The official LORD JAMLA thread

lol, i like this Lord Jamla dude

he posts some good stuff and his style is entertaining, unlike most of the trader bois that i have to deal with

and i agree with the Al-Qaeda attack, don't think it will be worse than WTC thou

also think Bush will be tough to whack, too well protected blah

I'm disappointed. You've had plenty of time and this is the best you could come up with. A personal attack on another poster and ambiguous cheap sunday paper type headlines.

Given the number of assasination attempts on American presidents lives (succesful or otherwise) it would be unusual if there was not an attempt in the next couple of years.

You need to better define a nuclear attack. Are you referring to a nuclear explosion, a dirty bomb or an attack on a nuclear facility (power or weapons)? The first is unlikely due to the technical difficulties, the second is technically easy but limited in scope and the third requires significant manpower.

A biological attack is more likely but this again has significant difficulties associated with it. The only known terrorist attack of this type (Tokyo underground) was limited in effect and easily contained. In fact more people died as a result of a rescue attempt at the Moscow Opera using biological weapons than died in Tokyo.

The event I am predicting happens once in a lifetime and probably not even that. I can only think of Hiroshima being as close to it.

Perhaps the attack on Dresden or the attack on Nagasaki or the fire bomb attack on Tokyo (which killed more people than died at Hiroshima). Oops, we now have four such events in a 2 year time frame. I suppose it probably was a once in a lifetime event for those that were unfortunate to be there.

The personal attack on the intellect of another poster. Shame, shame, shame. You can only discredit anything you say by taking this path.

I really am looking forward to seeing comments from anyone who has attended one of your courses.
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He talked about seminars, he has not ever IIRC talked about trading courses. I think he's deliberately trying to mislead, and his 'seminars' if indeed they exist are probably nothing to do with trading whatsoever.

Bet he got a few people together and sang them a couple of songs.
he is very cavalier about civil war, dont you think ?

Perhaps he is a roundhead ?

You seem very easy to find faults with my work but I do not see anyone else predicting things of such magnitude. Unlike you, I put my head on the line and hence this rattles some people who like to hide behind their ' if this, buy BUT sell if this happens but buy back at this point' strategy that litter these boards.

You encounter someone who puts it to you no-holes barred, straight and to your face and you run scared. But I guess I shall put up with it, it's the price I pay for being in the top 2% of intellectuals.

Now listen, if you think I can predict how many people will die or their names then you are clearly wrong. Remember what we are working with here - the stock markets. I can only tell you what they tell me. I can't sensationilize things because I would be telling lies. However, will this attack be bigger than 9/11?? - UNQUESTIONABLY. I imagine that the murdered will run into 5 figures, so please tell me the last terror attack in history that did that, IF INDEED THERE IS ONE, and then realise how outrageous a prediction this is.

Do I know where in the world it will occur??? NO - I cannot see into the future - I have no special powers apart from being acutely intelligent to a level that most can only dream to attain. I have narrowed it down to 6 states, one of which is London - the smallest probability of all 6, thank God since that is where I live.
"Mr Charts - these boards also allow you to filter out posts using the 'ignore' option.

Just go to the profile of the particular person you wish to ignore (the Profile button is at the bottom of their post), and then at the very bottom of the profile page is 'Add (name) to your ignore list', and that should do the trick."

Goodbye laud jubbly, I don't have time to read trash so let's see if the ignore function works ;-))
I've just shorted everything I can up to my limit based on this knowledge.

If all goes well and tens of thousands die I'll be a millionaire.

What a sick thread, please get rid of it.

well, i must confess that after that last post of his, i get the impression that Lord Jamba is a little wacko...

however, as for his posts being sick and annoying to the point where some of yuo are calling for it to be deleted blah, i have to ask myself this question

are some of yuo really that weak minded that yuo get offended by some text on a message board?

look at it this way. Every year billions are spent on movie productions that contain scenes of death, violence and *** blah, that are done in GLORIOUS GRAPHIC DETAIL that only Hollywood can manage, and most of these movies are classified as 'mainstream entertainment'. Even yuor own James Bond was premiered before yuor Queen, and that movie was by far the most violent Bond film ever, especially in regard to the torture scene

now can yuo guys honestly tell me that yuo find Bond offensive...

and i don't accept that the crap that Lord Jamba's posts is more effective than the millions of bucks that movie directors spend on special effects...

that is all

- Car Key Boi
well you're only a young bull, I'm not surprised.
us bears are smarter than the average bull !
<img src="">
bonsai said:
well you're only a young bull, I'm not surprised.
us bears are smarter than the average bull !

HAHAHAHAHA! cool pic 😀

although i'm not that yuong, at least i don't feel yuong. I know i act like an asshole most of the time, but i've just turned 30. That may or may not be considered old to yuo, but i sure feel like it 🙁

lately, i've even entertained a few thoughts in regard to getting married etc. 😱

i know. Scary, huh?
marriage ?

stop sniffing that stuff.
its addling your brain.
taureans should marry sagittarians I'm told.

I did.
With the little picture there and the 'boi' bit -- It just came into my mind! -- Ice,Ice baby...............Ice,Ice baby.