New T2W Website - What's New & Feedback Thread

Just a heads-up, I've needed to add what's called an MPU advert (squarish - 300x250) to the forum threads for logged in members (we normally only show this for guests) it shows on the 8th post of the page (15 posts per page). With all the changes to the site, including loss of the homepage, and the impact on SEO caused by the move to https and the switch from vBulletin to Xenforo; we're way down on our ad commitment this month. Apologies if it bothers you, but the ads do pay the bills and keep the site free for all, and I've always tried to keep them as unintrusive as possible

just seen this ............will have to think about it .......cheers N
Aww yes, posted about it yesterday. I'm not a fan either tbh but it's the default ad placement within the thread.

How about if it appears outside the post box but still in the same position? I think that then makes it clearer there's no association with the poster - which is the biggest issue.
hey S ...i totally understand the commercial issues and pressures ....sure that would help ...thanks !
ok will do

also are the link backs working .....i cant seem to get back to my links in signature area ?

still doesnt seem to be sending people to those link pages s ?
hey sharky do we see how many and who is viewing our thread ?
ok no worries ...i reloaded the links on my signature page and works ok now


Cool, glad those updated links are working, I'm still checking to see if old links to specific posts can work, but I suspect not. It's just the links to threads and thread pages that will redirect correctly. In your honour, I've added the right arrow smilie, so your footer looks the business - it's actually fairly easy to add new ones, so if anyone has any requests just let me know

hey sharky do we see how many and who is viewing our thread ?

So, Db asked the same question recently, it's not offered out of the box, although I can install a plug-in to do it. I'm just a bit weary of doing so as it increases risk of problems when upgrading the software, more chance of incompatibilities. But if folks are really keen for it then we roll it out.
So, Db asked the same question recently, it's not offered out of the box, although I can install a plug-in to do it. I'm just a bit weary of doing so as it increases risk of problems when upgrading the software, more chance of incompatibilities. But if folks are really keen for it then we roll it out.

It's not a big deal. Or even a small one. If one is desperate to know who's reading his thread, he can always click "Members Online" and see who's doing what.

Got it working, sorry about that.. I think it was my fat thumb from yesterday 😵

hi Sharky,

Congrats on the new forum. hope its all that you expected and hoped for.

On the threads, is it supposed to show all other users viewing the thread?
I cant find the bit at the bottom that shows other members viewing.

If the
hi Sharky,

Congrats on the new forum. hope its all that you expected and hoped for.

On the threads, is it supposed to show all other users viewing the thread?
I cant find the bit at the bottom that shows other members viewing.

Thanks trendie, I'm actually really pleased with it. I think the Xenforo software was definitely the right choice and by starting from a clean site, development-wise, it's going to be much easier to maintain and improve. For example, whilst there are a few features like listing out who's viewing a thread that aren't supported out of the box. It's easy for me to add these with add-ons that have been created (if enough members request it, I just want to be more selective over what features we pile on, primarily for maintainability and security); we'll also keep up with all the latest development in the main forum software, there's a big release due out shortly with some nice new features baked in; there's one that enables easy bookmarking of your favourite threads, that I think will be of real interest to members.
If you start to write a reply, then decide to abandon it, the reply doesnt get cleared.

for example, I was going to write a reply to a thread, and decided to not reply.
however, when I went back onto that thread, I noticed my previously abandoned text remained.

do we need to manually clear the text box?

*** This text added after I hit "New Posts", clicked on another thread, then came back to this one.
*** The abandoned text remained.
How does one go about indenting a portion of one's post (the old software had indentation options alongside the alignment options)?

If you start to write a reply, then decide to abandon it, the reply doesnt get cleared.

for example, I was going to write a reply to a thread, and decided to not reply.
however, when I went back onto that thread, I noticed my previously abandoned text remained.

do we need to manually clear the text box?

*** This text added after I hit "New Posts", clicked on another thread, then came back to this one.
*** The abandoned text remained.

So just checked and the way it's setup is to save a draft of what you're typing every 60 seconds, and then stores the draft for 24 hours. It's configurable so it could be save less or more frequently and stored for less or more time. I think it's a neat feature, we've all had the computer or browser crashed mid-post, and this solves that problem. If you want to delete it then I assume you just have to remove the text and wait 60 seconds to make sure it's updated.
Enjoying the new site but missing being able to add a comment to “likes”.