Hello All!
Well it seems that we have a bit of a handshake going on between pboyles and oldoneleg. Peace between you. Maybe pboyles hit a nerve and may have saved you a lot of money. My feeling is that a lot of good has come out of this forum and its made SOM stand up and take notice. So my hats off to everyone and all we want is a fair shake in making a profit in the market. I realize that all investments have risk and rule #1 is Don't invest money you can afford to lose! I don't really think that SOM is a scam like many others you read about because they do have licenses and contracts with Astra and are visibly a company. what I don't understand is if they wanted to go public, why didn't they manage it properly and issue the shares accordingly? If I lost money from the price going down then it's the risk of the market, but i feel i didn't even have a chance and that's what bothers me the most. I invested what I could afford to lose. When it was over 3 Euros, I thought finally I got a winner. Then, as it dropped it made things worst knowing I could have made a huge gain but helpless. Most of you probably feel the same. I give it a bit of hope now and I didn't start the forum to hurt the stock but to give what happened some clarification and make it know some of the promises we keep getting from IR but no results. More honestly and transparency from the company. The same as any other public company. Financial reporting, Good PR, responsive IR which they seem to be improving on. This started out a promising investment that went sour. Hopefully there are lessons to learn before it goes under. If they get things in order, I may let my contrarian belief take over and buy more shares, but not til there's proof in the puddin!