T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

Where are the following nationalities to be found at T2W?

Americans, Africans, Mexicans, Central Americans, South Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, Singaporeans, Hong Kong-ese, South-East Asians, Indians of India, Chinese, Japanese etc.,? .......... not talking about just one or two, rather it ought to be significant numbers.

Use ET as the comparison model = America, the true International Country and at ET they coexist beautifully and come from even remote regions like Borneo in numbers - their English might not be good but nobody at ET gives a rat's ass, they are all welcome.

Another factor: Americans don't even see who is Brit and who is not - all nationalities are the same and count for zip, its all one level playing field - unlike HERE

T2W = Brits, Brits, Brits and only Brits = a sinking ship = a dying breed = racing toward extinction
T2W: Existential Crisis: FOYER

Coffee-shop talk (Foyer) as a "stock" is accelerating at breakneck speed compared to the 2 leaders, Trading-Forum & Forex-Forum. At current bull-market growth rate TRADE2WIN will become "TS2W" (Talk-sh*t-2-Win)

Foyer is now almost 60% of Trading forum & 70% of Forex forum w.r.t. Thread-count

Foyer is now almost 90% of Trading forum & 60% of Forex forum w.r.t. Message-count

See quote in detail. it sucks. Wake up!
Yeah, I can. The question, "Existential crisis: what is this forum for?" can be rephrased a multitude of ways, all roads leading to Rome, like a wave fractal can be handled by the same rules on any timeframe

Is the forum dropping so far behind EliteTrader that a name change is imperative, T2L
Is the forum so clogged up with political correctness that it is disappearing up its own ah?
Is the forum so shallow that most traffic goes to the FOYER and the ET is criticized for its vile Politics forum?
Is the forum the last place on Earth for a newbie to ever find a trader who will put out even a chart for cryin out loud?
Is the forum guaranteed slow death for any newbie who comes in looking for nuggets?
Is the forum loaded to the hilt with Chromium 6, a cancer causing agent? Not yet but its getting there.

None of the above. Not even close.

What is any Trading Forum supposed to be about? What did they start out as back in the 1990s? What have they turned into today?

These are not irrelevant questions and I predicted what would happen to the vast majority of Online Trading Forums many years ago.
T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

Where are the following nationalities to be found at T2W?

I am Human. Neither a nationality or a socially engineered label. Just a Human and none of my ancestors had Neanderthal DNA/RNA. None of my ancestors descended from Hominid. They were fully Human. So, the concept of nationality came hundreds of thousands years after some of my first Human ancestors worked this earth.

However, I think your OP title is a good one. One that I intend to elaborate on in the not so distant future and in a way that should prove to be quite revealing of the truth.

Use ET as the comparison model = America, the true International Country and at ET they coexist beautifully and come from even remote regions like Borneo in numbers - their English might not be good but nobody at ET gives a rat's ass, they are all welcome.

ET, was spawned by a unethical, unprincipled and completely disingenuous individual by the name of Baron, who lived in Florida, ran his business (ET) out of a strip mall mailbox and failed to pay his primary residence property taxes to the point where his house was foreclosed and sold at auction by the IRS.

Baron, also collaborated with FXCM to release personal and private information about FXCM Customers on his forum, EliteTrader. Or, shall I say, EliteFaker. This was BEFORE the latest ET transformation of ownership/management and before FXCM was banned from every doing business in the United States ever again as a Retail Forex "Broker."

How do I know? That's merely one (1) of a number of hot topics I'll be elaborating on in the not so distant future.

T2W = Brits, Brits, Brits and only Brits = a sinking ship = a dying breed = racing toward extinction

Since the advent of Commercially Bucket Shop Market Maker funded and sponsored Retail Trading Forums emerged on the scene, they have all had their respective drawbacks. T2W has not been without its drawbacks.

And, this gets to the heart of your question: Why do Online Trading Forums Exist and to Whose Benefit Do They Serve?

I'm going to answer that question outright in the not so distant future.
Welcome to trade2win inflexionFX......

Why do I feel this is going to get real interesting ?

I am Human. Neither a nationality or a socially engineered label. Just a Human and none of my ancestors had Neanderthal DNA/RNA. None of my ancestors descended from Hominid. They were fully Human.
You've got my attention! So if not you're descended from a hominid....don't leave us in suspense!
ET, was spawned by a unethical, unprincipled and completely disingenuous individual by the name of Baron, who lived in Florida, ran his business (ET) out of a strip mall mailbox and failed to pay his primary residence property taxes to the point where his house was foreclosed and sold at auction by the IRS.
It's good that you're a fan🙂
Am very interested in all your points, please do follow up soon!
My feed shows post 290 from Nov 2019, and then posts 301-306.
Wondered why T2W seemed so quiet and genteel recently.
I had someone on ignore! (34 guesses who. No, make that 55.)
My feed shows post 290 from Nov 2019, and then posts 301-306.
Wondered why T2W seemed so quiet and genteel recently.
I had someone on ignore! (34 guesses who. No, make that 55.)
Freedom of choice can occasionally be a boon...