T2W Upgrade Feedback Thread - Please post comments here

"Trust the Information Sources
No more wondering about the background of those answering your questions and providing information. Know who they are, what kind of experience they have, and even what they look like.

I'm speechless.
I just love the 'management technique' of treating your customers like imbeciles.

Bug indeed... 🙄

You have 'PC at CMC Markets' to thank for sorting out the 'bug', oh and maybe me as well for winding him up about it in the first place.
Of course its him, theres even a photo of him, the same one used on the following website

Guy Cohen Interview with Robin |

Well that truly is disgraceful. Utterly, utterly disgraceful. The man who sells systems using stuff like this this is a "high quality trader and market professional" in T2W's opinion is he?

"his 'secret box' is arguably ten times more powerful today than it was when he used it to make himself rich. I'm going to show you exactly how to get your hands on a specially updated version of his original plans and use them to make yourself a LOT of money ..."

"You see, while Nicolas's story became well known, his secret formula went with him to the grave ... until recently, when I decoded it."

My name is Guy Cohen, creator of the successful Illuminati Trading System ... but I'm not writing to you about Illuminati. I want to share something even more exciting.

When I launched Illuminati, I began to get letters from students who were making startling gains ... nothing unusual there ... but several of those letters also asked me if I had something quicker and easier than the full-blown Illuminati system.

"What I've been working on is a way of making money from the markets which is so quick, so simple and so profitable, it's almost immoral!"
So, by now you can imagine pulling-in £7k each month just by tapping a few keys on your PC! Around twenty minutes is all it takes - then you shut down the PC and get on with REAL life!

... you can decide how much money you want - and then make it in double-quick time. If you want more - no problem because this cash pile is HUGE

What I'm about to reveal is not the kind of thing that I would ever disclose in my books or seminars. This is a personal secret I've been using to build my own fortune on the quiet - and which I'm only going to reveal to a lucky few.

... suddenly right there on that screen, was a sure-fire way of making thousands of pounds, month on month, year after year ... forever!​

And on and on it goes. On and on and on and on and on and...well, it's one of those one-page monsters.

Can someone at T2W please explain why they think it likely that the person who wrote that stuff above is a successful trader? Can they also provide proof of this please? Bearing in mind that the stuff I have quoted bears an uncanny resemblance to so many trading system scams, I would imagine that they would have asked for and received proof of this person's claims before asking him to contribute to their book and describing him as a "high quality trader and market professional"?
I'm generally critical of T2W, I think the sites content is damaging and detrimental to new traders, and that the business has a deliberate adgenda of dumbing down.

However, I think its a bit unfair to judge the book without reading it. My understanding is that the principal author is John Forman who I know posts regularly both here and on a number of other popular trading sites. I have no idea if John is a profitable trader or not, but I have read his posts, and I've read his previous book.

Personally I think John makes an extremely positive contribution to this and other sites, the information he provides are always factual and acurate, and having read his book, there's nothing in there thats going to do too much damage. Whilst I wouldnt strongly reccommend the book I certainly wouldnt discourage anyone from reading it (and there's a whole bunch of trading books that I would advise people to stay clear of !)

The credability of the other "contributors" is perhaps in question, and with one or two exceptions they do appear to be a bit of a rogues gallery. There's a couple in there who although held in high regard cant trade for toffee, but I think they still have reasonable contributions to make.

I may be wrong, but its perfectly possible that the book is OK. It just seams a bit unfair to critisise the product without first reading it.
I'm generally critical of T2W, I think the sites content is damaging and detrimental to new traders, and that the business has a deliberate adgenda of dumbing down.

However, I think its a bit unfair to judge the book without reading it. My understanding is that the principal author is John Forman who I know posts regularly both here and on a number of other popular trading sites. I have no idea if John is a profitable trader or not, but I have read his posts, and I've read his previous book.

Personally I think John makes an extremely positive contribution to this and other sites, the information he provides are always factual and acurate, and having read his book, there's nothing in there thats going to do too much damage. Whilst I wouldnt strongly reccommend the book I certainly wouldnt discourage anyone from reading it (and there's a whole bunch of trading books that I would advise people to stay clear of !)

The credability of the other "contributors" is perhaps in question, and with one or two exceptions they do appear to be a bit of a rogues gallery. There's a couple in there who although held in high regard cant trade for toffee, but I think they still have reasonable contributions to make.

I may be wrong, but its perfectly possible that the book is OK. It just seams a bit unfair to critisise the product without first reading it.

Oh dear, has anyone actually looked at some of the other 'authors'? Kat Devlon is founder of Trading Goddess, warning the following scenes may cause distress to some viewers.

Trading Goddess Stock Market News, Commentary, and Analysis
More stuff from Guy:

Now YOU Can Use my Unfair Advantage to Grow Rich From This Secret Trading Signal

Sounds totally legit doesn't it? Just the kind of thing a "high quality trader and market professional" would say whilst flogging his latest system in between charging two grand (special offer: reduced to ONLY £999! Book now! Limited places!) for seminars.

You should all be cringing with shame.
Are you talking about the Mr Spreadbetting fiasco ?

Yes. That fiasco quite clearly shows the dangers of allowing T2W staff and "respected members" to independantly review vendor material.

Davie Robertson isnt even in the same league as most vendors, and if he can pull off a stunt like that, practically anyone can. On a more positive note, at least there where lulz aplenty.
Oh dear, has anyone actually looked at some of the other 'authors'?

They're described as contributors, rather than authors. I'm well aware of most of these charlatans (who wouldnt be, they are probably collectively responsible for 95% of the worlds trading spam)

I'll quite happily critisise Mr Sharky for lacking the foresight to realise the problems that he'd face by associating this rogues gallery with his product. I'll happily critise a couple of the contributors for being stupid enough to tarnish their reputation and credability by asociating with such a ridiculous project.

I'm just a little uncomfortable critisising the contents of a book that I have not read.
I may be wrong, but its perfectly possible that the book is OK. It just seams a bit unfair to critisise the product without first reading it.

That's fine, I take your point. I'm not actually criticising the book, I'm just wondering how certain people such as Guy Cohen were chosen, and what proof of trading success they obtained to counteract the obvious alarm bells that would be set off. You know, by things like his secret Nazi box system and the fact that he is only selling it to 89 lucky people who must have the qualities that Guy is searching for (presumably the ability to pay him £997 + VAT). And the fact that his website shows him sitting on a boat and doing something with a laptop on a beach.

I'm just wondering how certain people such as Guy Cohen were chosen....

That is a legitimate concern, and a perfectly reasonable question. Someone from T2W will no doubt answer. Its usually poor Tim who draws the short straw.
Upgrade feedback:
This site is now very slow due to the adverts.

Anyone know a good free advert blocker for IE?
You know when you visit your dotty old auny and from the moment you enter the house there's a terible whiff of pear drops ! - well, that's all I'm saying.
