The biggest trading obstacle

Sometimes, I'd tell the missus how much I'd made for the day and sometimes I'd keep quiet.

On the quiet days, she'd suss out I'd lost money and was slightly sarcastic.

At other times, she'd laugh at the $60 or $70 I'd be making a day with small position sizes and say that my target of $2k was not getting any closer.

Man, that's rough.. her laughing at your small profit is akin to her mocking the size of your pin bar.

Glad you got it sorted in the end, additional external stress doesn't help anything.
Another huge obstacle can be the effects of a string of losses. One is hard to bear but some losses in row and one can panic and bin a perfectly good system.

Ever had that feeling of should I/shouldn't I and by the time one decides what to do it is too late !!
That is very true. Some very profitable systems suffer from long strings of consecutive losing trades.. you're better off giving up some profitability in order to increase the % win ratio. I always disregarded it when I started, but to my cost..
My wife has been totally supportive in all my ventures/adventures/misadventures...I actually wish (on reflection) she'd have been more critical and more circumspect on some. ?

LAst night I aske the mrs if she would b supportive she went "no chance"

So im going with DionysusToast's advice and not boring her with the details, im basically not going to mention trading. So next time I got on the net to place a trade ill tell her that Im going to surf some porn👍
Another huge obstacle can be the effects of a string of losses. One is hard to bear but some losses in row and one can panic and bin a perfectly good system.

Ever had that feeling of should I/shouldn't I and by the time one decides what to do it is too late !!

One of the best ways to trade is to take small profits,the hit rate can be above 80%.
No it’s the wife she is always on my back about trading she says that its boring, a waste of time, it’s just gambling, it’s weird, anti social, etc. She says one day I’ll look back at all the time I’ve wasted

She goes on like this every day it and it gets on my nerves I try to ignore her but sometimes cant.

Does anyone on here have a similar issue with their mrs and does anyone even have a supportive mrs (unlikely).

How do I overcome this obstacle??

I faced a similar though not as sever a situation. When I started making consistent money, she quieted some. But there was always a resentment of the time I spent trading.

I wanted to teach her my methods to get her more involved. However, everyone knows the limits of one mate trying to teach the other mate a skill. Almost as stressful as redecorating the kitchen.

Then a seminar came to town teaching something similar to my methods including the ability to bring a guest for free. I signed up without telling her using some of the money I earned from trading. I took her to lunch and handed her a Caribbean cruise for dessert which was one of the incentives to sign up for the seminar. Then I asked her to be my guest at the seminar so that she could learn a skill set to continue the cash flow she enjoys should anything happen to me. Through tears she agreed.

She has not yet become a trader, but gladly looks at my account after every transaction. I usually get a high-five with the results. I bought her an iPad for her birthday. In addition to its other benefits, she can now easily monitor our trading account.

You don't have to do it the same way I did. But think outside the box.
ODT is a stupid pr1ck who should not be allowed to pollute t2w. But the moderators are too busy deleting "offensive" posts from the Mike Baghdady thread.