Stock and other asset class picks

' ...The meek shall inherit the earth...' But don't the Brave retain the mineral rights ?

The bravest always make the most money, it's whether you see this current bearish market as just a bearish market or are there cheap buying opportunities for the time scale I have in mind, 3-5 years ?


As long as you buy the right stocks...'cheap' is relative.
I agree with N_T.

I do see the attraction with penny stocks but I'd rather be buying a $30 stock than a 30c stock.
At one point BOA share price jumped 25% on news of Buffet's intervention...

Dear Mr. Buffett,

Have you considered LLoy as a future purchase, I commend them highly..... Lol

At one point BOA share price jumped 25% on news of Buffet's intervention...

Dear Mr. Buffett,

Have you considered LLoy as a future purchase, I commend them highly..... Lol


Blimy, if he's getting involved, things must be really bad !😆
At one point BOA share price jumped 25% on news of Buffet's intervention...

Dear Mr. Buffett,

Have you considered LLoy as a future purchase, I commend them highly..... Lol

You should be ok, stewart, if you're still holding. 'er indoors has today put our house and furniture into play @ .227. It's either a last desperate move to overtake me in this year's trading stakes (she not used to losing 😀) or that annoyingly sound instinct of hers has twitched.

Hi Jon

I'm still holding a 3-5 yr term from 47p, 32p and like you 23p now...

I must admit though just instinctively I prefer my trading to 'invsting' Lol...let's hope er indoors is right !


You should be ok, stewart, if you're still holding. 'er indoors has today put our house and furniture into play @ .227. It's either a last desperate move to overtake me in this year's trading stakes (she not used to losing 😀) or that annoyingly sound instinct of hers has twitched.

Right - I'm going to throw my hat in the ring in what is my first longer term trade for ages...

Company is called VOCUS Symbol : VOCS

They've been hammered recently for buying another company for $170M but the reaction is overblown.

in at $12.68 on Thursday. 1000 shares initially.


I'm not going to pretend I can catch the bottom here but I will add more if we see $8.


This isn't one of those 'going out of business' drops it's more of a 'what the fnck did you pay that much for' drops. :clap:

Anyway - flame away...

Anyway - flame away...

You should be toasted and buttered -- it's clearly going lower!

The shape on the chart is reminiscent of the moments before a final push lower, as though one were just inserting his toast in the proverbial toaster. You're about to be cooked. I believe it will bottom around there for a good while to make you sweat. I suspect that just when you're about to pull out manually, it'll pop back up on its own as these things tend to happen.

So maybe it's a little burnt on the edges, but it still looks like a good trade to me. I'd stick to it unless the toaster malfunctions and you can't get it back up. Then you'll just have to bite the bullet and pull the plug.

Good luck!
You should be toasted and buttered -- it's clearly going lower!

The shape on the chart is reminiscent of the moments before a final push lower, as though one were just inserting his toast in the proverbial toaster. You're about to be cooked. I believe it will bottom around there for a good while to make you sweat. I suspect that just when you're about to pull out manually, it'll pop back up on its own as these things tend to happen.

So maybe it's a little burnt on the edges, but it still looks like a good trade to me. I'd stick to it unless the toaster malfunctions and you can't get it back up. Then you'll just have to bite the bullet and pull the plug.

Good luck!

So, in other words, it looks like it might go down and then go back up but it looks like it is a good trade unless it proves otherwise...Great analysis VielGeld!
You should be toasted and buttered -- it's clearly going lower!

The shape on the chart is reminiscent of the moments before a final push lower, as though one were just inserting his toast in the proverbial toaster. You're about to be cooked. I believe it will bottom around there for a good while to make you sweat. I suspect that just when you're about to pull out manually, it'll pop back up on its own as these things tend to happen.

So maybe it's a little burnt on the edges, but it still looks like a good trade to me. I'd stick to it unless the toaster malfunctions and you can't get it back up. Then you'll just have to bite the bullet and pull the plug.

Good luck!

You might be right or you might be not. I try not to pick bottoms -disgusting habit, really....

This could be a "I loved it at $13, I really love it at 5c" trade of epic proportions... 😀
Eh, for serious, just going by the chart that looks like a premature entry to me.

The stock also didn't fully recover from the Aug volatility, and then promptly sold off on bad news. Not a good sign to me.

Assuming it's going to go back up, then I would have waited a bit longer. But since this is a longer-term trade, it may not matter as much -- you can average down until it finds a bottom. That's assuming there's no bankruptcy, of course.

Then again, I've no exp. with how stocks move, only currencies, so it may not apply. We'll see.
Eh, for serious, just going by the chart that looks like a premature entry to me.

The stock also didn't fully recover from the Aug volatility, and then promptly sold off on bad news. Not a good sign to me.

Assuming it's going to go back up, then I would have waited a bit longer. But since this is a longer-term trade, it may not matter as much -- you can average down until it finds a bottom. That's assuming there's no bankruptcy, of course.

Then again, I've no exp. with how stocks move, only currencies, so it may not apply. We'll see.

OK - let me explain...

The chart had nothing to do with me entering this trade. At the point I decided to buy VOCS, I had not even looked at the chart.

In fact, at the point I decided to buy VOCS, I was not at my computer and not even at home.

This was not an attempt to buy the bottom. We all know value has very little relationship to price in the short term. Good luck to anyone that buys it at a lower price. I may well do that myself.
Earnings this evening from VOCS - price is still not much different from my entry - up about 50c or so right now.

The evening might give you all some great potential for lulz...
Hmmm nice to see a longer term thread pop-up, discussion around fundamentals can be little more interesting than arguing about patterns,

I personally am very interested in European distribution company CEDC. If anyone wants to get up to speed with this name here is a blurb I wrote for investors when we bought some of their bonds a few weeks ago.

*** NEW Trade Idea CEDC 8.875% 16s***
The bonds popped 5pts on Monday after the "strategic alliance" with Russian
Standard was announced, easing immediate liquidity concerns. We expect further
upside as real money reassess the name and other banks turn credit positive.

Further Catalysts
- Management inadequacies have dogged this name in the last few years. The
addition of Roustam Tariko is a major positive given his success in developing
Russian standard into the number one premium vodka brand (50% mkt share).
- RS could own 28% of CEDC equity. Also, RS has a right of first refusal on
any proposed transfer >25% of stock owned by William Carey. Credit +ve as
may signal an eventual resignation of Carey and RS' appetite for more stock in
the co.

Much of the immediate strength in the name has arisen from the easing of
liquidity concerns as RS has injected cash to repay the 2013 convert. The only
players have been fast money (short covering) and the street (fading the rally).
Possible strategies:
- Waiting for Q1 (May 10th) in expectation of more weak numbers and buying the
- Buying now to catch the real money upside as managers reassess this
traditionally weak name
- Averaging in over this period of bond volatility and Q1 earnings May 10th

"Unfortunately" (for my future position) equity rallied around 15% today.

I shall be looking to add risk with equity after Q1 numbers. Really hoping for an absolute dog

Welcome educated Qus
I should add that I am and will be hedged against macro. Probably the Dax on the equity trade.

It's difficult to profitably call relative value, don't make it harder by throwing in 1mm+ more variables
OK - so VOCS news was good and the first trading day after the announcement and we are now at $14.90.

We dropped from the mid $20's in a week when they bought iContact. The results were ahead of expectations, price is rising, analysts are coming out of the woodwork fluffing it up.

Not much to do but see how it plays out. The volume is still not great. There could easily be a tree shake.

It may sound silly but my target is $20 - almost 60% gain... I'll reassess this in a week when the reaction to the release has played out.

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