Tell the truth.Who does/doesnt make consistent trading profits.R U even a net winner?


I'd be surprised if there were more than 12 - maximum (and 12's pushing it. I don't know who these 12 are or who they are not) T2W members present or past who make consistent profits from trading. (and i'm not 1 of the 12 - yet 🙄)

We all know the theory - R:R, risk per trade, discipline, waiting, patience, following the plan etc., we all talk the talk, but when it comes down to it, i dont think anyone is meant to succeed at trading.

We can all rationalise why a trade failed or succeeded. We may adjust our entry requirements as a result, only to see the new requirements fail, and the old requirements lead to a successful trade.

The point is, gaining consistency is virtually impossible, as price is far from consistent.

Trying to trade, watching the candles is like trying to capture an unnobtainable object. It is impossible as you are always in its shadow, one step behind. Ever tried catching a fly in your hand......its next to impossible as the moment it sees your shadow, its gone......

As for R:R - use S/R as targets - sure.........But how longs a piece of string??? knowone knows until after its been unwound....
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Sure, we can all wait for the VERY BEST setups, but are these even that different from a distinctly average setup?

They still lose, they can still hit your maximum SL, b4 reversing back into profit, leaving you behind.....

Regardless of timeframe, whether it be M5, H1, H4, dailies or weeklies.

I am a net winner. I started with £1000. I now have £2011 - but its been a long slog 🙄😆
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I would agree that there are probably very few successful traders on the site, but I don't think it's impossible to be a success at all. People say the same things about poker; nothing is certain, it's gambling, Aces can still lose to 27 blah blah, but I have made a consistent profit from the game, if I hadn't lost my love for poker I would probably be doing that for a living rather than starting all over again with trading.

It takes years, and years, and years though. I have been playing poker for 6 years now, and I was not consistently profitable (to the point where I could predict a monthly income) for at least the first 4 of those. There were times when I felt like I was just one of the guys who was doomed to fail, that I would never succeed.. but things fall into place eventually, if you give it your time and energy, and you really, really want it. Which I think you do.

Stick in there, and good things will happen.


back down to £1997. I have a concrete ceiling, and a paper floor around this £2000 mark. It has lasted for months!!
im in a similar boat to you. After making and losing a few grand ending up about break even, I buckled down with a new account of £400 (as seen in my journal) and it now stands at 2k. Obviously that's not much money and i trade part time in my luinch break and after work. This has taken me about 4 months at just 5-10p per point. I am yet to have a losing week, have had a few losing days.

As far as trading consistently fulltime with big stakes, Grey1 is the only person i know of who has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that he makes big bucks everyday from the market and has done for years and years. Lots of people just talk the talk.
im in a similar boat to you. After making and losing a few grand ending up about break even, I buckled down with a new account of £400 (as seen in my journal) and it now stands at 2k. Obviously that's not much money and i trade part time in my luinch break and after work. This has taken me about 4 months at just 5-10p per point. I am yet to have a losing week, have had a few losing days.

As far as trading consistently fulltime with big stakes, Grey1 is the only person i know of who has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that he makes big bucks everyday from the market and has done for years and years. Lots of people just talk the talk.

But thats poker.

I'm talking about trading.

we can all post pretty charts of trades that worked - whether or not we took the signals, or held out for the profit -

horizontal lines
candlestick patterns
a plethora of dazzling multi-coloured indicators etc etc

But r u just bullshi*ting us when you are trying to pass this off as = I AM A PROFITABLE AND SUCCESSFUL TRADER !!??

The trick with trading is to trade occasionally with a stratogy and use a sizeable amount of capital so that the returns are enough to keep you in beer, food and good women 🙂
As for a place to live, houses are cheaper than beer LOL
This is a very pessimistic post.

I will come forward and say that I AM consistently profitable.

There is no real way to prove this to you. You'll just have to take my word for it.

Right now I am having a difficult time and seeing a lot of gains on trades get wiped out by the churning in the markets.

Still, I consistently make more than I lose and as I have said, this is at a time which I consider, for me, to be one of the hardest that I have come across since I started out.

I used to think that gaining consistency was almost impossible until I joined my firm and I see traders that do it day in and day out. We've got one trader that hasn't had a down day in three years. What I have just written is not an exaggeration. This guy scalps the market each and every day and has not had a single down day in three years.

A few others that joined at around the same time as me (and that, unlike me, had NEVER traded before) spent six months on the sim and then went live six months back and have been taking between £500 - £3,000 on average, per day out of the markets, since then.

The consistency I have seen, first hand, in some traders, is nothing short of remarkable.

It can be done and it is done by many people.
This is a very pessimistic post.

I will come forward and say that I AM consistently profitable.

There is no real way to prove this to you. You'll just have to take my word for it.

Right now I am having a difficult time and seeing a lot of gains on trades get wiped out by the churning in the markets.

Still, I consistently make more than I lose and as I have said, this is at a time which I consider, for me, to be one of the hardest that I have come across since I started out.

I used to think that gaining consistency was almost impossible until I joined my firm and I see traders that do it day in and day out. We've got one trader that hasn't had a down day in three years. What I have just written is not an exaggeration. This guy scalps the market each and every day and has not had a single down day in three years.

A few others that joined at around the same time as me (and that, unlike me, had NEVER traded before) spent six months on the sim and then went live six months back and have been taking between £500 - £3,000 on average, per day out of the markets, since then.

The consistency I have seen, first hand, in some traders, is nothing short of remarkable.

It can be done and it is done by many people.

u mean closed position always in profit for 3 consecutive years? i wondered what about drawdowns they have or going through before closing trade?
Yeah it's poker, but it's very similar in terms of progression from being a novice to a consitently profitable 'professional'. I could tell you why, but I already did that in an article that no-one read 😀😀

Anyway, if it wasn't possible to be consistently successful, I doubt that the people in London's trading arcades would be able to afford to stay there longer than a month or two.. I personally know two who have been around for 2 years or more, so they must be doing OK.
u mean closed position always in profit for 3 consecutive years? i wondered what about drawdowns they have or going through before closing trade?

Yes, CLOSED POSITIONS. This guy doesn't hold anything for long. He is a scalper by definition. He is extremely disciplined. A few ticks against him and he will get out where he can. I don't know how big his intraday drawdowns are but obviously not so big that he can't finish the day positive. For three years on the stretch that is consistency.
But thats the point i'm making!!!

is he really????

or is it a game of "lets pretend".

that's why i mentioned grey1. He calls out live trades on a daily basis. He's even implementing something where you can actually see his screen and his automated system trading his live account. He doesn't charge a cent because he makes money fron trading.

As for people like spanish. He 'could' be lying. He provide screenshots of an apparent;y live account, but i guess they could be photoshoppped etc. There's not many ways of proving / disproving really. I personally think he is making the money he claims to
Yeah it's poker, but it's very similar in terms of progression from being a novice to a consitently profitable 'professional'. I could tell you why, but I already did that in an article that no-one read 😀😀

Anyway, if it wasn't possible to be consistently successful, I doubt that the people in London's trading arcades would be able to afford to stay there longer than a month or two.. I personally know two who have been around for 2 years or more, so they must be doing OK.[/QUOTE]

Some obviously do. These are the ones that got away!

were you into casino poker or online poker???