The Housing Market Is Hanging On By A Thread Signals High End Real Estate

A house price crash helps no one! Building more and affordable homes is whats needed.

A house price crash helps the prudent. What is needed is a free market, not artificial support from Central Banks. Building more 'affordable' homes will achieve nothing. Central Banks cause the property bubbles by suppressing interest rates and the inevitable crash that follows.
It's not BS but you do have your phases of talking it up large and rubbishing other peoples input. 🙁

All instruments have the peculiarities and propery is no different.

Property has many attributes attached it too. Is it to live in or let. Is it to be done up and sold on with value added. Location, size, type etc. So without considering market segment type, timing is but just one factor.

Absolutely nothing like trading Forex other than buying or selling anything.

Stop spreading your BS know-it-all and just contribute what ever S you have. 👍

Go back a READ what I wrote. I said there is nothing that makes trading property SIMPLE compared to anything else FFS! 🙄
A house price crash helps the prudent. What is needed is a free market, not artificial support from Central Banks. Building more 'affordable' homes will achieve nothing. Central Banks cause the property bubbles by suppressing interest rates and the inevitable crash that follows.

OMG you saying building more house will achieve nothing? What are you on?

Typically, you having withdrawal symptoms from not having discussed fiat money and want to change the debate. 😆

Errmm... building more houses will add to supply filling demand. Basic economics no?
Go back a READ what I wrote. I said there is nothing that makes trading property SIMPLE compared to anything else FFS! 🙄

It's your BS part I was objecting too and dealing in property is considerably different to FX. Helllooooooooooooooo.... anybody in there :-0
Put me back on ignore, please.

No thanks as I haven't reached those depths quite yet and you do sometimes add value and interest. Not much but on those rare occasions sometimes you do 👍

Just objecting to you BS on other peoples contributions especially so - when you come out with outlandish statements which aren't true.
Seems like Atilla's got this 😉 no need for me to reply.

Ok Mr Property guru, let me ask you this: Imagine you find a nice detached 4 bedroom house in a nice area and you decide to make an offer. Before you do, you find out from a reliable source that the greenbelt across the road has just been rezoned residential and planning has been approved for 2000 new ‘affordable’ houses. Would you still go ahead with your purchase?
Ok Mr Property guru, let me ask you this: Imagine you find a nice detached 4 bedroom house in a nice area and you decide to make an offer. Before you do, you find out from a reliable source that the greenbelt across the road has just been rezoned residential and planning has been approved for 2000 new ‘affordable’ houses. Would you still go ahead with your purchase?

Its not the 1960's. We don't build housing estates to home thousands of people anymore.

Besides, we are discussing the housing market as a whole, not some localised fantasy that you've come up with.

Come back when you have a realistic argument.
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prop-uh-ee is piece of piѕѕ *LOL*

Its not the 1960's. We don't build housing estates to home thousands of people anymore.

Besides, we are discussing the housing market as a whole, not some localised fantasy that you've come up with.

Come back when you have a realistic argument.

Basically, "no comment" right? 😆

WTF is your definition of "Affordable"...4 bed detached? FFS!

Recent headlines:

2,000 new homes plan on Leeds villagers’ doorstep

Reactions from locals:

"The meeting heard that the scheme had received 136 letters of objection. Locals from Thorp Arch village have also set up an action group to fight the proposals, after complaints they weren’t consulted enough."

"Thorp Arch parish council has expressed serious concerns.It has submitted a 50-page objection referring back to the planning inspector’s original findings of unsustainability, and expressing fears that the relief road will be “ineffective”."

2,000 new homes for Gaydon agreed

Reactions from locals:

“We are fundamentally opposed to it for many reasons.” She also spoke of the major impact changes could have on access to the B4100 with up to 6,000 more cars which should not be ignored. Gaydon Parish Council asked that approval on the greenfield land be delayed for more work to be done.

Concerns were also raised over Chesterton Windmill - a Grade I listed site which could come under “massive light pollution” and potential damage, and of the Old Quarry, and land near Chesterton Wood.

The numbskulls demand "more affordable housing" as long as it is built somewhere else! 😆

The "prop-uh-ee is a piece of piѕѕ" numbskulls better think twice about buying too, better to lose your pennies trading forex 😆
Ok Mr Property guru, let me ask you this: Imagine you find a nice detached 4 bedroom house in a nice area and you decide to make an offer. Before you do, you find out from a reliable source that the greenbelt across the road has just been rezoned residential and planning has been approved for 2000 new ‘affordable’ houses. Would you still go ahead with your purchase?

whats your point ? .........don't buy it ?.......or buy it at a reflective price of future market value

either way if you don't buy it someone will........its the uk and we have a deficit of housing

whats your point ? .........don't buy it ?.......or buy it at a reflective price of future market value

either way if you don't buy it someone will........its the uk and we have a deficit of housing


Talking eFeX maybe who knows???

I think he means buy the Gopher instead of the Guppy.

Personally, I favour the Cable over the Loonie :cheesy:
Basically, "no comment" right? 😆

WTF is your definition of "Affordable"...4 bed detached? FFS!

Recent headlines:

The numbskulls demand "more affordable housing" as long as it is built somewhere else! 😆

The "prop-uh-ee is a piece of piѕѕ" numbskulls better think twice about buying too, better to lose your pennies trading forex 😆

Sorry, but you're not making any sense at all. Perhaps this is some sort of personal gripe you have against the system? Your "journal" certainly comes across that your rather angry about something ....

Either way, have a nice weekend!
whats your point ? .........don't buy it ?.......or buy it at a reflective price of future market value

either way if you don't buy it someone will........its the uk and we have a deficit of housing


More supply and demand is simples, right? Tell me Mr Property tycoon, how The U.K can increase the supply of ‘affordable’ housing without affecting the price of existing prop-uh-ees. How can anyone without inside information know how many new ‘affordable’ houses will be built in the next 15 years.

Tell me Mr “it’s all about interest rates” blah whether the US Federal reserve will raise rates at the next meeting...did you predict they wouldn’t raise rates yet after convincing everyone (except me) they would raise rates 4 times this year and haven’t raised them once. Do you think the average person even knows who Janet Yellen or Mark Carney is?
Sorry, but you're not making any sense at all. Perhaps this is some sort of personal gripe you have against the system? Your "journal" certainly comes across that your rather angry about something ....

Either way, have a nice weekend!

WTF do retards try to bring irrelevant stuff into THIS thread about housing? Is this another diversion tactic? I could bring in your utterly embarrassing effort about paying back double what is borrowed couldn't prove that you are a bit of an imbecile. Remember that one?
WTF do retards try to bring irrelevant stuff into THIS thread about housing? Is this another diversion tactic? I could bring in your utterly embarrassing effort about paying back double what is borrowed couldn't prove that you are a bit of an imbecile. Remember that one?

Speaking of which, heres a post you deleated earlier on this thread.... ( i guess you forgot that a copy gets e-mailed to the user when you quote them)

Dear ffsear,

new_trader has quoted you!
---End Quote---

This really misses the point completely as well. It is not a case of demand and supply of property! It is a case of demand and supply of *credit*. A house price crash helps the prudent, however the only reason we need a crash is because house prices have been artificially propped up by ultra low interest rates and low lending standards. Hasn't anyone learned anything over the last 10-15 years? The U.K doesn't need more property it needs higher interest rates and tighter lending standards...10% deposit and max 2.5 times salary mortgages will make housing affordable again.😴


😆😆😆 - at least i admit my errors rather then hide/talk around them!

Do what you want, a while ago I came to the conclusion that there is no point wasting your time arguing with strangers on the internet.

You've turned a discussion about the housing market into .... well..... I still have no idea what your on about to be honest.

Keep calling people "retards" if it makes you happy though,

Either way, i bid you farewell 😛
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WTF do retards try to bring irrelevant stuff into THIS thread about housing? Is this another diversion tactic? I could bring in your utterly embarrassing effort about paying back double what is borrowed couldn't prove that you are a bit of an imbecile. Remember that one?

From your posts I gather you still have a big gripe about not understanding how fiat currency works and still trying to gain your masters.

You do realise that most people have been making good money out of property and shares in the market place, whilst you shout about the bubble and how inflated things are???

You will be right one day and we await with abated breath. That was not easy to rattle off :cheesy:

I can see your pov too, as the other side of the coin to insufficient supply or excces demand is to curtail demand for housing by raising cost of ownership. Problem with raising interest rates however, is then only cash rich bodies can buy them skewing the market between haves and have nots.

Why would you want to raise interest rates though which work for the banks and savers as opposed to rising house prices and simply building more houses, which has a wealth effect and benefits real people?
More supply and demand is simples, right? Tell me Mr Property tycoon, how The U.K can increase the supply of ‘affordable’ housing without affecting the price of existing prop-uh-ees. How can anyone without inside information know how many new ‘affordable’ houses will be built in the next 15 years.

Tell me Mr “it’s all about interest rates” blah whether the US Federal reserve will raise rates at the next meeting...did you predict they wouldn’t raise rates yet after convincing everyone (except me) they would raise rates 4 times this year and haven’t raised them once. Do you think the average person even knows who Janet Yellen or Mark Carney is?

I didn't say I can foretell the future my friend ......I merely stated the key drivers that influence the market you are defining.....and they still stand

and I did not day anything about how the uk can increase the supply of new housing without influencing current property prices .....again that's the dynamics of supply and demand ...and market segmentation ....

the average individual doesn't need to know who mark carney is ........they just have to know what rate/terms they can get for a mortgage and if they can pass the criteria for the amount of money they need....a couple of clicks on a website .....yes ? .....fairly simple in this day and age to do .....yep ?

and I am not a property tycoon ........where did that come from ? 😉
