T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

I'm afraid to say that you're quite wrong about all of us Brits being politically correct (PC). Many veterans of this forum have little or no time for this 'woke' nonsense whatsoever, me included. I suspect you may be confusing being PC with being polite, reserved and self deprecating. As generalisations go, there is some truth to this and it certainly applies to many members of T2W. Needless to say, this is in stark contrast to self opinionated, loud mouthed, know-it-all members from across the pond who we tend to find rather tiresome and boring. And there you have it: proof - if proof were needed - that us Brits aren't half as PC as you think we are!

Gotta thank you fellas kindly though for the stunning education you have afforded me. You see, there was much I did not know about your Empire prior to my arrival here at T2W - basic stuff, sure but not the real blood and guts and glory too. I got it all now as there is no better student than Fibo.

I'm afraid to say that you're quite wrong about all of us Brits being politically correct (PC). Many veterans of this forum have little or no time for this 'woke' nonsense whatsoever, me included. I suspect you may be confusing being PC with being polite, reserved and self deprecating. As generalisations go, there is some truth to this and it certainly applies to many members of T2W. Needless to say, this is in stark contrast to self opinionated, loud mouthed, know-it-all members from across the pond who we tend to find rather tiresome and boring. And there you have it: proof - if proof were needed - that us Brits aren't half as PC as you think we are!

In June 1957, Eric Griffith-Jones, the attorney general of the British administration in Kenya, wrote to the governor, Sir Evelyn Baring, detailing the way the regime of abuse at the colony's detention camps was being subtly altered.

From now on, Griffith-Jones wrote, for the abuse to remain legal, Mau Mau suspects must be beaten mainly on their upper body, "vulnerable parts of the body should not be struck, particularly the spleen, liver or kidneys", and it was important that "those who administer violence … should remain collected, balanced and dispassionate".

Almost as an after-thought, the attorney general reminded the governor of the need for complete secrecy. "If we are going to sin," he wrote, "we must sin quietly."

Hanslope Park, where the secret archive of colonial papers was held ................ What better place to bury thousands of documents from former colonies than one of the government's most secure facilities?

My my my, look Father, just look at the hypocracy .................... compare my sins of using the "F" word, calling a member a clown, using the phrase "vaginal effluvium" = crimes so huge as to warrant BANNING permanently

........................ to those outlined above.

I'm a bloody Saint and Martyr 🙂🙂😗😗

The most egregious sin of T2W IMHO is naming itself Trade to Win but there are no or few actual trades. 99.99% of what I have seen here are trades that no broker on any planet would pay on as they are all done in hindsight


Burn the place to the ground or SELL it to me for 5 bucks. I'll fix this craphouse in a jiffy
Hey guys, I'm off to the beach now.

In the event I get axed let me remind you I had a great time here, nowhere near as much fun as at ET but FUN nonetheless. I got a lot of work done and took my market skills to a much higher level. this is why I love a forum, my tradinga nd analysis improves big time. Had I been allowed to stay I figure in a year I'd be double capable than today but this luxury will not come my way.

So if later I cannot log in, I wish you all best of luck in Demo trading, love and hugs and best wishes to all with one special observation about a fellow named cantagrill .................. grill-a-cant ...... holy tamale the implications of that .... ROFLMAO

Its a goddamn joke McQueen for cryin out loud 🙂 😗
Where do you find the time to write so much in so little time?
Where do you find the time to write so much in so little time?

2019 is the year of putting an overall/overview TRADING/INVESTING course together for my personal friends and for myself to review (not clients, I don't take paid clients nor am I bothered with a trading school or any such business).

The stuff I've written here and at ET is already printed on a daily basis by helpers in a foreign country and held for me. The 2nd and 3rd prints will be after sorting out the posts into relevance wherein posts on any one instrument will be in sequence.

I had expected to be done by December along with the BEAR market well underway. But the BEAR has not really gotten going yet and the threat of BANNING will cut short the rest of the work, which I might have to do Long-Hand (not fun)

So, even though there's been fun and frolic, it really has been non-stop WORK. I don't have an outside job, TRADING/INVESTING is ALL I do.

No more forum for me as after ET its all downhill with T2W being as close to the bottom as one can get, but there are others that are at bottom - no desire to go there. So it ends here.
Where do you find the time to write so much in so little time?

Another way to look at it:

T2W poster, NVP has 50k posts over 5 years (or is it 500k?)

I can get to 2k to 3k posts in under one year and be DONE, DONE, DONE

That's just the way it is with everything I do.
When Trendie was a boy he was just as bad as Fibo

Little April was not the best student in Sunday school. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, "Tell me, April, who created the universe?" When April didn't stir, little Trendie, a boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pin and jabbed her in the rear. "GOD ALMIGHTY!" shouted April and the teacher said, "Very good" and April fell back asleep.

A while later the teacher asked April, "Who is our Lord and Saviour," But, April didn't even stir from her slumber. Once again, Trendie came to the rescue and stuck her again. "JESUS CHRIST!" shouted April and the teacher said, "very good," and April fell back to sleep.

Then the teacher asked April a third question. "What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?" And again, Trendie jabbed her with the pin. This time April jumped up and shouted, "IF YOU STICK THAT F*****G THING IN ME ONE MORE TIME, I'LL BREAK IT IN HALF AND STICK IT UP YOUR ARSE!" The Teacher fainted.
trendie was a disengaged Sunday school student, and whiled away the mornings thinking about how many pins he could stick in the head of an angel.

trendie was never going to go to heaven. (sigh)
Been with T2W many years, off and on.
It used to be a bit of a bustling place, lots of great ideas, people, huge volume of activity.
Seems to have died down over past couple of years.

Could be me. I am no longer a wide-eyed newbie looking at everything with wonder.
I know what I am doing, found my niche, plodding along at my own pace, understand my own mind, and my method.
(if Fibo asks, say I am a losing trader!)

Most of the threads are mostly political threads. Nothing wrong with that. I like a good bit of meaty banter, as background chatter.
Some long-standing trade-focussed threads: NVP, FTSE Futures thread, Point and Figure (I like that one, but not entirely sure about its intention. Again, thats me, not them) Delta thread is being maintained mostly, but less and less.

But, its mostly become a bit of a backwater. Am I missing something?
Are all the cool kids hanging out elsewhere?

What is T2W today? What is its remit, focus, and which niche is it aiming for?
Done trading, got my pips.
Off to climb the Wrekin. Full moon light being washed out by sun. Lovely. Serene. Back for lunch.

They banned SOCRATES, it's been downhill ever since.
They banned SOCRATES, it's been downhill ever since.

Agreed 100%
. I just read some of his posts. Thanks for mentioning his name. Outclasses the current core engine of T2W in spades. Will read some more later but thus far it sure as heck does appear that he was banned primarily for his sense of humor - this graveyard will not tolerate such - combine that with American and you have a DEATH wish.

Nice job, Sharky, kill 'em all. Hiring McQueen will facilitate and take BANNING to new heights. Giving McQueen a gun combined with victims being unarmed and you have a cakewalk to Heaven.

T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

Get on the wrong side of a cop here and it don't matter whether you are unarmed - if he don't like you he'll use a shotgun even if he has a pistol. And its considered no big deal to shoot down Americans on sight unless they keep their mouth shut and stick their ass out invitingly and dish out Likes like there's no tomorrow

Thus far Fibo is the only fellow who never has and never will dish out a single LIKE at T2W or ET. Why? Because it is the stupidest shit I've ever seen - a bunch of schoolgirls. this, by itself could get me banned.

From experience we know cops are generally dumbphucks, but give a guy with an IQ of 90 a gun! Holy Sh*t we are in a new level of Hell.

Death #3 awaits Fibo
Fibo showing his true colours - what a cry baby! Stop whining about the mods you pussy - you're still here posting ffs... 🤣
They banned SOCRATES, it's been downhill ever since.

See new_trader post #66, 74
See Socrates post#15, 20, 21, 33 here

new_trader posted this .................. a concept that nobody at T2W or ET gets. He therefore scores a straight 10 (1-10) in Fibo's book. The post is so good that if a fellow were to get its depth he would understand FIBO's Axiom#x instantly ...... "you are totally responsible for the condition you are in"

new_trader posted this
You know just as well as I do that people can claim and profess anything they want about their trading in a public forum. Displaying book learned knowledge is very different (and easily detectable) from "battle hardened" or battle experienced knowledge. Posting live trade calls gives credibility to a claim and you don’t see much of that taking place.

Both new_trader and Socrates pass Fibo's entrance exam test. All the rest are booted out of T2W ..... thus far.
Fibo showing his true colours - what a cry baby! Stop whining about the mods you pussy - you're still here posting ffs... 🤣


behold the guy who takes me in and out of Ignore, just can't get enough ..................

check out the extent Fibo got to this non-trader ...................
  • #38 Sometimes curiosity gets the better of me and I click 'Show Ignored Content'. My God! It's like peering into the padded cell of a Lunatic and watching him smear excrement all over himself.🤢
in the thread, dig this, about a fella here who wanted to cut off his own balls and asked for advice and was encouraged to do so

with the content users like fibo produces no wonder t2w is in a decline
Fibo showing his true colours - what a cry baby! Stop whining about the mods you pussy - you're still here posting ffs... 🤣

Let's see now, shall we? 🙂

Whining? haha, far from it. You should call it a fight with the coward cop McQueen who sends me an alert filled with threats and shuts down all replies = hit and run. You should actually credit me with kahunas galore for I am going up against a cop loaded with a shotgun in open forum - can get banned in 1 second flat - better to get banned than to suck up to some low IQ armed to the teeth prick who abuses his power.

But wait, it gets better .................................. let's leaving the arena of Trading for an ogonblick and have a good look at McQueen vs Fibo in just one other arena ......................

McQueen works on the nuts and bolts of Aircrafts - its his profession
Fibo designs the aircraft both aerodynamically and structurally and propulsion-wise that McQueen labors on. But wait, it gets better .... everything McQueen can do with the nuts and bolts, Fibo can too because of intense practical training in the 3rd year of Aeronautical Engineering.
But wait, it gets better: McQueen and Fibo go to visit Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. The door flies open when they see Fibo and the upper managers and design heads flock to take him to lunch and ask, "who is your friend Fibo?" Fibo answers, "He is my chauffeur and mechanic"

But wait, it gets better ........................ The chauffeur wants to ban the designer who was invited to work on the space Program but decline instead going out into the world for a profession as a Sales Closer.

Compared to either one of us, i.e McQueen or I, Dowser could at best lick our bums and relish it
