The Welsh Wizard - Intra-Day Futures Trading


Experienced member
I am considering a one day training course with the welsh wizard.

I read his daily trading diary and it appears to be the type of trading in which I am interested but before spending my hard earned cash I would like feed back from those who have attended a training session with him

Please feel free to pm me. All information given will be for me only and will not be repeated.


Why not DJ?

Do you want to be more specific? Have you any real experience of this guy?


There are very few people I would recommend. In fact there are only 3 in England I would even consider.
Newtron Bomb: who used to post and help people a lot on here. He now has his own web site. He is a self taught trader and continues to educate people.

Naz: For nasdaq and L2 trading.

And coming in at number one is The Welsh Wizard:

All 3 are traders first and educators second. They all trade for a living. They make money most days. And all 3 are genuine guys who have a passion for their work.

The Welsh Wizard is the person I credit with turning my trading around and teaching me to do it properly. He has given more of his time to me then I could possibly have wished for, and I still chat to him most days and consider him to be a personal true friend. He has ghost written numerous books for so called traders who don't have a clue. (Can't mention any names).

Of course. No one can please everyone they come into contact with can they? But these 3 are not out to win popularity contests: They tell it as it really is.
If you want any more info bracke, feel free to pm me or e mail me.

OH! 4. Sorry. I forgot Mr Charts What applies to the other 3 applies to him as well.
Dow Jones & options

Thank you both for your replies.

My original post was June 2006 from which I received one reply via a pm.

After ascertainig the course content from the replier to my post and obtaining details of course cost from The Welsh Wizard I decided not to pursue the matter.

