The Next US President

all you have done is commit the fallcy of ad hominem

It's called "doing a piphoe"...

Paul Krugman is a mouthpiece for the state, his op-eds have been refuted time and again. You probably wouldn't know that because you learn everything you know from the establishment media.
Last night's debate was declared by the radio pundits to be a near draw with both candidates landing a few verbal punches. Time will tell if they can build on this or just boringly re-hash known details.
Maybe they should be allowed to carry 6 eggs each to throw ?
No rational human being in there right mind would vote for the Blonde BS'er. I always prided myself on a pretty good crap detector, and its off the charts on this one.👎👎👎
No rational human being in there right mind would vote for the Blonde BS'er. I always prided myself on a pretty good crap detector, and its off the charts on this one.👎👎👎

Let's hope others can too.
Last night's debate was declared by the radio pundits to be a near draw with both candidates landing a few verbal punches. Time will tell if they can build on this or just boringly re-hash known details.
Maybe they should be allowed to carry 6 eggs each to throw ?

I am all for this. I still question Clinton's integrity BUT I seriously question Trumps values and interests. The way he speaks - even if he insists he is interested in people - I still think he is interested in MONEY. I will definitely reserve my 6 eggs to throw at him and his irritating red face (you know how it turns red/pink when he starts losing his cool and you can expect him to start throw rude and racially slanted comments)
Off topic perhaps but close runner some may say. Trump that got away. :cheesy:

I will bet 500 bucks will not win and if he does get the gop vote he will ultimately cost them the next presidency. Just look at history, guys like trump unite the center (independents), left, and far left. There is no way the gop can defeat this unification. Just my two cents.

Total count of prominent republicans not voting for trump 100+

Not to mention several republicans are coming out to vote for hillary....some of them are quiet shocking....with the arizona republic newspaper endorsing a democrat for the first time in over 100 years.

Lastly most polls for independents favor clinton over trump by 6-8 percent margin over the last 2 months

He did everything that was expected of him.....United the center left and far left against himself. I didn't expect numerous republicans to be a part of this unification which may be the only thing trump will be remembered for (sad). President #45 = clinton
Sorry I don't have time to give you a lecture on late 18th & 19th century politics but I do remember McKinley won the vote against Bryan because he put a lot of effort on getting the immigrant vote even though the party advised him not to use this tactic and focus on the base. I don't mean unite in terms of the suits, I meant in terms of voters. During those periods there were huge rallies against Jews and Catholics, the racial separation issue was also big but in the end, those who have no opinions, those who have average liberal opinions and those who have strong liberal opinions just don't like guys like trump. You can say that the bankers did help Mckenley which is definitely true but how many arab CEO'S have we seen condemning Trump. He is creating an alliance that was never suppose to take place. If you took senior us history you will know this is just hype, unfortunately the US mass has been mentally desensitized by media so they will never really know. They essentially have two pundits that are either against your views or for your views.....and you're not suppose to get out that box.

God I'm good. Media blitz 24 hours a day on Trump's past...rigging the polls...Hillary's billion dollar superpacs running ad campaigs every hour.....they built him to only destroy the orange faced 5hit head and well deserving if I may add.
don't write him off just yet ............hes like Teflon.....but it looks like the cat is out of the bag though......the TV debate exposed him badly
don't write him off just yet ............hes like Teflon.....but it looks like the cat is out of the bag though......the TV debate exposed him badly

I dont think he was that bad in the debate, surely he could have done much better though.
The post debate polls agree with me but lets see the next national polls.

I do agree with you he's like teflon!

Isn't it worrying that his hero is Putin ?
Ask the Chechens what he did to Grosny and themselves when they tried to have their freedom.
Isn't it worrying that his hero is Putin ?
Ask the Chechens what he did to Grosny and themselves when they tried to have their freedom.

He said he admires how Putin runs his country and he thinks Putin runs Russia better than Obama runs the USA. He also said he understands Russia is much different than the US.

Right now Putin is running all over Obama who is too weak to do anything about it. I believe Trump would show strength, while Hillary is an extension of Obama.

I can't stand Hillary but my affection for Trump is diminishing.

Even if he was / is elected. .... what are foreign leaders going to think of him after his remarks have been released? Especially their wives?

How can the greatest nation in the world with 320M people wind up with the 2 people we have to choose from ?

I'm not including the Communists, the Libertarians or the Green Party.

Assange said he had emails that would ensure Hillary would not get elected. Which is saying a lot after Trump's remarks. I wish he would hurry up with them. Whatever he has it must be good.

IF the debates occur on Monday, Trump is going to get eaten alive by Hillary.

What do you think the chances are of Trump withdrawing from the race or even Hillary?

Imagine if both of them withdrew........thirty days from the election.

This might be a good time to buy a VIX option if it gets volatile.
From past types of President the best for the US has been the actor. At least he made people feel secure and prospering. While others did the boring stuff but properly.

A lot of people in entertainment have been in politics....

Ronald Reagan
Al Franken
Ben Stein
Fred Thompson
Jesse Ventura
Sonny Bono
Arnold Schwarzenegger

and many others
Did you catch Robert De Niro's rant against Trump ? Fiery stuff and well aimed.
America in turmoil.Bossed about by the Israelis and pretty well lost the moral high ground. Is Chump trying to lose the election OR as he says, so popular it doesn't matter how rude he is. His Trump empire may have to take the abuse but the rest of us don't have to ....yet !
What do you think the chances are of Trump withdrawing from the race or even Hillary?

Good grief! I've a lot of money on Hillary Clinton to win so I can only hope she doesn't pull out. I mean, I'm sorry for all you people over there with two pretty poor options but somebody's got to win. And I'd rather it was me.