'Pah!' sums it up quite fairly, Les was merely pointing out with what even the brain dead could identify as a silly prediction (due to the fact it was certain to occur) that your own efforts were so vague as to be worthless. That you didn't see his point speaks volumes for your limited view of reality - you're actually missing the point here, most contributors to this thread are intelligent enough for their remarks to fly completely over your head.
I would sign up for your course if I wished to be a moron, but as you are fully booked I suppose I'll have to wait for Altzheimer's or a lobotomy to accomplish the trick of reaching your level.
Put up or shut up, I am more than happy to see you predict a few levels with specific targets and dates - a bit of a leeway on both is fine, for example DOW to hit a bottom in mid September, followed by a short term move to peak around March 2004. Now personally I think we're still firmly stuck in a bear market, but I'd hate to forecast levels - I still think there's a good chance the markets could drop to about 70% of their current levels. That's my opinion, and I don't sell that... consider it a freebie. I'm also short Ford from 10.06 as of 28 April, and reckon $8 is a possible...
I sold TIF $1.80 up after 3 weeks - I visit a number of boards so can't be sure I posted these trades here, but I DO know some board members knew about these trades.... so LJ, feel free to astound us with specifics. Or belt up, either will do frankly.