty much the same as UK, around 70% fin.serv and 20% manufacturing, so it does hurt when they get beefed up by flight-to-safety fund inflows. (I assume the other 10% is chocolate, tourism, prostitution and clocks).
What is more interesting is that Swiss fin.min. Widmer-Schlumpf is considering capital controls. I did wonder how long it would be before these words were spoken out loud. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see that gather pace. Not just in Switzerland either. I do think a Euro breakup is less likely than likely in the short term. Greece’s exit more likely than not in the short term. But if the fit did hit the shand, the good old UK wouldn’t be too slow on the capital controls side. Worked in the 60s & 70s a treat. Constrict outward fund movement – constrict inward immigration.

Hey B

a shame about the Swissie.....I remember it frollicking alongside its friends the yen and USD with the carefree wind in its hair ....sigh ;)

heres those 2 Euro and CHF amigos on a strengthmeter and the path is south at the moment for both of them.....but only because the SNB must be the only party buying Euro at the moment .....:rolleyes:



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....but only because the SNB must be the only party buying Euro at the moment .....:rolleyes:
But they're not buying Euro.

Their Q1 deltas as follows - these are percentage increases of foreign reserves holdings cf end of 2011:-

They're buying GBP (+93%), USD (+12%) and JPY (+11%).
Qatada deportation case to be delayed until October. If they make it after Christmas, he can do a panto stint as Captain Hook and earn some money for a change.

Yeah, let the scumbag enjoy the summer and finish the planning for his contribution to the Olympics.....
All for him playing Hook.......then he'll have all his benefits stopped if he's actually earning money. That'll reduce our national debt by a fair whack.
Originally Posted by NVP
....but only because the SNB must be the only party buying Euro at the moment .....

But they're not buying Euro.

Their Q1 deltas as follows - these are percentage increases of foreign reserves holdings cf end of 2011:-

They're buying GBP (+93%), USD (+12%) and JPY (+11%).

well blow me down......I figured they were keeping the peg by just flexing against the large quantities............
Have you still got that spare bedroom Richard? I doubt ECHR will allow him to be cooped up in prison for 6 months.
well blow me down......I figured they were keeping the peg by just flexing against the large quantities............
Sorry N. So unexpected are my rare encounters with humour on this site that when a good ‘un does fly by me – it does just that.
USD 5.5 billion liquidity swap. Egyptian repurchase (1 week) agreements to enable holders to access funding at 9.75%.
Have you still got that spare bedroom Richard? I doubt ECHR will allow him to be cooped up in prison for 6 months.

Three spare bedrooms now, Tony.
Wondered what to do with them.
Thanks for the great idea.
Will convert one to a torture chamber immediately, provide a bit of "Care in the Community" for him.

Not sure that will be sufficient Richard, He has several wives and many children. And he needs a room for the bomb-making equipment. Any chance you and Mrs. Charts could move into the annexe?