The ZTL Forex Trading Method !

No one is taking Interest.
I feel I am just wasting my time, no one is following the system.
Is it because its for FREE?

I am going to discontinue and end it here.

Dr. Zain Agha

I guess the cynical veterans here believe this is a ploy to build a customer base so you can push your ZEZ System at a later date as many others have done in the past with other systems, but maybe i'm being unfair
Oh the good old mr Zain Agha.. drumming up business and a client base for his $hitty system yet again,... Guys this guy is a marketer a low key scammer, promoting lots of different $hit over the internet with his wife,,, sending junk to inboxes and promoting anything they can gt their hands on. Dont believe me, just google him and check him out on ebay too, and other review sites such as FPA, selling $hi£ on £hi£,, this guy will take your money.. Cant believe hes here...

You think by saying no1 is listening and taking notice, that peeps here will contact u privately so u can sell them your £400 ****ty system,, Man your more stupid than i thought, and tell your wife not to send junk to my emails A$$hole....
Oh the good old mr Zain Agha.. drumming up business and a client base for his $hitty system yet again,... Guys this guy is a marketer a low key scammer, promoting lots of different $hit over the internet with his wife,,, sending junk to inboxes and promoting anything they can gt their hands on. Dont believe me, just google him and check him out on ebay too, and other review sites such as FPA, selling $hi£ on £hi£,, this guy will take your money.. Cant believe hes here...

You think by saying no1 is listening and taking notice, that peeps here will contact u privately so u can sell them your £400 ****ty system,, Man your more stupid than i thought, and tell your wife not to send junk to my emails A$$hole....

Yep totally agree 100% Bull****....Just a low key scammer trying to sell off his system.....
i can not believe how many DUMBASSES there are in T2W. People who actually believe in this ****. anyone who does i GUARANTEE would not make a good trader, because a good trader is paranoid. ALso a good trader can come up with their own ideas. it is jus fuc*ing common sense to ignore **** like the dumb ass doctor has come up with.
first thing u need to ask yourself is, if this strategy works so well, y dont the guy implement it himself and make himself a billionaire, y come to a thread like this full of dumbasses. ill tell u y, becoz he knws the dumb asses on this thread will buy into that stuff.
Absolutely, I dont even think hes even a real doctor, just saying it for credibility. Funny thing is hes got his wife onto it too, promoting all kinds of $h!^, unless hes pretending to be his own wife...

I dont think hes gona come back to defend all this is he.. A$$ho!e!!!
i can not believe how many DUMBASSES there are in T2W. People who actually believe in this ****. anyone who does i GUARANTEE would not make a good trader, because a good trader is paranoid. ALso a good trader can come up with their own ideas. it is jus fuc*ing common sense to ignore **** like the dumb ass doctor has come up with.
first thing u need to ask yourself is, if this strategy works so well, y dont the guy implement it himself and make himself a billionaire, y come to a thread like this full of dumbasses. ill tell u y, becoz he knws the dumb asses on this thread will buy into that stuff.[/Q

All you had to say was this guy is a scam. As far as dumb? Does that exclude you?
We are all learners and who is to say what benefits some does not benefit others? Do you know the heart and intentions in the heart of man for those who seek to search out a subject and gain knowledge? What you consider invaluable may be the very thing someone else has gained from. Do you always know the perfect path? These are harsh judgements you are making concerning other members of Trade2Win.
Here is Mr. zain freelancing as a carnival worker, you can see the ferris wheel in the back ground. 😆


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I can see a lot of Negative people on this forum.

I can see a lot of Negative people on this forum.

These sort of Negative people will never ever progress in their life.
They touch Gold and it becomes Stone.

These are the people who are utter failures in trading, in life and also in relationship.
Their marriages break down, their children leave them, they have no friends and they
eventually end up on State Benefit. They break other people's heart and as a result they
die of Malignant Diseases. Thats how their life ends.

Those who are Serious, send me a PM and I will send you the
ZTL System for FREE.

Dr. Zain Agha
How To Receive The ZTL System For FREE!

Those who wish to receive the complete ZTL System need to make a unique User ID and a password of at least 7 Alphanumerics that you can remember easilly and send it to me at [email protected] so that I may make your login to download the ZTL Manual and send it to your email address.

Each individual has his/her own User ID and password so it is essential that you make
it yourself and send it to me.

Dr. Zain Agha
Forex Trading Strategy - 1
I can see a lot of Negative people on this forum.

These sort of Negative people will never ever progress in their life.
They touch Gold and it becomes Stone.

These are the people who are utter failures in trading, in life and also in relationship.
Their marriages break down, their children leave them, they have no friends and they
eventually end up on State Benefit. They break other people's heart and as a result they
die of Malignant Diseases. Thats how their life ends.

Those who are Serious, send me a PM and I will send you the
ZTL System for FREE.

Dr. Zain Agha

hi Dr,

There will be interest in what you say, if you say something worthwhile. Stopping posting after just a couple of trades, on the grounds of no-ones interested, is strange, unless your motives are to drum up a customer base.

Also, the arrogant assumption that only one method works profitably. Long-standing traders here trade many styles, over many time-frames. Some of these styles seem contradictory. nonetheless, they would appear to be profitable.

As long as free threads like the "GBPUSD Analysis" are here, offering free breakout ideas, with essentially free support, you will be at a disadvantage.

And the relatively inexpensive Sniper system, which has a growing following, is also a strong competitor to your wares.

Tangentially, I am surprised at your analysis of what happens to "negative" people, and the social breakdown in their lives, resulting in "malignant deaths". Surprised, since you profess to be a "doctor".
Which medical school was that exactly?

Oh dear, I have just got a massive headache writing that.
Should I take St Johns Wort, or Echinacea?
Or just get a good deal on a coffin?
I can see a lot of Negative people on this forum.

These sort of Negative people will never ever progress in their life.
They touch Gold and it becomes Stone.

These are the people who are utter failures in trading, in life and also in relationship.
Their marriages break down, their children leave them, they have no friends and they
eventually end up on State Benefit. They break other people's heart and as a result they
die of Malignant Diseases. Thats how their life ends.

Those who are Serious, send me a PM and I will send you the
ZTL System for FREE.

Dr. Zain Agha

From what I can see It seems you have been trying to flog your systems for a while now...
Because of your past of selling fradulent systems, who's to blame for all the negative posts being posted...

Traders will and always have experiences of similar people that have tried to do what you are doing....As trendie said in the previous post....If you have something that is useful and helpful to others then others will begin to take an intrest..
However, it sounds to me that if after posting a page of your information you decide to complain about people not visiting this thread and taking an interest, this to me sounds like the words of a low-key scammer trying to drum-up some business... Your views on what will happen to such negative people are frankly the words of an arrogant person with no beliefs or morals, I suggest that if you want to sell your system or whatever, you need to develop your social skills and realise that if you have nothing useful or helpful to say...... people won't care.

I seriously think you need to rethink your approach.....after all yours isn't the only profitable system out there.
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No one is taking Interest.
I feel I am just wasting my time, no one is following the system.
Is it because its for FREE?

I am going to discontinue and end it here.

Dr. Zain Agha
Every trade example you made was posted late. All you did was watch various pairs, then post the one that 'played' out your 'strategy'.

You are dellusional.
This Offer is now closed.

Those who wish to receive the complete ZTL System need to make a unique User ID and a password of at least 7 Alphanumerics that you can remember easilly and send it to me at [email protected] so that I may make your login to download the ZTL Manual and send it to your email address.

Each individual has his/her own User ID and password so it is essential that you make
it yourself and send it to me.

Dr. Zain Agha
Forex Trading Strategy - 1

This offer is now closed.
Those who have downloaded the ZTL System, I wish them well.
From what I've read he's a well known scammer I read a post in BP where someone said this guy scammed him of 3k with all kinds of fantastic systems but sold him crap
Dr Zain Agha

In what way ?


You are doing a real service Paul by questioning people who have more or less driven out Zain ! The stuff he sold might not be great but then the buyers must have been greedy folks wanting to receive "holy grail". I have seen his sytems - what he puts out on Internet pages - more or less common sense - I wouln't buy them but the systems are OK in themselves - can make money for someone who really wants to !

Have a Good Day, Paul,
