I'm afraid to say that you're quite wrong about all of us Brits being politically correct (PC). Many veterans of this forum have little or no time for this 'woke' nonsense whatsoever, me included. I suspect you may be confusing being PC with being polite, reserved and self deprecating. As generalisations go, there is some truth to this and it certainly applies to many members of T2W. Needless to say, this is in stark contrast to self opinionated, loud mouthed, know-it-all members from across the pond who we tend to find rather tiresome and boring. And there you have it: proof - if proof were needed - that us Brits aren't half as PC as you think we are!
Gotta thank you fellas kindly though for the stunning education you have afforded me. You see, there was much I did not know about your Empire prior to my arrival here at T2W - basic stuff, sure but not the real blood and guts and glory too. I got it all now as there is no better student than Fibo.
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Saturday Essay: Is Britain becoming Third World, or are we already there? - The Conservative Woman
Saturday Essay: Is Britain becoming Third World, or are we already there?