The Delta Phenomenon

I remember a bit more about Delta.

there was a set number of colors(don*t remember) in a specific order placed on specific dates(given by Wilder) and the turning point for every markets were given with their relative position to the colored lines.

lets say the colors were green(G) orange(O) blue(B) yellow(Y)
the turning points were listed like the following:
G-5 turning point is 5 days before the green line
G+8 turning point is 8 days after the green line
O-1 turning point is 1 day before the orange line
O+3 turning point is 3 days after the orange line
B-4 turning point is 4 days before the blue line
B+2 turning point is 2 days after the blue line
Y+0 turning point is exactly on the yellow line
Y+7 turning point is 7 days after the yellow line

if the Delta point was pushed, it was considered a strong market.
The turning points were rarely were they were supposed to, you always had to interpret(a la Elliott Wave) the position turning point.
There were additional "alternate" point(not sure if it is the right term) that were used to correct the count to make it fit the Delta model...A complete mess if you ask me.
if you look on the net you'll see that the Touro family is a very rich family with money invested in many many fields.

Gann met Touro(sorry don't remember first name) and they became very very close.
Touro decided to share a family secret.
We'll call it the enigma machine.
It was a calculator using previous date/time/price level to forecast future price level for a specific date at a specific time. Touro started to share the forecast with Gann so he could make money too.
Only two conditions, keep quiet and don't bet too big so that when you win nobody will notice.
At first Gann respected the rules but it became more and more difficult to keep quite and bet low.
People were starting to notice Gann could not make a bad trade... Only winners.
So one day he blew it. Told everybody wheat would reach a specific level at a specific time even if wheat was way below target and there was not much time left for the forecast to unfold. in the last few minutes, prices skyrocketed upward to reach the predicted price level just before the close.
From that day on, Touro never gave another forecast from the enigma machine and Gann spent the rest of his life trying to duplicate without success what he was given for free by Mr Touro.

As well if you check you'll find stories about Gann dying rich and dying poor.
Hard to find the truth but we know the wife sold his stuff for pretty much nothing cause she thought it was all it was worth. And his son said his father made most of his money through all the speeches and books he sold(because of the fantastic last forecast Touro gave him), rarely made money trading. Also, the man died broke.

The Touro family was very active in the cotton market and we're told they made millions.

the whole truth or a buch of lies?
We'll never know for sure but that is an interesting story I read only once...

But you know here that Gann made annual forecasts in 1922 - 1935 100% correct and written in some major newspaper back than. He made a 4000% trading profit on one year, and never had a record under 100% in those five years. 1909 was not the last of what was witness and recorded of William Gann. His annual forecast in 1929 one year in advance was proof he was beyond the rumors above. If you got this story from Micheal Jenkins I would laugh, because I heard this before about some family that knew right.
no actually I do not know by heart what Gann did in what year and what kind of success he achieved.

If it is all true well good for him BUT it does not mean anybody can duplicate and understand his work.

Regarding the vibrations of planets Bryce Gilmore, wavetrader III can plot the vibration of planets(at least in previous version)
no actually I do not know by heart what Gann did in what year and what kind of success he achieved.

If it is all true well good for him BUT it does not mean anybody can duplicate and understand his work.

Regarding the vibrations of planets Bryce Gilmore, wavetrader III can plot the vibration of planets(at least in previous version)

I don't believe there is anyone that can duplicate his work at this time. What I do know is the beginning of that time will come into place very soon. I have a trading course that can open up many answers make consistent profit but not in the like manner of Gann. The reason why is he knows more corners, pivots, trends, cycles, markets, assets vibrations, methods accomplish etc..., so all these feats did made him number one in his day and even until this day.

Vibrations is plain and simple it is ethier harmonic or inharmonic... attraction and repulsion... like repels opposite attracts... the only that is esoteric is the geometry everything else is science...
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Squares and Triangles are soooooo pre-Mayan.

I use the Rhombus of Osiris to trade these days.
Hi Trendie,
Have not relised that you are skilful in using Rombus of Osiris.
How are you these days,
I still post on Delta thread.😆
Greetings to Trendie!
Interesting thread, but I agree with the 2nd poster.... market prediction is impossible, unless you control the market 🙂
Theres no real hidden order in The Delta Phenonmenon that much I can assured you. The only way you're going find a hidden order in the market is an ancient technique that goes back to the sages. Unless you have heard of the Hexagon Growth of the Dow, than there is no way you can have a hidden order. The geometrical laws are laid down in the Flower of Life of which explains all the support and resistanance points upon SQUARES and TRIANGLES. The only problem is you have to know the vibrations behind the background of these geometrical points. Knowing which Squares and Triangles to take, but it can be a really important trading tool to use. The Delta Phenonmenon is probably not logical, and is more than just a vague story going back from the 70's.
