The Welsh Wizard


A little while back I did a "mentoring session" with the Welsh Wizard and thought I'd share my experience with you all. For those of you who don't know him, Richard (aka The Welsh Wizard) specializes in trading the FTSE futures contract and some shares.

The mentoring program is basically 1 day with him, which costs just over: £2.5k and is based at his place in Wales. During this time he discussed the FTSE and gave a brief overview about his trading methodologies. Interestingly his ideas are very simple, although to be honest I did not see him trade live during the whole day. In essence he discusses a range breakout, some moving averages and some information around reading bar charts.

Would be interested if anyone else here trades with The Wizard, or other people's thoughts regarding trading mentors. I have to be honest I feel like this was a very expensive course that really only touched the surface.

Simpleton 🙂
He charges £2.5k?....isn't that the amount of Margin needed on a FTSE futures contract?

Maybe he couldn't trade "live" as he didn't have enough cash in his Clearing account. At least he does now! 🙂
Good information indeed. The Welsh Wizard has been an independent stockmarket trader, analyst and writer since 1987, with a background as a law analyst and corporate accountant specialising in company turnaround, forensic financial analysis and miscellaneous Court Advocacy. Being associated with it, we feel more secured financially.
"corporate accountant specialising in company turnaround, forensic financial analysis and miscellaneous Court Advocacy."

So what you are actually saying is that he is an Insolvency Practioner?
"corporate accountant specialising in company turnaround, forensic financial analysis and miscellaneous Court Advocacy."

So what you are actually saying is that he is an Insolvency Practioner?
No what they are really doing is trying to advertise their website by "tagging" onto other posts. They do not have a vendor badge and they are using a URL in their signature, which is against the site rules. Their services aren't even trader related.

The afternoon at his house is just to explain his methodology and show you how he sets his charts up. At which point did he give you the impression he could teach you everything there is to know about the stock market in one day? He lives in Wales, not Brigadoon.

Also, he does not discuss range breakouts. Maybe you're confusing Richard Welsh with Richard Donchian.

The mentoring lasts for as long as it takes you to get going on your own (and beyond, I hear) via the internet at no extra cost. One of his students learned the game in 2 months, another he's still mentoring after 7 years (though I hear the fellow in question is living off his trading, you can earn while you learn). I’ve been in contact with the WW almost daily for over a month now and he's given me enormous support and insights into trading and I haven't even paid him a penny yet.

There’s no shortage of wolves patrolling the internet waiting to part you from your cash with claims of their ability to turn your trading around overnight but don’t count the Welsh Wizard among them: he turns away 99% of applicants to his mentoring program and only espouses the nuts and bolts reality of day trading for a living – but most don’t want reality; they prefer to buy into the dream.

He can teach you his method, if he so chooses, but the hard work and discipline are your side of the bargain.

And no I'm not an agent/alien/high preist of the illuminati posting replys on his behalf. I'm a bar tender.


“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”

Winston Churchill.
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