TA does/doesn't work thread with a difference.

Still yet to hear from TAers. Seems to me that a TA systems viablity is similar to that of a section bet or something.

Why does TA have to involve a system?
Can't TA just be used as a level to enter a trade from depending on your FA outlook or current bullish/bearish bias?
I suppose it's all a system of some sort but it doesn't have to be take every single tradeable area because of atr, adx this, divergence this, etc.
I agree, Sidekicker, apart from the levels bit possibly. I think that entry "levels" in the sense of round figures and points of interest have more to do with institutional buying/selling (or lack therof) rather than technical stuff. I think I suppose I see technical analysis as akin to the god of gaps theory is all.
I agree, Sidekicker, apart from the levels bit possibly. I think that entry "levels" in the sense of round figures and points of interest have more to do with institutional buying/selling (or lack therof) rather than technical stuff. I think I suppose I see technical analysis as akin to the god of gaps theory is all.

I mainly use SR to trade and although I might use a moving average occasionally, I only use the ones the "market" finds of interest like to 200DMA.

All these system based on indicators, short term scalping, etc. I don't see much merit in. However, there's clearly a lot of interest in things like volume, put/call ratios, commitment of traders reports, etc. that aren't incorporated into your standard indicators and this is where the big brains target their systems at.