5 countries in deep financial trouble

Argentina suffers fresh defeat in default row

U.S. judge reserves judgment on broadening Argentina debt ruling
The hearing concerned 526 creditors holding over $5.4 billion in money judgments or claims who filed paperwork by March 2. In the New York federal court alone, there are $10 billion in judgments against the country are pending. Feel the burn. 😆
Is UK also not in a BIG ****HOLE???
If the Arab and Russian investment is removed then UK would collapse totally!
Is UK also not in a BIG ****HOLE???
If the Arab and Russian investment is removed then UK would collapse totally!

It is confidence in the currency. It is what keeps the UK going and why right wing leaders strive to maintain that. Spain has a right wing government and very unpopular it is, too. The day that the socialists get in the bond yields will rise as bondholders unload onto the market.

The solution, unfortunately, is misery for millions of unemployed, but they, also, have the vote and they will use it in six months.
While Argentina faces default another country is trouble. Moldova is in financial crisis.
Every system has its drawbacks. The drawback of democracy is politicians promising way more than the country can afford just to get elected and then what. We shall see just what happens in this case with Greece.

As with company bankruptcy, the bankrupt country should be put into administration. The rich are forced to pay their taxes or forfeit their citizenship etc.
Every system has its drawbacks. The drawback of democracy is politicians promising way more than the country can afford just to get elected and then what. We shall see just what happens in this case with Greece.

As with company bankruptcy, the bankrupt country should be put into administration. The rich are forced to pay their taxes or forfeit their citizenship etc.

I suppose that's a socialist way of looking at it and bit extreme. The rich are not necessarily tax evading, they just pay lawyers to find legal ways around things. The average person just doesn't want to take the time to learn how or to pay for someone else to do that. This why the IRS rarely goes after the big fish. When it comes to someone making below $50,000, they are more likely to use some program like Turbo Tax or do it themselves and; thus, making more mistakes. A wealthier person can just railroad the IRS until the IRS decides they have spent too much money pursuing the matter.
Is UK also not in a BIG ****HOLE???
If the Arab and Russian investment is removed then UK would collapse totally!

No it's not.

You need to ask why don't the Arab's, Russian's or anyone else for that matter invest elsewhere? Why in the UK? Why have Japanese setup their car assembly plants in the UK at massive cost?

As for the totally collapse part, that's real funny. 😆
Debt Is Rising Across Most of the World

We will have to wait until June 17 for the German parliament to convene and ratify any possible changes to the deal. I can't wait until July 20 arrives. :clap:

In more positive news, Iceland's economy is definitely stabilizing. The government is removing its capital controls after 7 years. :clap: