5 Secrets
Hi there
I have the complete course from James Edwards/ The 5 secrets.
I would consider swaping for something else.
Any suggestions welcomed
Please e-mail me privately to: pbarroso@lycos.com
Happy trading
destiny said:hi there
i have been subscribed to CMS/James Edward for more than 2 years. The 5 secrets, master class, the big picture are to name a few of the courses that i have done with him. anyone read the 5 secrets!? i want to share opinion, for the time being ill make no comment on the material!
regarding the Guerrilla Stock Trading System. i did buy it in the intention of sending it back if i did not like it. i must admit that was taking the ****... i am not exaggerating, it was the most **** thing i have ever read in my life. how they valued it at £1777 beats me... you could buy a book for £10 and i promice would have more information in it... it was stating the obvious, the principle behind it makes sence, basically the mailshot you got had most of the detail in there! it wasnt even spelt and printed correctly!! the CD's that came with it had the worstest sound ever! came on 4 CD's which i found to be less than 100Mbytes combined!! im sooooo glad i did end up getting a refund on it. it went through how you use the **** dealing platform!! screenshots of finspread i think!, you could have that kind of info for free!. and very very basic stuff like how to trade etc enuff said...
another james edwards snippet....
so called james edwards went abroad to LA to find out about a trading system, how did i know this? he mailed me to let me know like many others!, in a week i received a mail advising me to check my mail in in a few days giving a date AND time. i did and i saw the mailshot, he said that he written the mailshot in a few hours in his hotel room! what a coencident that the system he went to check out he liked! the way the shot was written was as if it is the holy grail and there are only a few places left!! from what i remember he actually mentioned that they are only a few left as he speaks! what the hell does he take us for!! and said something like in 24 there wont be any left. LOL. i took no notice as ive become used to the way he persuades and takes us as fools, i just laffed it off, a week later i received it in the post, same one! what happened to the 24 hours... hmmmm LOL. then again another one in 2 weeks (with the different courses) so i decided to have a look only for the money back gurantee, if i had read this board i wouldnt have.. anyway i paid for it on card over the phone. a week later i recieved a letter saying unfortunatly they have all gone!, he ordered more and even they had been sold out becuase of the high demand!! they can only publish certain amounts as it could affect the stockmarket as a whole if everyone has it!!!! but at the bottom it said but as you are my loyal customer i will specially order one more. what made me laff even more is that it was on my mums name who wasnt ever his customer!! theres much more to it but its been time and ive slept since then!
anyone read the 5 secrets? im currently subscribed to "the big picture" which i is very usefull..(sorry to contradict!)
Hi there
I have the complete course from James Edwards/ The 5 secrets.
I would consider swaping for something else.
Any suggestions welcomed
Please e-mail me privately to: pbarroso@lycos.com
Happy trading