Money v The Game

Jtrader ,

Right , by your definition I would be a mechanical trader . I still believe a mech. trader of this sort beats the DT over the long run , by a big margin.

I have also seen other self made millioniares who are not of the ilk you described , in fact thay have been extremely low key and humble in lifestyle. they still live in the same districts , still drive the same old car , have NOT spalshed out on cars and houses and do NOT seek attention of any sort . if you visited them you might think they were just ordinary working class folk , but look at the bank account .... then you'll see the real deal . rich AND liquid.

I believe this is the profile of a highly successful trader , certainly it would seem that way from what I know of the wizards etc.

People who need the attention created by money in my view have serious personal issues of self image and security and need to address the core of that rather than camouflage it with the trappings of wealth .

Yes , very true that MJ and Shaq are highly successful atheletes , but these are team games , like football , you can afford to be more emotional and less controlled , the mental precision required is less than individual fined tuned skill games like tennis and snooker.

It would be difficult to transfer that same mindset to tennis , you only get disadvantages from emotional blow ups , like mcenroe but in basketball this may be a good thing.

I suppose you have to actually experience it to fully grasp what I am saying, I guess.