Thanks KC.
When KC started this thread it was to bring to your attention a free resource based on Price Action at Support and Resistance, capable of making 350 pips on an average day (sometimes less, sometime more) trading EU, Crude and Dow. My Trading Plan's target is somewhat less than this though, but it is a target I regularly hit.
Our only involvement is that we utilise this system as our method of trading (yes, I do know KC Tiger) and we will not benefit in any way from future sales. As this isn't our system neither KC Tiger nor I are qualified to answer specific questions regarding the system's dynamics.
So could I politely request that if you have any comments or questions relating to the system that you ask the author directly? Just follow the link to website and make contact via the comments facility. You can also make contact via email, Facebook or Twitter. Julie is more than happy to answer questions relating to PATe.
That said, if you are looking for a strictly mechanical system with hard and fast black and white instructions, then this system probably isn't for you. PATe is much more about recognising how Price Action behaves and acting accordingly.
Anyway, there are only three "rules", if that is what you want to call them:
Rule 1 - Sell when price is at the top of a trend
Rule 2 - Buy is price is at the bottom of a trend
Rule 3 - If in doubt, stay out
How to recognise where the tops and bottoms are is contained on the website, but are also in the PDFs I have made available, and takes a few weeks to become proficient at.