T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

I've only been here since May 6. 😗😗😗😗

T2W was in decline for decades

And I'm the only one posting live trades

Go figure

But wait, there's more. I'm the only one of 4 people willing to produce full trading records for a decade (even 1 year is fine)
Imagine that: at a supposed trading establishment that calls itself Trade 2 Win, nobody got the balls to prove it

I think T2W is the best forum on the entire web. Plenty of intelligent chat and banter about a whole range of subjects.
Keep up the good work team and kick Fibo the troublemaker off permanently imho. His views stink and don't even have a bit of humour. Obviously absconded from some secure institution and should be returned there.
Get your ass in the ring Dowser - live trading contest right here. Live means real-time.

(I can already see your rear end puckering up with my hand on the chain.

Come into the ring with Fibo, chump. It will all be cleared up quickly.
I think T2W is the best forum on the entire web. Plenty of intelligent chat and banter about a whole range of subjects.
Keep up the good work team and kick Fibo the troublemaker off permanently imho. His views stink and don't even have a bit of humour. Obviously absconded from some secure institution and should be returned there.

Do a live trade against me and the opposite will be found to be the case. YOU consider the trading game of the S&P500 at T2W to be the real thing. Jesus H Christ, its a fckin DEMO trading for cryin out loud.

Even with you on Demo and me on real money you still would not come close to beating me even with your 400% leverage included in the stupid T2W game of fake trading.

Want to go head to head with Fibo?

Step into the ring, Rosy. I'll take Dowser along with you, make it a twofer.

Get your ass in the ring Dowser - live trading contest right here. Live means real-time.

(I can already see your rear end puckering up with my hand on the chain.

Come into the ring with Fibo, chump. It will all be cleared up quickly.

I'll skip the EurUsd for the simple reason that nobody on planet Earth can come within even a thousand yards of me in trading this instrument. Will also skip UsdJpy, GbpUsd, GbpJpy and go instead with even obscure ones. Her's one that I'm just working on recently to add to my List, EurGbp. Gbp is your currency. Let's go with this one, you have the Edge here

What do you say, Dowser? 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
fibo The Foyer is 'Off-topic chat about anything non-trading related ' no one gives a fck about your decade of trading results
with the content users like fibo produces no wonder t2w is in a decline

Another London boy!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Whew! they're everywhere. Supposed to be an international board but wtf are the Japanese, Chinese, Indians, et al? Why of course they are at ET, a true international board. Just this one thought alone .......... existential title

Just one lone American can bugger 'em all. What does that say about Brits here? I'll tell you what it says

(1) If war broke out between UK and USA, the latter would send in Alabama to get the job done

(2) Comparing the UK tothe USA is akin to comparing a frog's p*ss* to the Panama Canal
fibo The Foyer is 'Off-topic chat about anything non-trading related ' no one gives a fck about your decade of trading results

Figures! Real results don't matter = UK in decade long BEAR = country a fckin toilet = with your thinking. Back when the Empire was great, they would put the likes of you in front of a firing sqaud and shoot your ass to bits. You see, when the UK was great it never did tolerate stupidity and such ineptness that's tolerated and condoned her at T2W.

You don't trade whether its in the trading forum or foyer hardly matters. You couldn't take out a burger out of a take out stand - but here you hide behind anonymity and get away with it. In a one on one with Fibo, I'd have you down to your underwear in under 3 seconds and slap you silly
the only perma bear mkt is you voice fibo

If you are referring to my BEAR call, oh yes absolute I would agree with you. I am not happy that my Call is not materializing as quickly as I expected and called it. But, have a closer look at the Dow Jones. Its at about the same level I called the TOP on January 2018. Think about that for a second ........................ 2 years sideways it has gone nowhere - an investor's money would be stuck in there earning nothing but churning and churning. Instead mine was out and placed in the Euro/Dollar trading up and down as currency trends are huge and one trade can go on for months or a year or more.

So, even though I have not gotten the fruit of my BEAR call yet, the market has not gone anywhere, theerfore the right thing to havedone is the action that poster Signalcalc has taken, which is to extract all money from market and trading and go to the sidelines and relax and keep powder dry for when prices really drop he can take advantage of the deflationary aspect and get rich when this crap is all over.

Peace brother 🙂 trade, trade, trade. While talking to you in this thread and with the others, I'm monitoring my trades on the other monitor - dig this, while enjoying rapping with you deadbeats (I do thoroughly enjoy it) I'm up $24k in total for ALL open positions in just this one trading 36 hour period and this after closing a couple trades that paid huge.

This is what you get when you love your trading, your profession - youget to do it in a multitasking way - talk shit with deadbeats while the money pours in
They banned SOCRATES, it's been downhill ever since.

S was a little abstract at times but a legend......T2W is a very friendly place and I wish more newbies realised that......perhaps a few,of us could get together and really focus on advice to beginners for a few weeks to encourage people back in

We also need to make sure any really consistently toxic members are banned .....otherwise newbies do get quickly discouraged and won’t stick.....I’ve been banned before temporarily and accepted my slap but in truth cannot ever recall behaving in the manner of some here these days

Let’s do this !

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S was a little abstract at times but a legend......T2W is a very friendly place and I wish more newbies realised that......perhaps a few,of us could get together and really focus on advice to beginners for a few weeks to encourage people back in

We also need to make sure any really consistently toxic members are banned .....otherwise newbies do get quickly discouraged and won’t stick.....I’ve been banned before temporarily and accepted my slap but in truth cannot ever recall behaving in the manner of some here these days

Let’s do this !


>>>>> perhaps a few,of us could get together and really focus on advice to beginners for a few weeks to encourage people back in <<<<<<


You and your gang have already been doing this and look where its gotten your T2W = gutter 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

If I ran this outfit I'd send YOU and your gang of approx. 30 to Iraq and really put you to good use.

>>>>>> I’ve been banned before temporarily and accepted my slap <<<<<<

Bloody Hell, you getting banned is akin to miss-goody-2-shoes being told off. Not possible. If a nice goody like you gets banned wtf are my chances of survival? 😗

No Sir, a total overhaul is needed. And its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo EEZY

All the owner has to do is have the mods throw sewage on all TRADE POSTS that are vague and lack precise Entry/EXIT in real time within 1-4 minutes of execution. Then give me full authority to publicly tear the offender a new one on the spot.
things will change FAST FAST FAST.

WE will start getting live trades galore with the glittering or loss of money. The losers will split, the winners will stay and continue. Then watch how the newbies come in droves.
Fibo showing his true colours - what a cry baby! Stop whining about the mods you pussy - you're still here posting ffs... 🤣

Mods totally ignored this comment by Dowser but keep telling me the rule here is do not abuse member(s) - unless the abuse is directed at Fibo., then its totally UK OK

#38 Sometimes curiosity gets the better of me and I click 'Show Ignored Content'. My God! It's like peering into the padded cell of a Lunatic and watching him smear excrement all over himself.🤢

Note of interest to those who study SENTIMENT of the HERD: Only Fibo can drive somebody that crazy - see clip

T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

to get your kicks before the whole sh*thouse goes up in flames. see video clip Nowhere on Earth can one find a LaLaLand such as this one. Lost souls. Gotta start the clean up from rock bottom. Reverse Trend will happen.

Or sell this shithouse to me for 5 bucks, I'll fix it fast

perhaps a few,of us could get together and really focus on advice to beginners for a few weeks to encourage people back in

Let’s do this !


You and the 30 are the cause of the malaise so pls let's NOT do this. Otherwise if you continue in the same vein, you are breaking your guru, Tony Robbin's (your God) precept, "doing the same thing you've always been doing and getting wronger than wrong, yet this time expecting a different result"

Instead let's sing together and party about how low your HOUSE has sunk. Perhpas then you might decide to do a complete overhaul from scratch

T2W Siren song:

When the music's over
Cancel my subscription to the resurrection
Send my credentials to the HOuse of Detention

At 9:47 in video get a load of what the maelstrom at T2W feels like to me - and I don't belong to this group, never have, most likely never will - but I can own it easily and kick all the bitches out. don't even need any of the advertisers as I have my own plan to make it a successful non-profit - which means for a fckin change the trader gets the girl not as currently the SHARKS come in to feast on the sure shot victims pouring in daily. Yeah baby, Fibo can do this but only if its all in my name and the deadbeats are thrown out on their asses.

At 11:36 in video behold the hum at Fibo 61.8% of the majestic 3rd wave rocketing higher with Fibo driving this ship. It would be a spectacular 3rd wave. Third waves are known for their depth, majesty and sheer horsepower. And 3rd waves of this type are LONG duration because we are speaking on the monthly and quarterly timeframe since its a business, non-profit notwithstanding

Get a load of what that 3rd wave would feel like with Fibo driving this car called T2W at 11:36

Behold the race that was slaughtered by the Brits outclass their crucifiers in every aspect and will ilkely be the next superPODER

T2W Brits here don't even believe in God - Devil can slide in easily and take the reins and this is what it looks like has happened at T2W. Fibo would have God guide and when barriers become insurmountable, would put the weight on him - HE always delivers

Check out the question this guy asks. Bloody outstanding people.

How God works precisely you have the formula her in music form - never fails except when death at a forum is involved 🙂 😗

Praying to God when you get a project underway and its a bitch, rough, tough, fckin hard but you slog thru'

0:56: you put the weight on me

1:46: When it gets too much for me, when it gets too much, much too much for me, I'll do the same thing that you do - I'll put the weight on YOU. I'll do the same thing that YOU do, I'll put the weight on you

Socrates was a little abstract at times but a legend......

Your Munificence, I have now read quite a few of Socrates posts.

Here's the bottom line: Singlehandedly he could replace YOU especially and all the core 30 old lions of T2W with a ration that is infinity becasue your gang operates in the negative column unanimously, whereas HE operates in the an upper logarithmic positive level

Compared to your boring, sleepyass, asine, hovine, bovine shit this is what Socrates posts feel like:

And HE got banned? And they kept you? ROFLMAO

Shaft these bit*ches and bring the boy, Socrates back with full privileges and have the core 30 wash his bum with coconut oil for a week
And I repeat .................

Trendie is a good boy. Ditto for Signalcalc. Ditto for ssam. Ditto for Atilla. Ditto for Des (Rufus_Leakey), ditto for Trader333. Ditto for new_trader. Ditto for counter_violent. If I missed anyone it will come to me later.

just 8 cats, 9 if you count Socrates.

burn the rest to the ground
