The drugs problem

I asked because it makes no sense to many Americans to incarcerate so many people for drug offenses when those who abuse alcohol get off with what amounts to a slap on the wrist. Whatever one thinks of pot, how are the prejudices justified when those same prejudices aren't applied to alcohol?

Erm, I don't know.

All I can tell you is what I do know.

Drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling any kind of addiction. All bad for you and I include prescription drugs.

So even the other figures in the prison population breakdown, ie theft, burglary, assault etc. People may be convicted of a different offence, but in a great number of those cases, one or more of the above abuses may figure.
Compared to

Approximately 85,000 people are convicted of drink driving related offences each and every year in England and Wales alone.

I don't think that it is any good debating two bad habits. Two blacks don't make a white.

Drugs for medicinal use are being used by all and sundry because the law has made it legal, in some countries, to do so.

I, many years ago, was treated with that new wonder drug Cortisone. This was a prescribed drug. When I changed doctors he took me off it, straight away, and frightened me half to death with his description of its side effects.

At my age, now, I can safely say that I got over that! But it has made me wary ever since. All the people who take cannabis for aches and pains---who knows what happens to them in later life.? No one tells us about them. What about the younger ones who take it because all their friends do? How will they end up?

It takes me back to when we all used those Flit pumps and aerosols. The smoke and pollution and the ozone layer. It was, all harmless, in its day. Now the world can't do without making smoke, to the extent that there is no way that any legislation can be agreed to, although everyone nods, sagely, and says how bad the pollution is.

Take a tip from an Oldie. Stay away from the stuff!
I don't think that it is any good debating two bad habits. Two blacks don't make a white.

Drugs for medicinal use are being used by all and sundry because the law has made it legal, in some countries, to do so.

I, many years ago, was treated with that new wonder drug Cortisone. This was a prescribed drug. When I changed doctors he took me off it, straight away, and frightened me half to death with his description of its side effects.

At my age, now, I can safely say that I got over that! But it has made me wary ever since. All the people who take cannabis for aches and pains---who knows what happens to them in later life.? No one tells us about them. What about the younger ones who take it because all their friends do? How will they end up?

It takes me back to when we all used those Flit pumps and aerosols. The smoke and pollution and the ozone layer. It was, all harmless, in its day. Now the world can't do without making smoke, to the extent that there is no way that any legislation can be agreed to, although everyone nods, sagely, and says how bad the pollution is.

Take a tip from an Oldie. Stay away from the stuff!
I have used it for years to effectively assist insomnia. I'd rather have the green than drop a sleeping pill every day. Added to that it does wonders for stress. Used it for over 20 years now without problems.
Erm, I don't know.

All I can tell you is what I do know.

Drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling any kind of addiction. All bad for you and I include prescription drugs.

I agree. But one doesn't wind up in jail for playing poker or smoking. I may not "approve" of someone using pot, but that doesn't mean they should be locked up.
The history of criminalising pot is rooted in politics surrounding Mexican migrants into the USA. Before this time it was in the top 3 crops to growin the USA and widely used for medicinal purposes in addition to fabrics. If it was bad then why is it slowly being decriminalised. All I can say is that they realised what utter idiots they are and are slowly fixing the mistake.
The history of criminalising pot is rooted in politics surrounding Mexican migrants into the USA. Before this time it was in the top 3 crops to growin the USA and widely used for medicinal purposes in addition to fabrics. If it was bad then why is it slowly being decriminalised. All I can say is that they realised what utter idiots they are and are slowly fixing the mistake.

Or the cost of continuing to criminalize it is becoming intolerable.
how much do you reckon the USA would save in the justice system. It's got to be a shocking number
Or the cost of continuing to criminalize it is becoming intolerable.

Isn't that more to do with alcohol prohibition and it's failure leading to crime?

Same story with drugs and anything else that may be banned which is much in public demand.

Once upon a time the Tobacco industry was very powerful and they come out with all kinds of slogans like smoking was supposed to be good for you and how there was Vitamin A in it etc.

Anyone who said it was bad they'd go after in their usual corporate arm twisting ways.

I think the argument is already won with cannabis and die hards simply being stick in the mud if I may say so.

Cost of criminalising and health benefits outweigh some side effects which under regulatory control can be better managed anyhow.

No brainer to me. Let it be folks.

How true.

Why do Americans buy pick-up trucks?

In order to understand the US, you have to understand racism, Catholic fundamentalism, and hypermasculinity. As far as pickup trucks in particular, think of them as a manifestation of the desire to ride roughshod over stuff. There is also the added benefit of being able to look down on those around you.
Aren't US prisons privatised? Profits made per prisoner? They love drug offenders, so easy to criminalise and incarcerate and make profits on.

How much lobbying have various bodies such as the prison service and law enforcement agencies done to keep the war on drugs alive? It's just a money making machine.
Aren't US prisons privatised? Profits made per prisoner? They love drug offenders, so easy to criminalise and incarcerate and make profits on.

How much lobbying have various bodies such as the prison service and law enforcement agencies done to keep the war on drugs alive? It's just a money making machine.

There is that. What a mess.
I have used it for years to effectively assist insomnia. I'd rather have the green than drop a sleeping pill every day. Added to that it does wonders for stress. Used it for over 20 years now without problems.

What can I say to that? I rest.

In the end, everyone should know , in his mind, what he can do. I don't think that everyone is as strong willed as you, though.

No hard feelings. I wish you well.
I asked because it makes no sense to many Americans to incarcerate so many people for drug offenses when those who abuse alcohol get off with what amounts to a slap on the wrist. Whatever one thinks of pot, how are the prejudices justified when those same prejudices aren't applied to alcohol?

Because the movement to legalize marijuana is disjointed.
The alcohol industry is the number one opponent to its legalization.
They have billions of dollars and thousands of political connections, but the guy that grows medical marijuana is just a regular dude that works independently.
He can't compete.

The Alcohol and Spirits Industry know that if marijuana is legalized, people will use that instead of beer and whiskey to get their kicks and relax.

I have never been a big user of drugs. I have only smoked marijuana a few times and never tried cocaine, hallucinogens or anything else. It's never interested me.

But marijuana should be legal. It should be taxed and regulated like cigarettes and alcohol.

If it was legal, crime would go down, tax receipts would go up and thousands of acres of farm land could be used for cultivating it.

A lot of good could come from its legalization.