What trading system or method do you guys use?

I'm actually quite gutted about David Laws, I thought he was a real asset to the coalition, but am guessing he'll be booted out. I just don't get it ... he made a fortune at JP and BZW and retired young, so why the need to fiddle the system like this? Is it because everyone else was at it?
Ah you've not been paying attention. Oil has started a trading blog, called something like 1,000% pa mercenary trading.. he is now trading a pure discretionary "system".

True, i've spent more time in my cave then on here the last few weeks, amazing how leopards change their spots in such a short space of time.
True, i've spent more time in my cave then on here the last few weeks, amazing how leopards change their spots in such a short space of time.

A leopard never loses his spots, he can change from indicator to indicator and from system to system, the trader's own styles never go.😆

Lepoard dreaming of getting rid of spots?😆
Genuine question here OIl, I may be wrong but I thought most of your trading was automated stratagies, if so how do they work if not with indicators?

I made a load of systems with and without indicators.Instead of using indicators,systems were coded with price behaviour.Here is an example "If price of last 10 bars close average is greater than open , buy ".It was used in place of Stochastic.

The automated strategies have over the last two years been breaking even.The reason is more trends are breaking down , and trending profits are not there at present.
I made a load of systems with and without indicators.Instead of using indicators,systems were coded with price behaviour.Here is an example "If price of last 10 bars close average is greater than open , buy ".It was used in place of Stochastic.

The automated strategies have over the last two years been breaking even.The reason is more trends are breaking down , and trending profits are not there at present.

You're right, there has been a distinct lack of trends this year. EUR/USD has not moved a millimeter. Gold is so boring, never moves. Natural gas declining 30 pct since January, pah, what's the point of trading such an insignificant move.

I think it's safe to say that in such non-volatile market conditions, such as those we are experiencing now, we're unlikely to see any meaningful trends develop in the next year or two.
You're right, there has been a distinct lack of trends this year. EUR/USD has not moved a millimeter. Gold is so boring, never moves. Natural gas declining 30 pct since January, pah, what's the point of trading such an insignificant move.

I think it's safe to say that in such non-volatile market conditions, such as those we are experiencing now, we're unlikely to see any meaningful trends develop in the next year or two.

It is not the sort of volatility suited to my systems.These are unusual market conditions with a financial crisis that happens almost every week.
Maybe it's because you don't have data from 2008.. this hindered your system development .. ?

I had data until end of 2008 and everything worked fine until end of 2008.2009 and 2010 market conditions are different, so I now gotta modify them to cater for theses types of market behaviour, i.e market lacks conviction in any move or reluctance to hold on to gains therefore reversing.If you are working on 50 stop and 150 target on trends , and buying after a substantial move , you are messed up.

I managed to get data until 2010 and am now improving the systems to become more robust.
You're right, there has been a distinct lack of trends this year. EUR/USD has not moved a millimeter.

hehe...the only person other than ODT who would actually AGREE with that statement would be medbs...or is it actually medODT...ODTbs ?

You're right, there has been a distinct lack of trends this year. EUR/USD has not moved a millimeter. Gold is so boring, never moves. Natural gas declining 30 pct since January, pah, what's the point of trading such an insignificant move.

I think it's safe to say that in such non-volatile market conditions, such as those we are experiencing now, we're unlikely to see any meaningful trends develop in the next year or two.

you serious?!?! well yeh i guess compared to the glorious bull runs of 06/07 it ain't much!
I use nested Trends along with volume.

Nested Trends is Trends withing larger trends within larger trends....one can use cycles also since trends and cycles are closely related. For instance the intermediate term trends(william J oneils play level) are nested within the longer term trend.

In terms of volume, I follow volume on multiple trends/timeframes...is it increasing/decreasing/in a volume dry up lull. I also find Cumulative Delta extremely helpful. Cumulative Delta can be found in investor RT or Market Delta.

Cumulative Delta can let you read the order flow:clap::clap::clap:
I just use a boring old trendfollowing system run from an Excel spreadsheet. Even in these difficult market conditions (that phrase makes me laugh, you'll find people saying that about the market in 1912!) there still seem to be one or two good old fashioned trends, and it seems to keep me out of the worst sideways action. Sugar, Cotton and the Euro have been very kind in the past few months.
Even in these difficult market conditions (that phrase makes me laugh, you'll find people saying that about the market in 1912!)

Lol ain't that the truth !!!


In a way I guess I'm a trend trader too, looking for trend alignment of multiple time frames, and entering on pullbacks, OB/OS, patterns, and then riding the trend till it bends or till it stalls at s/r or pivot levels, but on relatively short time frames, and basically in one market at the time, mainly bund right now.