The majority voted her in 3 times.
That is a simple undeniable fact.
Plenty will also agree with you, but they are the minority.
Yes it is but politics, voting and mind bending journalism all go to make a good stew? Did we have 100% turn out? Do we have proportional voting? Did we not have Murdoch in the Conservative party?
Bliar and Bush too got re-elected despite pursuing pretty damaging foreign policies.
Politics of giving Sid's up and down the country £500 worth of free shares and selling 40% discounted homes. Of-course she'll get elected. She made people home owners and yuppies in the City. If that is not give away politics I don't know what is?
Then used the proceeds to pay off an almost doubling of PSBR debt to £65bn back then if I recall. Now that's clever. Clever but wise??? Debatable as I think all our utilities have us by the short and curlies and we have no choice and no competition.
I think the impromptu street parties and chart topping new hit is clear indication of what she meant to quite a lot of people too. But they are the silent unseen minority so you guys carry on as you were.
As for that 3 elections fact - why not put it in a jam jar and throw it off the cliffs of Dover as far as you can see where it leads to and do let me know as I care so very much.
Another point, this setting her up as some great icon is all so wrong it does not bode well. You can see Conservatives salivating political spin and labour calculating where most vote appeasement lies. Lady has political capital even after her death.
Brighton railway station had a lot of police activity last night. Never seen so many coppers, cars and vans. I was then hit by another half as many smelly people who looked like eco-warriors :cheesy:
Cycling down Brighton sea front going past Hove I saw a large number of caravans, motor homes and a few what looked like alien craft with solar panels and water tanks. Some hand painted.
Now hearing the news I think there may be a storm gathering. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is raining - depending on your point of view. :whistling