The Next US President

hhiusa is a complete idiot
I didn't write that?
Or did I?
Or did?
Or maybe not?
It's the mexicans fault!!!! Build the WALL!
Thank you for the link. 🙂

I meant that a link would do better than copy and pasting the article, especially if he is not going to summarize it in his own words.

Thanks, I'm well aware what you meant. 😆

Just thought I'd help give some background on the author.
If you'd read his post properly you would have seen the attribution at the end of the piece 😆

perhaps instead of copying someone else's work in many of his posts he contribute his own thoughts and words, or perhaps he is unable due to his emotional state after losing the election.

I think very petty niggling going on here.

Trump supporters for sure.

I can see how words are spoken which are very wrong imo but are considered legitimate expression. Then again booing is considered wrong by the same ilk.

Should president of the USA concern him self with booing?

I strongly suspect many placs he visits people will be booing. Booing is a social public response to show just how much disagreement one feels.

Is that not obvious?

Would you have them write a very angry letter?

Amazing just how prickly some people are?
perhaps instead of copying someone else's work in many of his posts he contribute his own thoughts and words, or perhaps he is unable due to his emotional state after losing the election.


That is exactly my point. 👍
Make no mistake, this election was not primarily about the economy. For Trump’s adherents, it was about nothing less than saving the soul of the nation. Their quarrel with government was not that they were doing badly but that “the others” were making inroads, catching up, and, if unchecked, they would somehow surpass the Real Americans. The impulses of Trump’s legions were not racial, but tribal. What was “elite” about their foes was not their finances but their fluidity, their openness to change, which conservatives saw as a challenge not to their pocketbooks but a threat to their belief system.

Which is why the passions of this election had the force of a religious war and Donald Trump was seen as a savior. It explains why so many people voted for him, well aware of his deficiencies and how unfit he was for the White House. In religious terms, a tool of divine deliverance may be flawed, but it must still be wielded. Trump was such a scourge. We will see how he does the Lord’s work.

--Jack Schwartz
"Make no mistake, this election was not primarily about the economy. For Trump’s adherents, it was about nothing less than saving the soul of the nation. Their quarrel with government was not that they were doing badly but that “the others” were making inroads, catching up, and, if unchecked, they would somehow surpass the Real Americans. The impulses of Trump’s legions were not racial, but tribal. What was “elite” about their foes was not their finances but their fluidity, their openness to change, which conservatives saw as a challenge not to their pocketbooks but a threat to their belief system.

Which is why the passions of this election had the force of a religious war and Donald Trump was seen as a savior. It explains why so many people voted for him, well aware of his deficiencies and how unfit he was for the White House. In religious terms, a tool of divine deliverance may be flawed, but it must still be wielded. Trump was such a scourge. We will see how he does the Lord’s work."

--Jack Schwartz

There! That's better. Proper quoting.

Do you plan to start a newspaper posting other people's diatribes? It is amazing how prickly some people are. 🙂
Anybody would think we had lots of hairdressers here....


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Plus ca change....

True. And the older one gets, the truer it is. In the US, however, the choices are the result of a 40-year effort on the part of Republicans to control the political process and hence the government. Obama put a stick in the spokes in 2008 with his ground game, but the Democratic elite didn't learn the right lessons.

As for this being le meme chose, maybe not. I hope so. Given what's going on in Europe, I don't think so. We'll see.
I have a question for Republican supporters if I may please...

I got the feeling there was resentment for the Clinton Dynasty occupying the White House for so long.

Just wondering if any alarm bells are ringing re: Trump Dynasty?

Does anyone envisage Michelle Obama running for the WH against Ivana Trump?

It's good to have continuity and all that and family business are so well kool 😎
I have a question for Republican supporters if I may please...

I got the feeling there was resentment for the Clinton Dynasty occupying the White House for so long.

Just wondering if any alarm bells are ringing re: Trump Dynasty?

Does anyone envisage Michelle Obama running for the WH against Ivana Trump?

It's good to have continuity and all that and family business are so well kool 😎

Other clans like the Kennedys, Bushes have been and gone. Almost forgotten.
I have a question for Republican supporters if I may please...

I got the feeling there was resentment for the Clinton Dynasty occupying the White House for so long.

Just wondering if any alarm bells are ringing re: Trump Dynasty?
Trump hasn't even been in the white house yet and you are talking dynasty??🙄
Does anyone envisage Michelle Obama running for the WH against Ivana Trump?
Neither will run (assuming ou meant Ivanka, NOT Ivana lol)
get your popcorn the next 4 years will be FUN!
Japan PM visits Trump....of course mr. abe found someone who hates China just as much as the japanese......phillipines aligned with russia china screwing the U.S. out of the greatest strategic location to combat south china situation, turkey wants to join shanghai bloc and say fruck off to nato
Oil companies are ignoring Obama in his last 2 months.....drilling in areas they clearly were denied by the obama admin
Russia mastered their soviet era disruptions of nations with cyber bots....who suddenly have been telling everyone "I'm voting trump" on social media sites
We're going to send the mexicans back to mexico, build a wall and start monitoring mosques because this will solve all the problems....oh yeah, if you own a pizza shop you're going to be protected from lesbians and homosexuals because this is truly going to project america on the world stage
The Queen of England has issued a promise to her subjects that she will invade the United States of America if Donald J. Trump is elected President in November of this year.
“Should Mr Trump be elected we will take back America by force and place it once again under colonial rule,” her Majesty said in a statement this morning.
The announcement has received mostly a positive response, but many critics have seen the Queen as merely taking advantage of the swell of anti-Trump feeling in the country after a petition calling for the banning of the real estate mogul from entering the UK received over 500,000 signatories.
In the mean-time the Queen has ordered the armed forces to start preparations for an invasion this November.
Her Royal Highness is also hoping that the current President Barack Obama succeeds in the disarming of the American people saying, “They won’t be able to have another Revolution without their guns.”
Fashion designer Stella McCartney has been tasked to design a new Red Coat uniform should the invasion go ahead.
“We’re going with the classic Red Coat look but with a 21st Century edge to it,” Stella said today.
Trump hasn't even been in the white house yet and you are talking dynasty??🙄

Neither will run (assuming ou meant Ivanka, NOT Ivana lol)

I'm not talking dynasty! He is! I assume you've seen these pics? His son in law is getting a look in too.


It's a little like 2 + 2 = ?

Doesn't take much to work it out right? You know what comes next...

Maybe you should run for President Pete because you are good at ducking and avoiding the question. 😉

Moreover, he said his children will be running his business Empire. US law also prohibits mixing personal biz with WH work too I heard some legals say.

The sort of jobs the Republican base can expect

On the debone line, the birds come at you fast. That was Lisandro Vega’s first lesson. The former prison guard in Puerto Rico had moved to the town of Huntsville, Arkansas, in 2013, following relatives who found work at a Butterball turkey plant. There, he was given a knife and gloves and told to stand at a station, where 47 dead and defeathered turkeys rushed past each minute. He was responsible for every second bird. Sometimes he cut out the hip joints; other times the breasts and livers. The pace was relentless: 1,410 birds an hour, more than 11,000 a shift.

And sometimes they come at you faster. Beginning in October, Butterball requires plant employees to work approximately 50 days straight to meet the Thanksgiving rush. In Huntsville, people call this period “fresh”—in Spanish, la fresca—because that’s when birds are sold fresh, not frozen. During this time, the line speed increases; Vega recalls it reaching, according to his supervisor, 51 birds a minute. (Butterball declined to comment on its line speed.) A debone worker like Vega can slice up more than half a million turkeys before receiving a single day off.

--Gabriel Thompson