Wilder Delta and Adam

To much info... 😉

I know Tony.. but I couldn't resist putting one up... 😱 😀
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A few words on Delta. I trade mainly with Delta and use short term indicators for the actual enter and exit.
I trade the ITD up or down within the MTD and LTD. In other words I trade long after a MTD low and short after a MTD high. I let the market dictate if we have indeed established a MTD point. Expecting the market to reverse at a particular time can be our undoing. Use the LTD and SLTD to define trends.

Any thoughts out there?
a320 said:
A basic example.... For a turn either friday 17th afternoon or Monday 20th morning....
Favour Friday afternoon but i'll put the more conservative chart up...
But you used coloured lines, so it doesn't count... 😎

(cj - I was only joking about posting it... 🙁 )
Agree with DaveJB

Bought the book. Bought the software. Used the software. Ran the trades.

It's not that WW is suggesting an astrological influence per se, but he uses the lunar cycle to establish a regular periodic frequency on which to 'hang' the cycles for the various sectors. (Although he does hint as possible astrological connection, but you could do that for any aspect of human life - and probably be right - who knows).

As Dave said, it can be awkward to discern at times even when you think you know where the price 'should' be going. (That was my problem. More of this later.)

There are also reversal points at which - which, as you might imagine from the term - a complete reversal of the cycle occurs. This is not only a probabilistic expectation but also highly tradeable situation according to WW.

I like the system and it produced some results, but I'm afraid given my own personal psychological makeup I found the clearly defined cycle points provided me with a temptation to 'read' what wasn't there into price action - which was my undoing. I didn't follow the rules and made assumptions based on what I thought most likely to happen rather than waiting for confirmation.

I'd recommend the book and the s/w if you've got the balance for it and are interested in trading systems for their own sake and your additional knowledge.

There is a UK site which handles DeltaP for WW in the UK.


Hi TheBramble. I just read your post and tried to view the site you posted, however the site says "access denied". Do you know if the site is still online? If so how do I join or view it?

mr wilder's link to astonomy and astrology is a point for concideration,both will have effect on the market,the effects of lunar cycle is more important,it is a vast subject