I'm generally critical of T2W, I think the sites content is damaging and detrimental to new traders, and that the business has a deliberate adgenda of dumbing down.
However, I think its a bit unfair to judge the book without reading it. My understanding is that the principal author is John Forman who I know posts regularly both here and on a number of other popular trading sites. I have no idea if John is a profitable trader or not, but I have read his posts, and I've read his previous book.
Personally I think John makes an extremely positive contribution to this and other sites, the information he provides are always factual and acurate, and having read his book, there's nothing in there thats going to do too much damage. Whilst I wouldnt strongly reccommend the book I certainly wouldnt discourage anyone from reading it (and there's a whole bunch of trading books that I would advise people to stay clear of !)
The credability of the other "contributors" is perhaps in question, and with one or two exceptions they do appear to be a bit of a rogues gallery. There's a couple in there who although held in high regard cant trade for toffee, but I think they still have reasonable contributions to make.
I may be wrong, but its perfectly possible that the book is OK. It just seams a bit unfair to critisise the product without first reading it.