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The DarwinIA lottery demo portfolio supported by the Hall of Fame

April was the most successful month in the history of this portfolio since September 2021.

This great result of 4.22% profit on equity brought the portfolio in profit in 2022 and in overall profit again, the second time since November 2021. It is also the third follow up month with profit on equity.


Five Darwins will leave the portfolio: BMC, GBI, SUG, TMF, TYL .
WGP, YAX, IDT, YGT and BMC will get the new shares for April 2022, so BMC will leave the portfolio only for a very few minutes and YAX is a new position in the portfolio.

The transactions and fee statistics will be published after the transactions are executed beginning next week.
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The sell transactions brought a profit of about $115 after fees:


So the April positions can be bought with $ 1,031 each:

There are 36 Darwins now in the portfolio.
YGT has the biggest share with $ 2,458.00 and IDT shows the biggest profit with $172.16 after all transactions.

Performance fee to pay raised to $295.81:

Management fee increased to $104.01:

Cash P&L since portfolio start beginning of September 2021:
$289.62 net profit on closed position
$399.82 performance fees ($295.81) and management fees ($104.01)
$110.20 net loss on closed positions
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In May monthly and overall performance turned into the red area again.

8 Darwins bought for November 2021 will leave the protfolio: BAX, BGN, GRI, HZY, LEN, TRO, UYZ and VSR.
That's all added for November 2021 besides BSX and JTL.

Three new Darwins are added to the portfolio: SGP, SUG and UKR, the position is increased for VRT and WGP. The share size is $866 as $4,330.51 was available for investments.

The number of Darwins in the portfolio is reduced to 31.

Performance fee payment raised to $381.40.

Management fee increased to $132.42:

Cash P&L since portfolio start beginning of September 2021:
$309.30 net profit on closed position ( + $19.68 in May)
$513.82 performance fees ($381.40) and management fees ($132.42)
$204.52 net loss on closed positions ( net loss increased by $94.32 in May)
This month I'm al little late, but the results are not really different to the 1st of July 2022.

In June also the yearly performance of 2022 turned into the red area again.


5 Darwins bought for December 2021 will leave the protfolio: AZG, BSX, TXR and USI.
5 others will stay after selling their share for December as they were rebought between March and June for the previous month, but no one bought in February for January leaves the portfolio this time.

Three new Darwins are added to the portfolio: GQB, MUF, IEB and UAE, the position is increased for YAX.
The share size is $955 as $4,775.37 was available for investments, which is $445 more than we had last month.


The number of Darwins in the portfolio is reduced to 30.

Performance fee payment raised to $504.65.


Management fee increased to $162.88:


Cash P&L since portfolio start beginning of September 2021:
$347.97 net profit on closed position ( + $38.67 in June)
$667.53 performance fees ($504.65) and management fees ($162.88)
$319.56 net loss on closed positions ( net loss increased by $115.04 in June)

Currently there are $28,715 invested, which is $1,285 less than when the portfolio started in September 2021.

The portfolio usually produces a small gross profit every month, but it does not caver the fees..
As it is running on triple levarage, the fees reduce the account balance directly and reduce the money available to invest also with the factor 3.

We'll see whether the portfolio can come out of this trap.
July 2022 Update.

July also shows small losses on equity after a DD of about 3%.
That's three follow up months in red which didn't appear before.


5 Darwins bought forJanuary 2022 will leave the protfolio: ACY, CAG, DZF, HEO, NSC.
4 others will stay after selling their share for December as they were rebought in the last six months between May and March 2022 for the previous month.
PKG leaves the portfolio and immediately joins it again for the July candidates.


BOT is the only Darwin to add in the July selection. It is a reentry after BOT left the portfolio after March 2022 with small profit.
The share size is $1,018 as $5,090.79 was available for investment after the selling, which is significantly more than last month. So the invested amount will increase by $20 after fee deduction to $28,735.


The number of Darwins in the portfolio is reduced to 26.

Performance fee payment raised to $518.82 (+ $14.17).


Management fee increased to $187.08 (+$24.20).

Cash P&L since portfolio start beginning of September 2021:
$393.13 net profit on closed position ( + $45.16 in July)
$705.90 performance fees ($518.82) and management fees ($187.08)
$312.77 net loss on closed positions ( net loss decreased by $6.79 in July)

Net loss decreased by $6.79 in July. This figure might be diluted when the performance fee for the last three months for some positions is deducted tomorrow.
These are the changes for the August 2022 DarwinIA candidates.

August shows 1.45 % profit, but not enough to make 2022 profitable.
7 Darwins will leave the portfolio, including the most successful one THA, and 2 will be added.
I had to go down to rank 15 to find the candidates for the August 2022 selection.

This is the last time when 10 Darwin shares are sold, since the March selection there ware always 5 Darwins added.


Darwins leaving: DAS, FNM, OMJ, PUL, SEH, THA, YFC.
Dawins to add: GKE, ULC, where ULC is a reentry.


The profit on closed investments is reduced by $14.95 .
The share size is $928 as $4,644.96 was available for investment after the selling.
The invested amount will decrease by $170 after fee deduction to $28,565.

The number of Darwins in the portfolio is reduced to 21 now.

Performance fee payment raised to $532.05 (+ $13.23).

Management fee increased to $214.18 (+$27.10).

Cash P&L since portfolio start beginning of September 2021:
$378.18 net profit on closed position ( - $14.95 in August)
$746.23 performance fees ($532.05) and management fees ($214.18)
$368.05 net loss on closed positions ( net loss increased by $55.28 in August)

As OMJ was sold with a quote of 126.67 - which is the lowest quote the portfoliio ever shown for selling - after buying it for 157.51, there are some thoughts of implementing a stop loss rule to sell it earlier. The Darwin currently shows 6 follow up months in red and is hiding the assets traded. Currently it is taken as an exception.
In September the equity performance went red again.


Transactions can only be shown on Monday, latest on Tuesday as Monday is a holiday in Germany and I don't know whether Darwins contaning Dax positions can be bought or sold.

The following Darwins will leave the portfolio: FIR, ZCD

Besides them there will be shares sold of JTL, SYO, YGT (shares bought with $915).

The new Darwins will be EPG, SUG, TRO, USX and XYQ.

After more than a year there are also some thoughts when this portfolio should be closed and currently the deadline is more than $1,000 loss on closed positions, not on equity.
On the other hand there are still no rules for a stop loss, which might impreove the performance.

There are only 83 Darwins in the "Return > 50%" filter, others are not eligible for this portfolio.

With a La atrribute of > 3 and more than 50% return there are only 67, and only 35 of them made profit last month.

So I don't know whether an entry rule for a La attribute > 3 would improve the performance, but all new entries show that quality.
The following shares were sold:


After that there were only $ 4,033,74 available for investments, the lowest amount ever.


XYQ came in with a lower price than $150, as the selection was decided before.

The number of Darwins in the portfolio increased to 23 now.

Performance fee payment raised to $579.75 (+ $47.40).

JTL is the roadrunner on performance of closed position.
For the losers ZCD and YGP was also performance fee paid for the first quarter.
It would fit better to this portfolio if the performance fee payment would be done after 6 months.

Management fee raised to $240.01 (+ $25.83).

Cash P&L since portfolio start beginning of October 2021:
$269.65 net profit on closed position ( - $108.53 in September, the highest negative difference ever)
$819.76 performance fees ($579.75) and management fees ($240.01)
$550.11 net loss on closed positions ( net loss increased by $182.06 in September, the worst figure ever seen here)
I did some analysis to find out whether it could make sense to use the La attribute for selection.

In the list are all Darwins of the current portfolio with
- a current price less than 150 or
- an La attribute < 5.0


I was also trying to compare the highest DD Darwins GQB and YGT to find common attributes but I failed to find criteria I could validate with the historical higher losses.

YGT will be sold at beginning of next month, GQB two months later.
Then I might know whether a stop loss rule could have saved some equity.
These are the changes for the October 2022 DarwinIA candidates.

October shows 0.20 % loss on equity and increases the loss of 2022 slightly.
The loss on the balance was significantly higher, the remaining profit was cut by about 50%.

IDT and YGT will leave the portfolio and USI will be added.

The loss on closed investments is $132.28.

There is $ 4,672.56 avible to invest, so each new share is $934.

The invested amount is decreased by $485 to $ 27,535.

The number of Darwins in the portfolio decreased to 22 now.

Performance fee payment raised to $586.78 (+ $7.03). That indicates the lowest profitabily in this portfolio since it exists.

Management fee raised to $262.76 (+ $22.75).

Cash P&L since portfolio start beginning of October 2021:
$137.37 net profit on closed position ( - $132.28 in October, the highest negative difference ever)
$819.76 performance fees ($586.78) and management fees ($262.76)
$682.39 net loss on closed positions ( net loss increased by $182.06 in September, the worst figure ever seen here)

Currently 9 Darwins show profit and 13 show losses on the open position.
The portfolio will be closed if it is not possible to invest more than $27k.
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November shows 1.54 % profit on equity.
The high of November was 3.89 % and was reduced by more than 50% until the month's end.


SGP, UKR and YRT left the portfolio, BLM and YOX will be added.
SGP held the highest profit in % in this portfolio before.
UKR was not traded since months.


The profit on closed investments is now $331.30 (+ $194.02).

There is $ 4,716.30 avible to invest, so each new share is $943.
The shares sold were bought with $866 each, so the sold shares had an average net profit of $77 each.

The invested amount is increased by $485 to $ 27,920 (+ $385).


The number of Darwins in the portfolio decreased to 21 (- 1) now.

Performance fee payment raised to $626.65 (+ $39.87).


Management fee raised to $289.00 (+ $26.24).


Cash P&L since portfolio start beginning of October 2021:
$331.30 net profit on closed position ( + $194.02 in November)
$915.65 performance fees ($626.65) and management fees ($289.00)
$584.35 net loss on closed positions ( net loss decreased by $98.04 in November)

Currently 12 Darwins show profit (+ 3) and 9 show losses (- 4) on the open position.
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This portfolio will be closed end of the year as I didn't want to prove that a Darwin investment creates losses.
I don't want to wait until there are less than 27k to invest as I have another idea for a rule based portfolio.


The available investment amount will decrease again:

Main reason:
- The selection of successful Darwins is restricted by DarwinIA rules like the investment cap at 600k during successful periods
- So Darwins with less stability were taken with less success

What I proved with this portfolio:
- DarwinIA is a much cheaper advertising tool as losers in the following months are not paid

There will follow some screenshots before the portfolio is reset beginning of next year (only one demo portfolio allowed)
I think that the point is that Darwinia depends too much on the result of one month, and this result is too random.
Then you combine it with a monthly rotation that eats profit because of spreads and commissions.
Darwina is a supercheap marketing tool, you reward winners with a promised payment.
Look to the winner of this month... FQR 🤣
I think your "lottery" is the right definition!
I always saw it as a lottery, not as reward for special achievements.

December results are sponsering exotic stuff.
The first 4 don't show 50% overall profit on the Darwin - excluded.
#5 - MAO - is the first one which could be included in the portfolio from the 50% rule, but fails the 1,000 EUR on the trader in the hall of fame.
#6 - GBN - has the same destiny.
#7 - YAX - has already been included twice and would be included again as the first match to the rules.
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Now let me show the last pictures of this portfolio before the one and only demo portfolio at Darwinex will be reset.


December 2022 was another losing month with the 3rd worst result out of 16 months.
There were only 6 profitable months against 10 losing months.
The shares for December 2022 would be less than the shares of July ($ 955) which would be sold now:

Without selling these shares, performance fee rose to $693.68 (+ 67.03) by paying for the open positions.

Management fee rose to $315.53 (+ $26.53).

With that, the total of fees paid in these 16 months rose to more than $ 1,009.21 which is more than 10% of the investment of $ 10,000 in this leveraged portfolio.

Lessons learned:
- The selection of successful Darwins is restricted by DarwinIA rules like the investment cap at 600k during successful periods
- The selection of successful Darwins is also restricted bythe eligibility to DarwinIA by the dubious D-Score rules
- The fees had eaten up a multiple of the profit of this portfolio

Therefore, I will now consequently press the reset button for my one and only demo portfolio (which does not work on the weekend as long as the markets are closed 🙂 🙂 🙂)
Hello guys, it's been (almost) 1-year since the last update pertaining to the great "Reset". Any idea when will this be restarted?
Hello guys, it's been (almost) 1-year since the last update pertaining to the great "Reset". Any idea when will this be restarted?
The new portfolio got an own thread: