T2W Scotland Social

Airthrey Capital

Well-known member
Its that time again to start considering the next T2W Scotland get-together!

As Christmas is a fairly busy period for everyone (visiting families etc), I was looking to consider January as the most appropriate date.

Perhaps 7.30pm Friday 14th January?

This will be the third time we have got together, and as the formula has worked so far, with more people attending the second than the first, perhaps we should stick to the same venue at the Indian Cavalry Club restaurant in Edinburgh?

I know some people were unable to attend the last get-together, so hopefully you will be able to make the next one.

This is just a social gathering which ultimateley centres around trading-related chat. Don't worry if you are new to trading / spreadbetting or which markets you trade...everyone is welcome, the more the merrier. Typical cost for the dinner is about £30 per head.

Please let me know if you would like to attend. Alternativeley let me know if a different date would be more suitable.