That is a fair and undeniable point.
I even said she was a divisive figure in my first post on this thread.
Now tell me what your solution would have been to the 3 day week,
no electricity and no bread, I'd really love to hear it.
From where I'm standing, the only solution was inherently divisive.
Are you seriously suggesting that allowing unions to constantly strike,
British Leyland striking over 5 mins less tea break that was not even a
legal requirement was realistic and should have gone unchecked?
Unions had to be dealt with. Undeniably so. Never said otherwise.
Answer me one question:
Do you believe socialism or communism is better than capitalism.
If so, cite a successful example of the model.
I do not believe in either communism or capitalism. I also don't like to be pigeon hole based on other peoples definitions. I do believe we need some level of social protection. I currently also support Iain Duncan Smith in his reforms with the provision some common sense is applied.
eg: I support the NHS and prepared to pay more tax. However, we need some form of quota on how much is free. Do not believe in unlimited cover.
eg: I support Unemployment Benefit payouts but with limitations on duration
eg: We've lost out on the child benefit withdrawal (Mrs lady of leisure with two children) but I support the withdrawal despite losing £1.7K as don't need it.
eg: I support means tested university grants. I received such full grant and would not be here discussing these issues otherwise.
eg: I voted Liberal and prepared to pay higher tax for better social services
eg: I would support re-nationalisation of the railways and public utilities
Regarding your earlier post, yes the gap between rich and poor
has widened.
That was never the issue. No but she fails to understands the point question raises and rambles on talking rubbish.
I believe in not equality but equity and in efficiency. I'm an economist. Not a politician.
EQUALITY = Equal people should be treated equally. Unequal people should be treated Unequally.
EQUITY = Fairness. A cleaner in a bank contributes just as much as an executive. I fail to see why an executive gets £2m + 33% bonus, whilst cleaner gets £15K + 5% bonus.
EFFICIENCY = If tax on interest from savings brings in £50m and costs £50m it is not efficient and should be scrapped.
The issue was and still is - if the gap narrows, the rich hold onto more of their
wealth, less flows downhill in the form of wages, workers revolt and we end up
with the U.S.S.R.
Don't understand your point here. If income is distributed more equitably expenditure rises. People become educated and just as creative. I don't by into CV's model of keeping people dumb because we need them to clean our toilets. I think we should pay people doing tough jobs more money to induce them into tough industries. ie metal workers, engineering and toilet cleaners. Toilets where one has to pay 30p to get in are always so much more cleaner than free ones - don't you think?
I really am confused here, someone who trades, invests in property,
yet apparently supports an economic model that would destroy and remove
much of that.
If that assumption is wrong, please enlighten me
Look here chums - I've never said I was red. Never said I'm blue. I've voted for all three parties in the past. Call me a floater.
Regarding unions and say for example British Leyland - I see two issues. Productivity and Market Share. I go by Japanese experience in case study.
They invested in R&D and latest production methods. They studied what Americans did and how. They replicated, copied and improved.
I would look at the German model for industrial relations. I would replicate, copy them and improve.
CV's idea of shared ownership of cooperatives is a good one. Not beyoned management to introduce such a compromise.
Here is one suggestion.
1. Give in to the strikers and pay them inflation matching wage as this is only fair. Bring them into the boardroom along with engineers to participate in direction and decision making. Stipulate future wage increase, employment numbers based on new model sales.
- Communicate change
- Get buy in and endorsement
- Provide carrot and show stick
2. Give management objectives and the sack if targets not met. Not the labourers.
- Management and leaders lead. Workers follow. Accountability at the top.
3. Invest in new models and engines as the Japanese have done.
- Motivate labourers with training and communication strategy for the company coupled with
- Showing them the accounts and how bad situ is.
4. Invest in people and they will reward you back.
A study was done on a factory once and results were as follows.
A. Study labour productivity - observe results and benchmark
B. Replace furniture with new; desks and chairs. Turn lighting up => productivity goes up.
Then they reversed the test;
C. Maintain old furniture; turn lighting down and move workers into more restrictive space => productivity went up still, even more.
Study had real difficulty. Could not explain what was going on! Any answers ideas?
They questioned staff - what came about was unexpected.
The WORKERS felt special that so much interest was being taken in their work and they felt important.
Ahhh bless them all - isn't that sweet
Social habbits and responses difficult to teach or embrace but we are well behind in system and approach to a lot of things here in the UK.
As I have said - to me problem lies at the top not the bottom. Honesty, integrity and accountability are hard to find these days.
Smug, stuck up and pure personal interest is what is peddled with poor outcome.
I like the Muskeeters motto. One for all and all for one. We need to work as a team. Not as individuals. Together we are stronger, better and happier.
It is a frame of mind. It is one society. One goal. One body. One nation united in a common belief to try ones best always.
We need leadership that cares for us. Not one that whips us and tells us it is for our own bloody good.
Vote for me and I'll show you how it should be done.