The official LORD JAMLA thread

QED That's why women talk so much...... :cheesy:
Sorry, couldn't resist it. You know I'm not really sexist.
Anyone who seeks to gain by boasting of "predicting" terrorist attacks is beneath contempt.
I used to laugh at that person's posts, but despise his attempts to seek out the gullible. Now the posts disgust me.
OOOOOH are you gonna cop it if they catch you <g>
DgLynn - yep, got busier - Sharescope weren't doing what I wanted or about to do so, so I wrote my own software... I still like S'scope etc but I just don't have the spare time to try to manhandle TA filters out of it !
'Anyone who seeks to gain by boasting of "predicting" terrorist attacks is beneath contempt.'

For starters who is trying to gain???? If I wanted to gain do you really think that I'd talk with such arrogance and distain?? What do I gain from that??? That is the typical attack from someone who has been completed brainwashed by mass media. WHO HAS NO CLUE WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN THE WORLD. I despise attacks as much as you do, and though you do not know it you and 99% of people ACTUALLY HELP THE TERRORISTS DO THEIR WORK. All I'm trying to show is that the stock markets can predict world events and we all can do it.

Don't curse me because I'm aware of HOW THE WORLD REALLY WORKS. I will tell people of my prediction for the next six months. You take it that I'm trying to 'gain something from it' and I'll see it as SAVING PEOPLE'S LIVES. Yeah you know Rumsfeld he's just after publicity when he issues these terrorist warnings. Just wants his name in the paper.

and as for Les's

'I predict there will be a major suicide bombing within the next three months. Place: Israel'

Is that the best you can come up with?
Bombings in Isreal happen every WEEK
Al-Qaeda attacks happen every 6 MONTHS.
What a superb and fair comparison.

Apologies for the harsh tone, but THE SOLE REASON THIS WORLD IS IN THE STATE IT IS, IS BECAUSE NONE OF YOU CAN BE BOTHERED TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE WORLD YOU LIVE IN. Maybe if you all did that, you wouldn't LET ALL THESE ATTACKS HAPPEN, and you all do. The crazy thing is is that you don't even know it.

Lord Fuming Jamla
So perhaps you should just tell us all how it is and then you would have a purpose. Or do you really know?

In fact how about just a quick one month on prediction for the DOW, if you are close we might believe you if not .... well nothing will change!!!
Lord Fuming Jamla

Well, 'fuming', have the sheep gone the wrong way? Are they not listening? Wont they do as they are told? Are the sheep undermining your authority?

No point blaming the sheep. Try the shepherd.
'Pah!' sums it up quite fairly, Les was merely pointing out with what even the brain dead could identify as a silly prediction (due to the fact it was certain to occur) that your own efforts were so vague as to be worthless. That you didn't see his point speaks volumes for your limited view of reality - you're actually missing the point here, most contributors to this thread are intelligent enough for their remarks to fly completely over your head.
I would sign up for your course if I wished to be a moron, but as you are fully booked I suppose I'll have to wait for Altzheimer's or a lobotomy to accomplish the trick of reaching your level.
Put up or shut up, I am more than happy to see you predict a few levels with specific targets and dates - a bit of a leeway on both is fine, for example DOW to hit a bottom in mid September, followed by a short term move to peak around March 2004. Now personally I think we're still firmly stuck in a bear market, but I'd hate to forecast levels - I still think there's a good chance the markets could drop to about 70% of their current levels. That's my opinion, and I don't sell that... consider it a freebie. I'm also short Ford from 10.06 as of 28 April, and reckon $8 is a possible...
I sold TIF $1.80 up after 3 weeks - I visit a number of boards so can't be sure I posted these trades here, but I DO know some board members knew about these trades.... so LJ, feel free to astound us with specifics. Or belt up, either will do frankly.
Some boards have an excellent feature that allow you to filter out posts from certain individuals.
This could be viewed as a personalised quality control maintenance system.........
For example, if I engender rage and fuming in other posters, they could filter me out. Of course I say this only for the most altruistic of motives. Fuming, like smoking, is not beneficial to health.
Having said that, I would not dream of filtering out the said individual if he were to post a photograph of himself with fumes coming out of his ears and nostrils. That again would make me smile, as I am doing at this moment having just read his last post.
I say this with the appropriate degree of respect.
Of course, Laud Jubbly might have thought people here were interested in a prophet, whereas what they really are interested in is a profit.
This might explain why he is unrecognised in his own land, as prophets typically are.
Or if you really want to get biblical, "Vanity, vanity, all is vanity".
Mr Charts - these boards also allow you to filter out posts using the 'ignore' option.

Just go to the profile of the particular person you wish to ignore (the Profile button is at the bottom of their post), and then at the very bottom of the profile page is 'Add (name) to your ignore list', and that should do the trick.
Thank you Skim, you're an angel.
Sometimes I spend too much time in front of a screen and then don't look for something when I should.
If it doesn't hit me in the face I tend not to look. That's my excuse for laziness.
I shall use that button in true Stalinist fashion.
Does Lord Jamla do the warm up for David Icke?

He should try an American board. They seem more susceptible to this "you have all been brainwashed" business.

I don't think there are any seminars taking place except for in this lunatic's imagination. Still he get a reaction from so many, why do we bother?

Follow me instead, I am a sado who needs attention therefore I predict there will be more bad news than good tomorrow , I am the new messiah.

I don't think there are any seminars taking place except for in this lunatic's imagination. Still he get a reaction from so many, why do we bother?
Speaking personally?

When i get bored and need a little entertainment :cheesy:

I'm sometimes tempted to really take this guy apart, - and believe me i'm more than capable of doing this - but i hold off i suppose partly because it would probably not penetrate very well, but also because if it did i could do a lot of psychological damage. (If you think i'm bragging, you're probably right, but take a look at my profile and that should explain matters).

I think some occasional entertainment at LJ's expense is probably ok, given the fact the he can be so scathing of others at times.
Cool stuff, Les.
When people email Laud Jubbly asking about his seminars it obviously inflates his self-esteem, but I suspect it only results in cognitive dissonance ;-)
Care in the community has a lot to answer for, huh? ;-)
Mr. Charts said:
Cool stuff, Les.
When people email Laud Jubbly asking about his seminars it obviously inflates his self-esteem, but I suspect it only results in cognitive dissonance ;-)
Cognitive who? 😀

Care in the community has a lot to answer for, huh? ;-)
In Manuel's immortal words: I say nothing...
But is there any meaningful metacognitive reasoning taking place? I'd quite like to buy a case of whatever he's been drinking though, it's obviously darn good stuff.
<i>I don't think there are any seminars taking place except for in this lunatic's imagination. Still he get a reaction from so many, why do we bother?</i>

Has anyone considered that Lord J may be an Al-Qaida operative?

He is after all predicting Terrorist attacks.

But he didn't make any precise prediction, just stated that something bad would happen in the next two months. Then something happened and he appears to tell us all how stupid we are. The stuff about Al-Qaida was all after the event.

He now predicts something bad happening in the next six months without giving any details and if it happens he will no doubt claim to have predicted it. Not very clever but it might fool a few sheep!