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Polly Toynbee on question time tonight, pointed to the fact Thatcher died in the wk of one the biggest shake ups and cuts to the government and society in modern times

She possibly lost the will to live?

much like how alot the country feel under the coalition

on a lighter note - what's Clarkson doing going to her funeral
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Polly Toynbee on question time tonight, pointed to the fact Thatcher died in the wk of one the biggest shake ups and cuts to the government and society in modern times

She possibly lost the will to live?

much like how alot the country feel under the coalition

on a lighter note - what's Clarkson doing going to her funeral

Opinions and influence


Clarkson is in favour of personal freedom and against government regulation, stating that government should "build park benches and that is it. They should leave us alone."[35] He has a particular contempt for the Health and Safety Executive. He often criticised the Labour governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, especially the 'ban' culture, frequently fixating on the bans on smoking and 2004 ban on fox hunting.

Jeremy Clarkson's comments have both a large number of supporters and opposers. He often comments on the media-perceived social issues of the day such as the fear of challenging adolescent youths, known as 'hoodies'. In 2007 Clarkson was cleared of allegations of assaulting a hoodie while visiting central Milton Keynes, after Thames Valley Police said that if anything, he had been the victim.[36] In the five-part series Jeremy Clarkson: Meets the Neighbours he travelled around Europe in a Jaguar E-Type, examining (and in some cases reinforcing) his stereotypes of other countries.

As a motoring journalist, he is frequently critical of government initiatives such as the London congestion charge or proposals on road charging. He is also frequently scornful of caravanners and cyclists. He has often singled out John Prescott the former Transport Minister, and Stephen Joseph[37] the head of the public transport pressure group Transport 2000 for ridicule.

Clarkson for PM.🙂
You do not speak for majority either and they certainly are not with you as per your desperate email.

The majority voted her in 3 times.
That is a simple undeniable fact.
Plenty will also agree with you, but they are the minority.
The majority voted her in 3 times.
That is a simple undeniable fact.
Plenty will also agree with you, but they are the minority.

Yes it is but politics, voting and mind bending journalism all go to make a good stew? Did we have 100% turn out? Do we have proportional voting? Did we not have Murdoch in the Conservative party?

Bliar and Bush too got re-elected despite pursuing pretty damaging foreign policies.

Politics of giving Sid's up and down the country £500 worth of free shares and selling 40% discounted homes. Of-course she'll get elected. She made people home owners and yuppies in the City. If that is not give away politics I don't know what is?

Then used the proceeds to pay off an almost doubling of PSBR debt to £65bn back then if I recall. Now that's clever. Clever but wise??? Debatable as I think all our utilities have us by the short and curlies and we have no choice and no competition.

I think the impromptu street parties and chart topping new hit is clear indication of what she meant to quite a lot of people too. But they are the silent unseen minority so you guys carry on as you were.

As for that 3 elections fact - why not put it in a jam jar and throw it off the cliffs of Dover as far as you can see where it leads to and do let me know as I care so very much. 😉

Another point, this setting her up as some great icon is all so wrong it does not bode well. You can see Conservatives salivating political spin and labour calculating where most vote appeasement lies. Lady has political capital even after her death. 🙄

Brighton railway station had a lot of police activity last night. Never seen so many coppers, cars and vans. I was then hit by another half as many smelly people who looked like eco-warriors :cheesy:

Cycling down Brighton sea front going past Hove I saw a large number of caravans, motor homes and a few what looked like alien craft with solar panels and water tanks. Some hand painted. 👍

Now hearing the news I think there may be a storm gathering. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is raining - depending on your point of view. :whistling
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None of the above will affect the general election in 2015 where, in my view, Labour will win by a landslide but not because they will poll any more votes than the last election.
Yes it is but politics, voting and mind bending journalism all go to make a good stew? Did we have 100% turn out? Do we have proportional voting? Did we not have Murdoch in the Conservative party?

Bliar and Bush too got re-elected despite pursuing pretty damaging foreign policies.

Politics of giving Sid's up and down the country £500 worth of free shares and selling 40% discounted homes. Of-course she'll get elected. She made people home owners and yuppies in the City. If that is not give away politics I don't know what is?

Completely misses the point at every turn.

The ideology was to give the people a stake in the country and let them run with it. Which is the complete opposite of the central planners viewpoint where the state controls and administers everything.

Then used the proceeds to pay off an almost doubling of PSBR debt to £65bn back then if I recall. Now that's clever. Clever but wise??? Debatable as I think all our utilities have us by the short and curlies and we have no choice and no competition.

Running a balanced budget should be cast in stone for every govt. That should be the starting point. Not something where deficit should be increased, put off and handed down to the next gen.
Your version is akin to rolling up all the loans and re-financing into one easy monthy payment blah blah.

I think the impromptu street parties and chart topping new hit is clear indication of what she meant to quite a lot of people too. But they are the silent unseen minority so you guys carry on as you were.

As for that 3 elections fact - why not put it in a jam jar and throw it off the cliffs of Dover as far as you can see where it leads to and do let me know as I care so very much. 😉

Another point, this setting her up as some great icon is all so wrong it does not bode well. You can see Conservatives salivating political spin and labour calculating where most vote appeasement lies. Lady has political capital even after her death. 🙄

Brighton railway station had a lot of police activity last night. Never seen so many coppers, cars and vans. I was then hit by another half as many smelly people who looked like eco-warriors :cheesy:

Cycling down Brighton sea front going past Hove I saw a large number of caravans, motor homes and a few what looked like alien craft with solar panels and water tanks. Some hand painted. 👍

Now hearing the news I think there may be a storm gathering. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is raining - depending on your point of view. :whistling[

What dya do on the weekends. Trim the beard, hug a few trees and polish the sandals?

😆 unbelievable.
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A selection rom the ' twittersphere -' I'm sure even she would marvel at their enterprise.)

She actually wanted to be cremated - but there's no coal.

“There is no such thing as society” – Margaret Thatcher, 1988
“There is no such thing as Margaret Thatcher” – Society, 2013

I’d jump for joy at Thatcher’s passing were it not for my fragile bones brought about by a lack of milk as a child.

Mrs Thatcher arrives at Hell and is greeted by Jimmy Savile who says to her “Now then, Now then are you here for screwing minors too ?”

Margaret Thatcher has passed away. My thoughts are with Satan and the denizens of Hell at this most difficult and trying time for them.

BREAKING NEWS: Atos declare Margaret Thatcher fit for work

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"There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It's our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour. People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations, because there is no such thing as an entitlement unless someone has first met an obligation"
Sad to see the hard left hate mongerers strutting their stuff oozing venom.
They are full of lies, distortions, phrases viciously plucked out of context like the one I quoted.
It's amazing how when democracy speaks the hate merchants condemn the result, votes have been bought, it's not fair, it's only a minority of the electorate who voted blah de blah when it's not their lot who win. When they do win, then democracy works, the people have spoken blah de blah.
Actually it makes you 🤢
I do like gallows humour, but when it turns into rank hatred then it makes me wonder if the person expressing it would like their own mother/father/sibling/child to be referred to like that when they have suffered and died.

One last pointless remark, never let the facts get in the way of prejudice. Oh no, I don't need to say that to the hard left, do I?
Sad to see the hard left hate mongerers strutting their stuff oozing venom.
They are full of lies, distortions, phrases viciously plucked out of context like the one I quoted.
It's amazing how when democracy speaks the hate merchants condemn the result, votes have been bought, it's not fair, it's only a minority of the electorate who voted blah de blah when it's not their lot who win. When they do win, then democracy works, the people have spoken blah de blah.
Actually it makes you 🤢

No Mr Charts! There is such a thing as society. Individualism is largely considered to be bad. So take your invisible hand and spank your self 🙂

Humans are social animals and they live in social groups! Oi-rite! Don't take words out of context and use it to spin agenda as Mrs T clearly did without having an ounce of empathy for social cohesion.

You are witnessing social cohesion right now - ironically as that may sound imho. :idea:

Also regarding the excessive police presence last night just saw this...
Anti-Thatcher leader is drama teacher from Brighton | The Times
Also heard Romany Blythe (she's from Brighton) on SkyNews - pretty eloquent and very feisty like Maggie but few references were off-the decorum scale. 😱
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Yes it is but politics, voting and mind bending journalism all go to make a good stew? Did we have 100% turn out? Do we have proportional voting? Did we not have Murdoch in the Conservative party?

Bliar and Bush too got re-elected despite pursuing pretty damaging foreign policies.
..........snip due to length

Was there a point to yet another torrent of opinionated diatribe?
None of what you posted alters the fact she won 3
consecutive elections with a clear majority each time.

Boundary changes, press influence, anything to avoid the fact that
all 3 contenders she faced were seen as crap by voters, plain and simple.
None of them offered enough real change over the union
strangle hold Labour politics of the 70's.
The vast majority of people with any sense did not want a repeat of that.
Most people like being able to turn lights on and buy bread...

Why you refuse to acknowledge that truly baffles me.

BTW - do me a favour and try and read my posts if you are going to reply.
I've stated several times I have no particular long term political allegiance.
Its all about the best option at voting time for me, regardless of party.
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Was there a point to yet another torrent of opinionated diatribe?
None of what you posted alters the fact she won 3
consecutive elections with a clear majority each time.

Boundary changes, press influence, anything to avoid the fact that
all 3 contenders she faced were seen as crap by voters, plain and simple.
None of them offered enough real change over the union
strangle hold Labour politics of the 70's.
The vast majority of people with any sense did not want a repeat of that.
Most people like being able to turn lights on and buy bread...

Why you refuse to acknowledge that truly baffles me.

BTW - do me a favour and try and read my posts if you are going to reply.

I've stated several times I have no particular long term political allegiance,
as I do believe I've stated numerous times already...
Its all about the best option at voting time for me, regardless of party.

Well said !
I do like gallows humour, but when it turns into rank hatred then it makes me wonder if the person expressing it would like their own mother/father/sibling/child to be referred to like that when they have suffered and died.

One last pointless remark, never let the facts get in the way of prejudice. Oh no, I don't need to say that to the hard left, do I?

Hard left you say???

I see you guys as being on the Hard right - the other opposite extreme of Morning Star readers. Home - Morning Star

Diversity makes the world a much richer and more colourful place 👍

Video: 'I'm In Love with Margaret Thatcher' anthem aiming to rival 'witch' song in charts - Telegraph

Buy it now!

At least pop-charts doing good business... 👍