The Journey from the Basement

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I have given it some thought - yes. Many of them may have started to see through the looking glass.
barjon said:

Thanks for that.

I did the home work as we went along. As I recall the Greater Spotted Twig Bird is astute, knows her objective precisely and is patient. She probes the market log and uses a variety of twigs to block escape routes until her juicy worm emerges and is carried off. The Lesser Spotted Twig Bird is a much smaller bird but with the same qualities. She watches the GSTB carefully and learns when success is looming. She arrives then with her small twig and catches a less juicy worm, but one that feeds her family well and much better than the flock of assorted birds that arrive to fight amongst the scraps.

As for Alice she finds herself in a market place where everything is not as it seems. The marketplace has a resonance of its own - logical only to the market - and she must learn to think in a very different way if she is ever to be in tune with it. This is hard work for a little girl (and even harder for a near OAP I might add!!!!)

Good, I am pleased you like it and it is of use to you.

Now let us go back to Alice.
Go back and read all of it again. Yes, again, sorry.
Come back when you have done so and hopefully with the realisation you need to have
but do not realise you need to have it.
Rognvald said:
I have given it some thought - yes. Many of them may have started to see through the looking glass.

Oooof ! You are getting close to it, try again.
I haven't looked at this in detail but it seems there is a great psychological factor in the price level just now!
what happens to the group in question when they are reliant for employment on others who cannot see through the 'glass' ?
Rognvald said:
I have given it some thought - yes. Many of them may have started to see through the looking glass.

The looking glass they are looking through is not the one you think they are looking through.
It is a different looking glass altogether. This looking glass is labelled ageism. Wrong !
It is a looking glass that no one dares to label because it would spoil the game, but I am
going to proceed to explain it as no one else will.

When you get to 50, hopefully you are past the age of nonsense and gullibility, although I myself admit to take childish delight in the simplest things and also the most complex.
You also have many years under your belt.

As a consequence of this combination you acquire a yardstick with which to evaluate
what is nonsense and what is not that is more accurate than other yardsticks used by others because this is a mature yardstick, one that not only has the benefit of experience but one capable of pinpointing what should not be pinpointed in seconds, hence the excuse, too old, overqualified and so on, when what should not be pinpointed directly threatens the interest of others ~ there you have one reason.

As it is not easy to manipulate the grey fox the younger foxes feel threatened and also the younger foxes would be content with less remuneration longer hours, weekends, etc.,
This is because the perception of young foxes, clever as they are, can be manipulated in
several ways, using carrot and stick techniques old foxes will not tolerate.

The young foxes can be triggered to do all sorts of things by enslaving them without them
even being aware of the enslavement.

They are told that they miss promotion because the other chap is married, or additionally has
children. The young foxes are encouraged to settle down, buy houses on mortgages, make committments, such as having cars, life insurance, house insurance, subscription to pension schemes, memberships of clubs, and all sorts of other balls and chains to keep them on the treadmill.

This treadmill is one particularly effective on young foxes but on the old greys it does not have the same power.

Then there is the question of redundancy, and so on.

Then there is the question of Employment Contracts

Then there is the question of Part Time work, Duty Rosters and other Unpleasantnesses.

Then there is the question of independent consultancy options

Then there is the question of performance related pay

Then there is the question of "motivation"

And finally there are the two questions of impossible missions and pie in the sky.

Of course when an old fox sniffs out any of these in advance, whoosh! off he goes.
Another fox has to be found that will tolerate all of it for the sake of part of it.

As old grey foxes do not fall into traps easily, they are avoided in favour of the young ones,
who as a consequence of being on treadmills partly of their own making, have to put up
perhaps with longer hours, less money, more stress, more promises, more work.

And the above are some, but not all of the reasons.

The old grey foxes go off on their own and do things for themselves that the young foxes
aspire to but cannot achieve, try as they might, because what is against them is the
treadmill habit. This again is opportunity cost. For those of you who have not followed
my posts it is a term in economics meaning "to go without one thing in order to have another".
You cannot have all of it all of the time. This is an axiom. An axiom is a fundamental truth.
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Rognvald said:
See my pm sent before I read this

Ah yes, and in addition, what I forgot to add upstairs,
is that the important part is to recognise what you dont want ,
and when you are able to do that ,
then you can recognise what you do want,
which is the opposite to what everrybody,
is induced to do all the time.
chump said:
what happens to the group in question when they are reliant for employment on others who cannot see through the 'glass' ?
They may have difficult decisions to make but I think those others are well aware that their own visionary impairment is fleeting and can rapidly improve

Thank you for your explanation.

Do I see?, yes I THINK that I see. That is, I understand the logic of your analysis.

What I perceive from your posts is that whatever the instrument in question is doing it is being manipulated by those with sufficient resources to do so. The object of this manipulation is to create a scenario which will entice others ( the herd ) to act in a particular way and thus enable the manipulators to profit from the changes caused by the herd.

This causes me to ponder some points:

1 My perception of the market was of people buying and selling on pure valuation. That appears to be naive in the extreme. From what you are saying the market is under continuous manipulation. I will not view the market the same again.

2 To manipulate the instrument considerable resources are necessary or action in concert is required.

3 I can not be a Greater Twig BIrd but I might become a Lesser Twig Bird which is better than being a mere Twig Bird

4 When viewing a chart consider what the manipulators are trying to achieve and when they will attempt to disembowel me.

Its a lot to take in from a technical perspective and also to change my perspective of market operation.


bracke said:

Thank you for your explanation.

Do I see?, yes I THINK that I see. That is, I understand the logic of your analysis.

What I perceive from your posts is that whatever the instrument in question is doing it is being manipulated by those with sufficient resources to do so. The object of this manipulation is to create a scenario which will entice others ( the herd ) to act in a particular way and thus enable the manipulators to profit from the changes caused by the herd.

This causes me to ponder some points:

1 My perception of the market was of people buying and selling on pure valuation. That appears to be naive in the extreme. From what you are saying the market is under continuous manipulation. I will not view the market the same again.

2 To manipulate the instrument considerable resources are necessary or action in concert is required.

3 I can not be a Greater Twig BIrd but I might become a Lesser Twig Bird which is better than being a mere Twig Bird

4 When viewing a chart consider what the manipulators are trying to achieve and when they will attempt to disembowel me.

Its a lot to take in from a technical perspective and also to change my perspective of market operation.



Yes, and this is at a very basic mechanical level only.
And I cannot yet go stratospheric because it will frighten everybody
and we dont want to create a disturbance amonst those least
empowered because it just would not be fair, because that is
what must be avoided.

Now go back to your post of 15-06-2004 01:59PM.
Consider it carefully. See what realisations you derive from what you
have written.
You are forgiven on the basis that what you wrote it as the consequence
of jumping to hasty conclusions, through not having complete information.
Now reflect on my comments on being kind to civilians in post no #

I cannot find it readily, but follow all my posts and if you find it you
will benefit greatly.
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I now discern a fine line between taking delight at the EFFECTS caused by the confusion and the chance to benefit from it, as opposed to delight at the personal misfortune of others. The misfortune is a bi-product of the successful manipulation, it is not sought as such, indeed the herd are cotinuously warned that it is hot in the kitchen so beware. Caveat emptor.

I am less conviced by the gutter story. There is no advantage to the onlooker if others get soaked ( unless you are a dry cleaner ) and those soaked were going about their normal business. Perhaps I am being to literal in my understanding. I do understand that there is a comparison with the market in that the unwary and unobserving will be punished even if they are seemingly innocent. The market takes no prisioners.


I've just returned from my two week Jury service, and after having convicted two men of their wicked crimes, I'm very glad to be back to the market.

Looks like it will take me some while to read all the new posts since the 2nd of June in detail. 🙂 You're all moving too fast!
bracke said:

I now discern a fine line between taking delight at the EFFECTS caused by the confusion and the chance to benefit from it, as opposed to delight at the personal misfortune of others. The misfortune is a bi-product of the successful manipulation, it is not sought as such, indeed the herd are cotinuously warned that it is hot in the kitchen so beware. Caveat emptor.

I am less conviced by the gutter story. There is no advantage to the onlooker if others get soaked ( unless you are a dry cleaner ) and those soaked were going about their normal business. Perhaps I am being to literal in my understanding. I do understand that there is a comparison with the market in that the unwary and unobserving will be punished even if they are seemingly innocent. The market takes no prisioners.



All of the above is absolutely right. But what is not obvious is that in order to prepare
the mind to allow you to have realisations you have to work at it. This means you have
to take an idea and turn it around and around until it yields a conculsion that is of use
to you. Now you have to recognise that this conclusion can be used and is of value.

This is a creative process. When as a matter of habit you follow a creative process
you are able to solve what appeared to be stumbling blocks which are not stumbling
blocks at all.

For example lateral thinkers do not view stumbling blocks as such ~ they view
them as challenges. When they are able to negotiate them and get past them
their viewpoint of what they have experienced and gained as a result is changed.

An acceptance of a change in viewpoint as a result of what may have been
experienced and gained as a result is the important bit.

Furthermore it enables them to understand what they thought they understood
but in fact did not understand it at all. The error is to muddle what is "understood"
and what is taken for granted as "known".

I am willing to progress on this:~

"Nothing can be truly known until or unless it is fully understood."
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Right ! It hasn't landed has it ? OK, in the gap that exists between knowing and understanding,
there is risk. This risk is the risk of doubt. This is a very nasty one, because it leads people to
try to bridge this gap by jumping. You cannot jump the gap. You have to be on one side or the
other. This means thought. Most people are averse to making the effort. The problem is that
if the effort is not made and the energy to do it is not mustered from wherever it can be summoned,
the consequences can be disastrous, because the least malignant by product is guesswork.
The most malignant by products are emotions, greed and fear and envy and hope for starters
but there are more, as we shall be exploring in the days and weeks to come. No trader can
afford to have these, least of all darksiders. Let us see if we can lift this a bit higher still.
"They may have difficult decisions to make but I think those others are well aware that their own visionary impairment is fleeting and can rapidly improve"..perhaps or perhaps not, on a probability basis I would go with the latter..however ,this is all irrelevant..what is relevant is what do you when you have arrived on the otherside of the this point do you take control or do you find the view too strange to handle and step back to what is more acceptable/comfortable ?

My last post for some time to come..I'm sure I will be sorely missed..the emphasis is on the word "sorely".. 😉

One has to confront the Lonza in order to penetrate the next higher level to look directly upon the hidden.

Dante spring to mind 😉

If anyone requires a brief respite from the Inferno's heat here is a "drawing" that perhaps requires a scintilla of lateral thinking.

Four geezers (or wabbits of course) with hats atop their heads, two white, two black.
They are all looking to the left and cannot see those to their right.
They cannot see their own hats.
The unfortunate that lurks behind the brick wall is invisible to all, as (s)he is to them.
Nobody will be deliberately silent.
They all know that there are two white and two black hats among them.

Eventually one of them pipes up and says with full certainty what colour his/her hat is. Who and why?

Apologies to those who will undoubtedly have seen this before or find the solution insultingly easy and/or a waste of this fine angora thread.


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