Following on from our last get-together earlier in the year, I suggested that we should all arrange to meet up again in September.
Following from the comments from previous attendees, it sounds like the venue (and the food and drink!) seemed to please everyone.
As a result, I would like to suggest that we all meet up again on Friday September 3rd at 7.30 pm. at the same venue.
If we get the same numbers (or hopefully even more) we can book the private room again.
As a reminder, the venue details are...
Indian Cavalry Club
3 Atholl Place
Edinburgh EH3 8HP.
It is a good quality Indian restaurant which is reasonably priced (around £ 30 per head for 2 courses, beers and coffee). It is also centrally located (near Haymarket Station).
Although it seems a long way off, 3rd September is about 7 weeks away (sufficient time for option time erosion to start kicking-in!)
Please e-mail me directly if you would like to attend again. We especially welcome new attendees.
The atmosphere is casual, and it is purely a get-together to meet other like-minded traders, discuss issues / experiences and generally have a good night out.
Whether you are an abosolute newcomer to markets, spreadbetter, forex trader, option trader, futures trader, or just plain curious, do come along.
The sooner you can e-mail me, the sooner I can make the necessary arrangements!