The Final Holy Grail Journal Discussion Thread

Re: The final Holy Grail!

It all started when I tried to find a strategy that makes positive results every month, thereafter, I developed it for weeks with a positive result until I created a 100% winning strategy.
I know, nobody will believe me here, so do I, in the beginning; after months and months of trial on demo accounts and real accounts, i finished by believing in this strategy.
The only reason that prompted me to open this thread is to show everyone that Holy Grail does exist and all that you have to do is to open your mind.

So please: No criticizes before the end of the month of May.
Let the results talk for me.

You've discovered the Holy Grail through your own hard work and intelligence, why would you want to divulge your secret?
Re: The final Holy Grail!

You've discovered the Holy Grail through your own hard work and intelligence, why would you want to divulge your secret?

I will not.
Just to let the fellow traders know that the Holy Grail does exist, that's all.
Re: The final Holy Grail!

Well, I have to admit I was sceptical but you've nailed 4 trades in a row, it's fairly stunning. Are you sure I can't buy your system, I'd pay good money for it.
Re: The final Holy Grail!

Well, I have to admit I was sceptical but you've nailed 4 trades in a row, it's fairly stunning. Are you sure I can't buy your system, I'd pay good money for it.

good money, loooooooooooooooool, what for?
I earn much more of what you're willing to pay.
No hard feelings. 🙂
Re: The final Holy Grail!

Hmmm, he doesn't seem to be a vendor.

Must be an ego thing then.

Posting live a trading a trading forum...and you say 'Must be an ego thing then'...Geeez you're intelligent... you fit right in with the rest of the undesirables...Carry on blustering.🙄
Re: The final Holy Grail!

I will not.
Just to let the fellow traders know that the Holy Grail does exist, that's all.

Not trying to p*ss on your parade but it matters little whether the holy grail exists or not. All that matters is how much you win when you are right and how much you lose when you are wrong.

Not in R:R, or ticks or pips or percentage.

In actual currency.

Since you trade without stops, it will no doubt mean that you have to leave huge amounts in margin in order to do this - in which case you will win all the time but unfortunately never make a killing.

There will also be extended periods where the market is going sideways or against you meaning you miss lots of opportunities for quicker profit that you can't take because your margin is tied up.

I sat with a guy that hadn't had a losing day in 3 years. It was a remarkable streak and yet every other trader at the firm thought of him simply as a "good, consistent trader".

He, in turn, sat next to a guy that was considered one of the best traders that ever graced the firm. We were all in awe of him. Literally people would whisper and stare as he walked past. He made so much money, the other guys 100% streak looked like peanuts. And yes, he took losers like the rest. Day in, day out.

I'll leave you to work out the moral of this story...
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Re: The final Holy Grail!

Yeah, definitely ego, given how he responded to my faux genuflection.

Well, at least he's honest about it LOL

all journals are, all or part, about ego, and everyone who ever started one knows it

better than giving some excuse like "i want to use your feedback to grow as an individual" or some bs like that 😆
Re: The final Holy Grail!

if you were starting out in business, say for example, as a one-man-band motor dealer, would you invest all your capital in one car, maybe a nice shiny Lamborghini ? have it sat on your driveway with a For Sale sign and hope for the best ?
Or would you instead buy half a dozen BMWs, Mercs etc that a) diversify your risk and b) may be easier and quicker to sell ?

I concede to nobody on the point that trading should be run like a business. Any business man knows there are several crucial ingredients to evaluating the performance of a business and ensuring success:
1) CashFlow is king !
2) ROI

Have you taken into consideration your actual ROI% once you do become profitable, based on the amount of capital (margin) that you had tied up in your trade ?

And have you adjusted for another important business factor ?
3) Opportunity Cost ?

How much could you have been making elsewhere with your money whilst your capital was tied up in margin ?

Your approach to trading is fun and it certainly provides a lot of people with enjoyment while they await your inevitable crash & burn.
But a business it ain't ..............
Re: The final Holy Grail!

I have nothing against medbs. If he wins all the time great. But it's worth realising that he has not discovered "the holy grail".

The holy grail in trading is a method that enables you to win unlimited amounts of money consistently.

Unfortunately you don't do achieve this by getting 100% winners.

Why? Because the true holy grail is simply maximum return at minimum risk.

Unfortunately 100% winners is neither maximum return (since margin is tied up) or minimum risk (since stops do not exist).

All it is a nice little crutch for people that can't stand the pain of being wrong from time to time.

As new_trader would say...


May I ask you what's your ROI, This question is for everyone here.
Re: The final Holy Grail!

May I ask you what's your ROI, This question is for everyone here.

I'm making between 1 and 20 percent per trading day on my very small capitol. I know I will have some bad weeks, but I haven't had a losing week now in six months. Even when those bad weeks come, they can't wipe out a lot of really good weeks.
Re: The final Holy Grail!

Do you mind my asking how long is the longest you have had an open trade with your system?

If you are asking me then I will tell you exactly what I am doing. I Bought "Elliott Wave Theory",the book written by Bob Prechter and A.J. Frost about two years ago. I think I've read it about a dozen times now. Anyway, I'm not selling anything here: I'm just being honest about what is working for me. I really believe in it. Any time I have been wrong I can see where I made a wrong count after the fact. I can say that it is a little subjective, and sometimes I have to sit out of trading until the count clears up, but with patience and discipline I am being successful. And don't let me forget to tell you that I do watch the forex calendar, but the more time passes the more I see "Fundamentals" don't mean as much as I thought they did.
Re: The final Holy Grail!

Do you mind my asking how long is the longest you have had an open trade with your system?

Sorry, I didn't answer your question. The longest I have held a trade is about 3 weeks, but the usual time for me is between 1 hour and 3 days...
Re: The final Holy Grail!

if you were starting out in business, say for example, as a one-man-band motor dealer, would you invest all your capital in one car, maybe a nice shiny Lamborghini ? have it sat on your driveway with a For Sale sign and hope for the best ?
Or would you instead buy half a dozen BMWs, Mercs etc that a) diversify your risk and b) may be easier and quicker to sell ?

I concede to nobody on the point that trading should be run like a business. Any business man knows there are several crucial ingredients to evaluating the performance of a business and ensuring success:
1) CashFlow is king !
2) ROI

Have you taken into consideration your actual ROI% once you do become profitable, based on the amount of capital (margin) that you had tied up in your trade ?

And have you adjusted for another important business factor ?
3) Opportunity Cost ?

How much could you have been making elsewhere with your money whilst your capital was tied up in margin ?

Your approach to trading is fun and it certainly provides a lot of people with enjoyment while they await your inevitable crash & burn.
But a business it ain't ..............

I like the analogy in this post as I often compare car retailing with trading, particularly given it's something I've been involved in...mostly I compare the return on capital invested; for example if you just bought one car (a 5K car for retail) would you expect to only sell it for a net retained profit of £250 inside that month? I ask this because so many traders set the bar so low, they insist that a 5% return per month is good when in reality it's a joke (unless the capital employed is huge which brings its own set of problems)...I'd expect to sell that car inside 2 weeks and make a grand; 20% return in 2 weeks not 4 weeks...If you have £100K speculating in the markets (not invested/ing) you must be aiming for 20% return per month...minimum...

I also like your 'spreading risk' analogy which is why I've never understood swing traders not being in all the major (most liquid/traded) currencies most of the time. However, I also know guys who specialise in one make of car, for example, Porsche. They become absolute experts on that one brand and pre scour auction lists to buy right. They have that one car, perhaps two on their driveway and make a very healthy living (or have done pre-recession). Very little overheads, always available, undercutting the opposition, dealing with (as they term it) *proper people*...
Re: The final Holy Grail!

Long eurusd 9.47.28 at 1,2939..risk 4 holy grail just exact fade plus 1 point on session low yesterday......
Reaching your purchase price mesd risk reward is just a little better 😈
Re: The final Holy Grail!

Long eurusd 9.47.28 at 1,2939..risk 4 holy grail just exact fade plus 1 point on session low yesterday......
Reaching your purchase price mesd risk reward is just a little better 😈

closed trade at 1.2968 at 9.21.27 ....exactly against point of control for the day....

29 pips for 4 risk //// that is a 7R trade... and that is risk management...this is my last and first post on trades