System sellers on T2W?

Why was SOCRATES ridiculed and banned?

Ah, well it wasn't before my time 🙂 so I can add a bit.

Socrates made some very valuable contributions but his style was such that he attracted supporters and critics in equal measure and very much polarised at the extreme ends of the love/hate scale. He did not suffer fools gladly and gave his critics short shrift in a way that was often as rude and insulting, if not more so, as the way those critics had acted. A moderators nightmare it was 🙄

As time progressed Socrates became less and less inclined to post anything of constructive value and more and more inclined to make pretty rude and insulting posts about members and what they had to say. He persisted in this despite several warnings until it all became too much and he was banned.

. . .I dont contribute anything of value, my posts attract practically no interest. . .
One member's perception of value will be different to the the next, but I can hold hand on heart and look you in the virtual eye and say that I think you most definitely have contributed content of value and your posts do attract interest!
One member's perception of value will be different to the the next, but I can hold hand on heart and look you in the virtual eye and say that I think you most definitely have contributed content of value and your posts do attract interest!

This is the problem isn't it.

I won't be happy if zuppy forces himself into a corner and gets the chop...neither will I be happy when all the morons claim that mods are abusing their position...and I very definitely won't be happy when others offer their support and tell me what a great job I did getting shut of xyz.

The internet forums need sparring partners, challenges, different only mirrors real life after all said and done.
well I know nothing about the history of this site, past bannings, or past members. I have no loyalties here, no affiliations, no axe to grind. But seems a lil weird, to me, that of the 41 posts the above-quoted member has made so far...

25 of them have the word "Socrates" in them, and 23 are in purple, which (unless I have misunderstood) is something of a purple rag to a bull to some of the longer-standing members.

So far Ive seen 10, of 41, that fall into neither category. For the statisticians among us, I should clarify that those are not exclusive groupings, and may well include quotes by the poster of their own previous remarks. Equally, who tf can only quote themselves to support their own position?

I can't help feeling that any Athenian philosopher truly worth their salt would know enough about human nature to understand that being arrogant and patronising is not the optimum way to transmit their wisdom.

As Socrates himself would say (no, not that one, the real one)..."True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us."

Something that ccclarette658 would perhaps benefit from considering.

Just a thought.

As you explain your motive is my benefit I shall be exceptionally considerate and help you. Yes, there are many references to SOCRATES. As a newbie trader you would do well to take advantage of the four thousand posts written by a truly expert trader. Another truly expert trader who could also predict the movement of markets months in advance removed his posts when he was disrespectfully treated by the collective membership. I do not quote his posts as it seems to be his wish not to share his knowledge with the membership here, hence the deletions. His intellectual property must be respected. SOCRATES did not choose to remove his wisdom even in the face of mistreatment. I regret to inform you that there are few truly expert traders who have made substantial contributions worth quoting to newbies.

Arrogant and patronising are perceptions. They are also emotive descriptions. There is no need to attach any emotion whatsoever to anonymous comments on a bulletin board. The information is either of benefit to you or it is not. In the latter case two possibilities exist: the post is devoid of useful content or you are not sufficiently aware to understand and benefit. You state that this is not the optimum way to transmit wisdom. You do not consider from your frame of reference that very few are entitled to benefit from this wisdom, and those who let ego prevent them from having realisations demonstrate through their conduct that they are not yet suitable to progress.

Consider this: would you prefer to have vacuous generalities masquerading as helpful advice and presented in a supplicating manner or the objective facts concerning an extremely demanding profession presented correctly? Venturing to contradict the majority popular opinion, and from a position of personal success and expertise, and in an arena apt to stimulate emotion due to the involvement of money, and in purple - is likely to cause those who have not mastered their egos to take personally what is not personal.

If you try to put your attention on certain posts and the messages being communicated, rather than exclusively the attitude you ascribed to the poster, you may have some beneficial realisations. I assure you that none of this is nonsense.

As Socrates himself would say (no, not that one, the real one)..."True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us."

An apt comment. From a beginner, who has committed capital and is running multiple positions in markets she does not understand while seeking advice from unknown entities on a bulletin board...the irony is delicious.

I will ask a question: what benefit, if any, is derived from running an unproven strategy with capital in a live market as opposed to testing a hypothesis in a simulation account?

I will preempt the common reason given for this behaviour: that trading involves emotions, and you cannot simulate emotions in a simulation account. However this tests two unknown variables: the efficacy of the method used to select and manage trades, and the emotional aspects. With both being unknown how can you determine the effects of either?
There are many who see this as something to be proud of...a bit like an asbo...badge of honour.🙂

Oh well...crack on!

Real traders don't really want the cons on forums trying to market their wares in every non commercial thread.These traders pride themselves with such badges of honour ,simply because theses types of forums have no benefit for the good traders.

Great trader "I was banned from that scam site and forum , it is an honour , sir"

There are also trolls who get banned from every internet site.
hi ccclarette

your answer, as requested.

As a newbie trader you would do well to take advantage of the four thousand posts written by a truly expert trader.

No argument with that. I would, and shall.

Arrogant and patronising are perceptions. They are also emotive descriptions.

indeed they are. However, that doesn't invalidate the point. Perhaps you will allow me to restate it for greater clarity, and with your view incorporated.

"A rudimentary understanding of human nature would suggest that posting in such a manner that the readers feel patronised and perceive the poster as arrogant is likely to lead not to the professed desire to inform and educate, but to a strong and sometimes hostile response."

You asked why Socrates was ridiculed, and I replied. I stand by that assessment.

I wholeheartedly agree with your premise that "objective facts concerning an extremely demanding profession" are of far greater value than "vacuous generalities masquerading as helpful advice".

Are you thus suggesting that it is impossible to "offer objective facts from a position of personal success and expertise" in such a manner that the recipients don't "take it personally"? Or taken to its ludicrous conclusion, that anyone offering advice in such a way is ipso facto spouting "vacuous generalities"? My point remains that it must surely be possible to combine offering expert advice with an approach that takes account of the fact that you are dealing with other people, and with the frailties of ego that that of neccessity entails.

Moving on...

From a beginner, who has committed capital and is running multiple positions in markets she does not understand while seeking advice from unknown entities on a bulletin board...the irony is delicious.

There is no irony in my using that quote, ccclarette. I used it in direct reference to what seems to be your limited understanding of, and patience with, the vagaries of human nature, so again, I stand by it.

However, if you are suggesting that the same point can be made about myself and trading, then I freely concede it to be true. I do not claim, have not claimed, and am not now claiming, to have so much as scraped the surface of trading, and appreciate that it will be a very long time before I have, despite my current commitment to it. And yes, I have committed around 10 days' salary to a live account, and am running multiple positions of £10-£15 per trade. However, the "unknown entities", as you describe them, are fast becoming "better known", and I am very grateful to the ones that have taken the time, and the trouble, to help me further, both privately and in my journal. They know who they are, and that they have my heartfelt gratitude, respect and appreciation. ALL of them.

I will ask a question: what benefit, if any, is derived from running an unproven strategy with capital in a live market as opposed to testing a hypothesis in a simulation account?.

To answer this, I could refer you back to my journal, but instead I'll repeat what I said when I was asked this question once before.

There is no benefit. Because of the way I began my trading journey, I had a live account before I knew that such a thing as a simulation account existed. I fell for what has been described by another poster as "a slick marketing operation" which duly skinned its mark (me) and moved on, leaving me with the most rudimentary understanding of trading and a live account with beer money in (just £1,000). In light of the fact that that was my starting position I have let that continue, while committing no further funds and trying to learn what I can, treating it as a demo account.

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Yes, there are many references to SOCRATES. As a newbie trader you would do well to take advantage of the four thousand posts written by a truly expert trader.

4,000 posts; hundreds of which were for a thread about options - Which, after investigation the trades were found to not exist according to official time/sales data ...

Why would an expert trader lie about his trades ? He wouldn't ...

I find it strange that you would call yourself an 'expert trader' ...

So i have for thee a new speculation ?

ccclarette658 is either

NewTrader loved soc, and even copied his purple font.

If you are socrates; talking about yourself in 3rd person is what a douche-bag would do.
I'm sure he committed some technical misdemeanour that was used as the final excuse, but the underlying reason was that he was banned because he told the truth.

It may be purely coincidental, and I wouldnt wish to jump to conclusions, but the start in the decline in the overall quality of posts did start to occur shortly after Mr Socco's departure.

I was informed last week by the site's founder that I also will banned. I will be no loss to the site whatsoever, I dont contribute anything of value, my posts attract practically no interest, and I can appreciate why he's taken that decision. Mr Socco however was different in practically every way, and I cant help but think the site perhaps shot themselves in the foot. I'm in no doubt that Mr Socco's presence probably caused an increased workload for the mods, and 1001 problems behind the scenes, but it was probably a price worth paying.

SOCRATES was banned because his posts only benefited the absolute minority whereas the majority want trading systems, magic formulas or levels for their pretty coloured lines. I am still in the game after 5 years and getting better everyday thanks to the advice of SOCRATES and he never, ever, ever, asked me for any money whatsoever. Everything, yes, everything is known and planned in advance. And there you have it!
4,000 posts; hundreds of which were for a thread about options - Which, after investigation the trades were found to not exist according to official time/sales data ...

Why would an expert trader lie about his trades ? He wouldn't ...

I find it strange that you would call yourself an 'expert trader' ...

So i have for thee a new speculation ?

ccclarette658 is either

NewTrader loved soc, and even copied his purple font.

If you are socrates; talking about yourself in 3rd person is what a douche-bag would do.

Why would he use Sharky's handle ?Trolling this site?.He recommends the new trader posts .😆

Why do the deranged old farts keep coming back to troll and disrupt threads?I gather Socrates was banned for being disruptive and his nicks do exactly the same.
Why do the deranged old farts keep coming back to troll and disrupt threads? Banned for being disruptive...

Amazing how banned posters always come back, can you imagine being banned from this place and having such a lack of dignity that you'd be positively itching to come back asap...? :whistling
Amazing how banned posters always come back, can you imagine being banned from this place and having such a lack of dignity that you'd be positively itching to come back asap...? :whistling

Big impressive handles like Socrates i.e the learned one ........., New trader ....Impression of a new trader ....following the master i.e Socrates.There has to something wrong.

Just the handles give the game away.👎
Big impressive handles like Socrates i.e the learned one ........., New trader ....Impression of a new trader ....following the master i.e Socrates.There has to something wrong.

Just the handles give the game away.👎

🙄 Oilydaytrader, either you are incredibly stupid, or, you are implying that the moderators of this site are (It can be both of course, but it definitely can’t be neither.) SOCRATES is SOCRATES, I am me (new_trader) and not someone else and someone else is not me. If you can prove otherwise then please apply to become a moderator of the site and do something about it, otherwise, keep your mouth shut, that way at least I only think you are fool.
🙄 Oilydaytrader, either you are incredibly stupid, or, you are implying that the moderators of this site are (It can be both of course, but it definitely can’t be neither.) SOCRATES is SOCRATES, I am me (new_trader) and not someone else and someone else is not me. If you can prove otherwise then please apply to become a moderator of the site and do something about it, otherwise, keep your mouth shut, that way at least I only think you are fool.

Let us talk about your master i.e Master Socrates.

Firstly by using the handle of a famous intellectual, Socrates is truly proving to us ,that an ordinary bloke is trying to express himself.

Secondly , if he was any good as a trader,he wouldn't need to send all his nicks to talk for him.The forum excluding trolls would speak for him.

Thirdly if he was any good as a trader , he would not need indignity and visit forums.

The markets are about greater fools.

Moderators are like like Game wardens in a zoo.Why would I want to become a moderator when I enjoy posting at liberty.😆That would take the fun out of the game.

Let us talk about your master i.e Master Socrates.

Firstly by using the handle of a famous intellectual, Socrates is truly proving to us ,that an ordinary bloke is trying to express himself.

Secondly , if he was any good as a trader,he wouldn't need to send all his nicks to talk for him.The forum excluding trolls would speak for him.

Thirdly if he was any good as a trader , he would not need indignity and visit forums.

The markets are about greater fools.

Moderators are like like Game wardens in a zoo.Why would I want to become a moderator when I enjoy posting at liberty.😆That would take the fun out of the game.


Yes, good traders don't waste their time posting in forums. I no longer think you are a fool 😆😆
I'm sure you know what you're on about. Do you think I invested with wasp or something? I thought everything was known is advance, pizza boy?

Not that I'm not interested in any investment where I might get a return. But I can still work out who to follow, unlike you.

5 years on, at home with mum on permanent nights - we'll not be following you, eh?


5 years on, at home with mum on permanent nights - we'll not be following you, eh?



The way you ‘spontaneously’ appear whenever I post would suggest otherwise. Seems to be only you and me keeping this thread and me....I once had a lot animosity towards you the blades but no anymore, now I just pity you. The constant slander directed at me highlights the bitterness and envy festering inside you, probably over the fact that you didn’t get anything meaningful out of SOCRATES’ posts and I did.

I'm sure you know what you're on about. Do you think I invested with wasp or something? I thought everything was known is advance, pizza boy?

Not that I'm not interested in any investment where I might get a return. But I can still work out who to follow, unlike you.

5 years on, at home with mum on permanent nights - we'll not be following you, eh?



Are you are still here looking for people to follow? Let me warn you and other innocent people like you who might fall victim to a charlatan again:- The fruits of your success will be in direct ratio to the honesty and sincerity of your own effort in keeping your own records, doing your own thinking, and reaching your own conclusions. There is no need to remain bitter about losing your money to a charlatan, just be careful next time someone in here promises you trading riches by investing with them, OK the blades? I don't want you to be a victim again. Maybe you should try learning to trade on your own merit and hard work for a change? Stop looking for the easy route the blades, I know you can do it if you try. Good trading to you and remember to keep your stops tight.

Kind regards
new_trader 🙂
The way you ‘spontaneously’ appear whenever I post would suggest otherwise. Seems to be only you and me keeping this thread and me....I once had a lot animosity towards you the blades but no anymore, now I just pity you. The constant slander directed at me highlights the bitterness and envy festering inside you, probably over the fact that you didn’t get anything meaningful out of SOCRATES’ posts and I did.

Are you are still here looking for people to follow? Let me warn you and other innocent people like you who might fall victim to a charlatan again:- The fruits of your success will be in direct ratio to the honesty and sincerity of your own effort in keeping your own records, doing your own thinking, and reaching your own conclusions. There is no need to remain bitter about losing your money to a charlatan, just be careful next time someone in here promises you trading riches by investing with them, OK the blades? I don't want you to be a victim again. Maybe you should try learning to trade on your own merit and hard work for a change? Stop looking for the easy route the blades, I know you can do it if you try. Good trading to you and remember to keep your stops tight.

Kind regards
new_trader 🙂

Those who invested with wasp are well known on here. It's well known I wasn't one of them. Suggesting otherwise makes you look like a twat, but in your case there's nothing risked there.

I'm open to any way of making money, including my own. Eggs and baskets and all that. Or in your case, pizza's and boxes. Perhaps that's why I choose if and when I work, and you live at home with mum and work permanent nights.😆

Those who invested with wasp are well known on here. It's well known I wasn't one of them. Suggesting otherwise makes you look like a twat, but in your case there's nothing risked there.

I'm open to any way of making money, including my own. Eggs and baskets and all that. Or in your case, pizza's and boxes. Perhaps that's why I choose if and when I work, and you live at home with mum and work permanent nights.😆


Following me the blades? I'm flattered. Why do you keep coming back to this thread every time I post? Here is another trading tip, which is the real reason you follow me - Make sure you maintain patience and discipline when trading, OK?

Now, there is no need to get bitter and nasty about things. Until her tragic passing a little over 1 year ago, my mother lived alone around 10,000 miles away from me so you better work on some new slander.

Oh, I see now, your mob ringleader, commander-in-chief, duped others here out of their hard earned money, but not you, no, you didn’t lose anything. That makes things much clearer.