T2W Scotland Meeting

If anyone can CONFIRM that they can attend a get-together on Saturday 1st May at 7.30 pm at the Cavalry Club in Edinburgh then send me a pm.

If there are sufficient numbers, then I will book a table / private room, and confirm that the event is on.
The following have said that they can make Saturday 1st May at 7.30 pm at Cavalry Club (Indian) Restaraunt, Edinburgh...




Flier Dave





Spreadbet (please confirm yes / no)

I have booked a table for 10 people. (we will be in the main dining area, not private room)

The booking is under the name Blairlogie.

Address of Restaraunt is

3 Atholl Place

Telephone number of Cavalry Club is

0131 228 3282

If you would like my mobile number, please pm me.

If your name is on the above list and you CANNOT make it, please pm me immediately.

Look forward to meeting you all on Saturday 1st May at 7.30 pm.
Just a quick reminder of the above event tomorrow evening (Saturday)

Could add an extra 2 people....

PM me if you want to come and your name is not on the above list.

See you all tomorrow.
See you there

Also please post if this is cancelled etc as i will check before i set off.

Otherwise see you there.

Thanks to everyone who turned up to the social on Saturday.

I found it very useful and interesting to meet up with fellow Scottish traders, and above all was impressed with the array of different markets / trading styles covered, ranging from CFD'S futures, options, forex etc, not to mention the techy experts!

Hope you all equally found the get-together useful.......If so, perhaps we can arrange another after the summer is over...September time perhaps?
And a big thanks to you for organising it Blairlogie!

It was fascinating to hear others' tales and experiences, the time just flew by. Great grub too! But what probably left the biggest impression on me was that 3 out of the 7 present were actually trading for a living. Personally I haven't met anyone before who trades full time, without also coaching or running courses etc. - I think that's amazing for such a small group of us.

Another get-together in September definitely sounds good to me.


PS. Now this would probably have been a private message if I could have found the icon for 'pm' on this new version of T2W ...

Yip...........good gig Blairlogie, with a dispatches mention for: Taz - "good food guru guider"

Have been taking lessons from worlds, outside of trading.........today saw a little snooker (volume turned off) and "pocketed" a few Dax points with improved positional play.

Rearden, Rearden.................Who is Rearden, who is John Galt??


Rearden??.............of course! - Rearden Metal links to: John Galt. A good link on a good day.

Sometimes that happens.
Good evening out

Thanks to Blairlogie for organising this, it was interesting to meet everyone and hear of their experiences.

Look forward to doing it again sometime, September sounds good to me.

If anyone has any questions for me technical or otherwise then feel free to get in touch by PM etc, can't promise to solve everything but i am a qualified Microsoft Systems Engineer so should have a bit of an idea.