The FTSE Wednesday, 21st September 2005

Tuesdays results:

Open: 5429

Close: 5416, down 13pts.

Range: 5410 - 5446. [a 36 point swing]

Month: 120pts up; on par for September.

Monday nights gut feeling was a drop between 20 -35pts. I was a tad short on the points.

Dow: As I write its still falling, 10483, down 70pts. I hope you all had the inclination to jump on board when the FOMC increased the rate to 3.75%. I did say yesterday that there would be distress signals over the DOW. Myself, I arrived home early and had a small wager, its still running. The question to be asked is 'will the FOMC decision today cause any ripple effect on the FSTE tomorrow or in the near future?'

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Although the FTSE, to a degree, falls in line with the likes of the DOW - short or long term there will be no adverse effects to the UK markets as a whole.

News items of note:

I'm sure by now all are aware of the FOMC result. - 'Tesco caution unsettles London equities. Tesco blamed its poor results on rising oil prices' - The market sees Tesco as the profit leader amongst the food retailers; I, for one, don't see oil as the sole lubricant [yes its a pun] to Tesco's poor results. It must be something else, as well. Poor turnover perhaps! Buyers will be hesitant tomorrow and looking elsewhere for long term bargains.

The Boston Globe - 'Iran on Tuesday threatened to resume uranium enrichment and bar open inspections of its nuclear facilities if an ongoing meeting of the U.N. nuclear watchdog decides to refer it to the Security Council for possible sanctions.' - I had read elsewhere [unable to locate it] that Iran stressed that it would restrict its Oil production if bullying tactics did not cease. In short, if Iran announces it will withhold/reduce/ restrict its supply of oil - with the present situation in regards to oil - watch the markets tumble. Eye the News closely for any reference to this issue.

Oil fell back to $66. A medium plus which helped the FTSE today. Tomorrow, another small drop is anticipated.

Note: prices are more than 45 percent higher than a year ago, but off the all-time high of $70.85 a barrel reached briefly on Aug. 30 when Katrina made her début.

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Bollinger says a small rise.
Companies reporting: Too few to make an impact, and I believe Woolwoths results will be negative.

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: the market is beginning to level out and continues to fall in line with September; according to a number of SB companies, even after hours, they are marking the FTSE and DOW as down; more selling then buying in the markets tomorrow.

Gut feeling: My anticipated drop for Monday clicked in today but not as big as I had hoped, perhaps it will be added / deducted from whatever the FTSE does first thing tomorrow morning. There's a lot of negatives in the air which support another medium drop.

Will I bet? A tough one. As it stands, I don't believe the market will move by much, perhaps by 12pts either way and therefore not enough for me to commit. If the mornings market and news add to a down I'll throw my shirt in.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues at to which way the FTSE may go.


Ftse future pointing very low
I think that ftse has now had its high and will come back down at least 50 point before going higher again..could be wrong
Tommorow Ftse to fall 15 -20 point basically on market sentiment,,,,,
Ftsemad said:
I am thinking of setting up a web-site that shows my predictions for the day for the close of the FTSE-100. Ultimately this will become a subscription site after a period of publicity. Does anyone know of any such site?

(ps just an innocent query and it is just an idea at the moment - do not wish to offend anyone)



Your predictions of late have been very astute. I tip my hat to you.

You mentioned in an earlier post about discipline [which I replied]. Did you know, the major difference between professionals who make a living from betting the Indices and amateurs, is when to bet. Professionals look for a higher degree of certainty and bet big, whereas amateurs to a degree bet often and small.

Here's a tip: if you enjoy the betting so much [not that I know how you are doing in the long term] why not open a paper account with one of the many SB companies on the Internet, bet to your hearts content, try different methods, and save the real money for days when predictions have a higher probability of certainty. That way you still have the enjoyment and the possibility of a bigger bank balance.

If your doing this already, or your funds are doubling in size, I apologise. Just some thoughts.

Keep your predictions rolling, I eye them with keen interest.

P.s I've been holding back in regards to betting of late, waiting for something interesting to happen. The FOMC decision today was my birthday cake. Light the candles, I went short at +24 and let it run. At the moment I'm up 100 points. I've set a tight stop loss but there's a good change it will drop further tomorrow. Yes I know, in general, this is just one tactic amongst many, but this is how I play the market. I look for major/dramatic changes [and the FTSE is lacking these of late] and go for goal.

P.s.s Ftsemad,

You mention starting a web site. What the hell for! Shake the cob webs from your head. If you can predict the FTSE with an element of certainty why waste time running and administrating a web site for the likes of others who carn't be bothered to do any of there own home work. Use your time to hone your skills.You have the hallmarks of a good day trader; continue doing so.


rav700 said:
Ftse future pointing very low
I think that ftse has now had its high and will come back down at least 50 point before going higher again..could be wrong
Tommorow Ftse to fall 15 -20 point basically on market sentiment,,,,,

I'll go with that prediction Rav700.

Lets see what hat she wears tomorrow.

Thanks for your comments - much food to think about and ponder.
You are right - my predicitons are good/sometimes great but my discipline and money management skills are crap. I tend to 4x times my money and then have a total blow out and over trade or get the prediciton wrong or something. It has happened a lot so it becomes depressing / self-fulfilling. Anyway, sorry fo the moan - i am sure you have been there.

For wed, 21st.
Mkt opened low, recovered and now about 12 down. Not certain about today as again finely balanced. If down then could be 16 or 41 down. However, being a betting man, will follow alternative prediction and suggest an up day with a +3 being on the cards or on the outside +18.
Conclusion - stay out or if must be going in - do a small upside.
Totally wrong - outside down day.
Guess the model needs more refining. Only consololation is that it predicted (40+, down) as a possibility.
Hi guys,
been a lurker, watcher or whatever you call it on this thread for a while. I normally post on Daytrade swing trading.
Anyway, one of my sins is that I play UKX & DAX intraday. Did very well these last few days, wow, Monday was a wheeze on the DAX shorts.
Today, a miserable failure, tried to short both on the open and the drop fizzled out on the gap leaving nothing for me. Hence quite a big mistake and loss.

Confidence shot I failed to take advantage of the signal just before 11 that said, sort UKX, over 20 points missed, similar on DAX at about 09-15 around 15 points missed and those would have more than recouped my mistake at the opening.

I agree the indices were difficult to read today.

Anyway, if you guys accept I will refrain from posting indices talk on the daytrade thread and post here, with your permissions of course.

Hi again,
On the basis that I am welcome here??? am I allowed to post opinions on the DAX as well as UKX?

I am seriously thinking about trying an opening gap short. The DOW is down around 70 at 18-30 UK. The spread betters have the cash down about 16 but the Dec future remains strong at just over '80.

DAX is a similar story,. The SB'ers have that down over 20!

Actually, I have, up to now, not tried gap trades (except this morning) and am therefore reluctant to play the game. I normally wait for the market to settle then dive in.

Have any of you any successes or failures in such trades?
Hi Euro_d and welcome.

I'm still at work at the moment so if you forgive me I'll reply in depth when I return home.


ukhero said:
Hi Euro_d and welcome.

I'm still at work at the moment so if you forgive me I'll reply in depth when I return home.


No Problem Sir,
I normally am not here so late, am a very early starter!
Talk tomorrow
rav700 said:
Ftse future pointing very low
I think that ftse has now had its high and will come back down at least 50 point before going higher again..could be wrong
Tommorow Ftse to fall 15 -20 point basically on market sentiment,,,,,

Well you partly predicted it correctly, but did you bet?

To all,

Life's a bitch, or in my case a six month old scotty dog called Billy. So I'm home. I've turned the computer on, I'trying to get a connection to the Internet. After 15 minutes of rebooting/checking the firewall settings and other such checks I discover the bloody dog has chewed four inches of network cable.

I am at a friends computer writing this. Annoyingly I'm unable to post tomorrows thoughts. All my info of sites and general data is on my home computer.

So have did we do? All I know is the FTSE went down a handsome amount.

Was it the Oil? Damn it! I've no idea whats going to happen tomorrow.

Good luck to all.

P.s I'll try to get to PC world tomorrow for some additional cable.



The Forum is titled the FTSE, so you are more then welcome to post your thoughts towards this Indice, this may include news items, stock movements, even other Indices which may effect the FTSE's behavior.


ukhero said:
To all,

Life's a bitch, or in my case a six month old scotty dog called Billy. So I'm home. I've turned the computer on, I'trying to get a connection to the Internet. After 15 minutes of rebooting/checking the firewall settings and other such checks I discover the bloody dog has chewed four inches of network cable.

I am at a friends computer writing this. Annoyingly I'm unable to post tomorrows thoughts. All my info of sites and general data is on my home computer.

So have did we do? All I know is the FTSE went down a handsome amount.

Was it the Oil? Damn it! I've no idea whats going to happen tomorrow.

Good luck to all.

P.s I'll try to get to PC world tomorrow for some additional cable.



Hope you get your cable sorted by tommrow....Best of luck
Did well on the ftse today again went down just as predicted.

Tommorow is a Uk hero day ie dont know what will really happen(so stay away as he always suggests..)so I would not be trading.
I am still holding my short position till the tommorow .....but the ftse does have the tendancy to pull back up after these fomc let wait and see.

I do think there is still room for the ftse to go down about 15 point and then it will range trade till some market movers move in and give us some direction.....

Happy trading everyone.....
Hope your dog reads the sign before he enters you office mate..... :D
Morning all,
New here so a tiny bit about me:
I trade UKX and DAX intraday and stocks short term, up to 2 weeks but generally a few days or even intraday.
I use tech analysis on various platforms, Sharescope for the EoD feed, Omnitrader for the analysis, slowly being phased out in favour of Tradestation 2000i. ADVFN for the live charts, will not re-new subscription as D4F charts are now superb and realtime.
I spreadbet.

OK, my take for today:
We have had 2 negative days on UKX. We are above the 20ema but now below the 5ema and are just crossing MACD. Taking that and also the 100 point fall on Wall St I can see a red day, SB'ers are calling UKX down about 10, around 5360, at the open. We also have the "Rita effect" to consider.
I try and avoid trading the opening gap as I have been burned a few times so will sit on my hands for the first 15 minutes or so. I shall be looking to enter short below 5350ish. I do not see any interesting long plays unless we get toward 85.

Good trading and UKhero, good luck with your cable destroyer!
Good luck with the cabling

For today, FTSE is trading about 8 lower. My call for today is up 11 or 21 with my preference for 21. (The alternative is 12 down but given that we are there already, it is unlikely)

Faded the UK opening gap. Entered short at resistance of 5370 (actually got in at 68) closed on MACD (MA cross) 61.

I see some hours of sideways but will watch 48 for another quick short. Any longs will be quick in / out unless we see some significant moves. Future is strong so I am slightly more confident to the long side

Dear All
Please may I have today as a success as it feel in the middle of the two choices :confused:

For us intradayers today was wonderful.
Unfortunately I was only able to get on board the first wave as I posted, I missed the rest as we had a bereavement in the family.
However, looking at the chart (easy in hindsight) I can see at least 3 further signals that would have led to great (i.e., profitable) trades.
56 to 73, 65 to 88 and the final fall, 85 to 71 all were clear signals in my system.
Not quite so clear on the DAX except the mirror fall in the afternoon, 51 to 39.

I really love days like today, pity I was not in there.
Still, a day out is not a losing day!

Worked through lunch, still no cable.



P.s If you are unsure as to the markets direction - go to the pub.