The Forex Journal


Designed for both advanced and novice trader, The Forex Journal, contains something for everyone. It touches on the major Forex market basics or currency characteristics that all traders – particularly day traders – need to know, and contain actionable information on which you can base some of your trading strategies. This comprehensive guide opens with a straightforward discussion of general issues, such as the emergence of the foreign exchange market, who are the major players are, and significant historical milestones, but quickly delves into more detailed topics in the following sections :

● What moves the currency market – factors that impact both long-term and short-term price movements

● What are the best times to trade for individual currency pairs – through an outline of major currency pair trading activity, you’ll discover When pairs are most attractive.

● Trade parameters for different market conditions – teaches you how to first profile a trading environment and then know which indicators touse for that trading environment.

● Technical trading strategies – covers some of the most important trading strategies for day traders and swing traders.

● Fundamental trading strategies – covers intervention-based trades as well as the secret moneymaking strategies.

● A profile of major currency pairs – discuss the unique characteristics of each major currency pair, from what drives their price action to which economic data releases are most important

Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, The Forex Journal can show you how to enter this highly competitive arena with confidence and exit with profits.

You can read some of the great articles at the following link.

An Interview With J. Welles Wilder 👍

The Most Popular Forex Entry Strategies

How My Worst Trade Ever Turned Me into a Better Trader

Ranking Forex Markets

Stop Hunting With The Big Players

The 3 Duck's Trading System - A Simple System That Will Improve Your Trading

How My Worst Trade Ever Turned Me into a Better Trader

How To Increase Your Trading Emotional IQ

Any Many more...

Enjoy reading and have a profitable trading