nobody cares about the book?
Ads are one thing, but using the whole site as a front for the sale of their book?
Care isnt perhaps the word I'd use. I'm sure the book is no better or worse than most other trading related books, and the price is probably fair enough.
They have to make money somewhere, and a book is as good an idea as any other (particularly if they didnt actually have to go to the trouble of actually writing it !)
Most books are useless, and on the balance of probability T2W's book is probably equally useless, but most people need something to get them started, so I dont see why they shouldnt get their snouts into the trough. You have to be realistic, if you have a member base of almost quarter of a million members, it would be unrealistic not to expect them to try to sell something to those members (I know 99% are either non active, multi nics or vendors but the principle still applies)
If people think the books OK, it'll get reccommended, if the books crap it'll get slagged off, and they wont sell many. It'll probably get pirated anyway before too long. Clearly, if they where to abuse their position and falsely promote the book that would be cause for concern, but there's no evidence of that as yet.
Equally, if fair critisism of the book is surpressed in favour of the sites commercial interests, then that would be cause for concern, but its not happened yet.
Having not read the book, or even being likely to read it, I wouldnt really like to comment further, it might be a cracking good read, or it might be part of the wider dumbing down adgenda.